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Turkey Urges No Vote In US On Armenia Genocide

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Nov 5, 2009
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ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Turkey this week feels more threatened by a few U.S. lawmakers than it does by its neighbors or alleged coup plots or even Kurdish militants.

Turkish politicians fear if a U.S. congressional panel recognizes the World War-I era killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as genocide, that would not only damage ties with its longtime U.S. ally but hurt U.S.-led efforts to help Turkey end a century of enmity with archrival Armenia.

Ahead of Thursday's vote at the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, Turkey issued blunt warnings urging the Congress to "act with responsibility," and its lawmakers lobbied in Washington against yet another resolution on the stinging issue.

This time, however, they do not have the U.S. administration on their side.

Past U.S. administrations have defeated similar resolutions through public cajoling about U.S. national security interests and behind-the-scenes lobbying. So far, however, the Obama administration has taken no public position on the measure and President Barack Obama said as a candidate that he believed the killings were genocide.

A positive vote would allow the resolution to be considered by the full House. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said she will wait to see the committee result before deciding whether to bring it up for vote.

At stake is friendly U.S. ties with Turkey, NATO's sole Muslim member, which is a key supply route for U.S. troops in Iraq. Turkey is also a symbolically important member of the U.S.-led coalition forces in Afghanistan, even though Turkish forces only patrol the Afghan capital and do not fight the Taliban, fearing a backlash from Muslims.

Armenian-American groups have sought for decades to get the U.S. Congress to call the killings genocide. Historians estimate that up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by Ottoman Turks around World War I, an event widely viewed by scholars as the first genocide of the 20th century.

Turkey denies that the deaths constituted genocide, saying the toll has been inflated and those killed were victims of civil war and unrest.

"A symbolic issue could cost cooperation between Turkey and the United States," said Ilter Turan, a professor of political science at Istanbul's Bilgi University.

In 2007, when the House Armed Services Committee passed such a resolution, Turkey promptly recalled its ambassador, and U.S. officials feared the Turks might cut off American access to a Turkish air base essential to operations in Iraq. After intensive lobbying by top Bush administration officials, the resolution was not considered by the full House.

Turkish leaders now also warn that a positive vote would also threaten a landmark agreement with Armenia, signed in October under the auspices of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. The agreement envisaged the two neighbors establishing diplomatic ties and reopening their shared border.

"Turkish-US relations are experiencing their most successful period in history," Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Tuesday. "I hope that they will not be damaged by such initiatives."

"I maintain trust in the leadership and common sense of President Obama, who has been closely following efforts toward the normalization of ties with Armenia," Erdogan added.

It was not clear if the Jewish lobby, which extended a crucial hand in stopping past resolutions, would rush to Turkey's help this time. Erdogan angered many Jews when he accused Israel of "inhumane" treatment of Palestinians.

Turkey Urges No Vote In US On Armenia Genocide - CBS News
United States does seem to be getting into a lot of scrapes with its own allies, isn't it?
Some times American enemies get more perks

500million for taliban fighters then any ally
The ghost of Abdul Hamid II will continue to haunt Turkey, but they need to come to terms with it. Deep rooted ethnic tensions need to be addressed. Denying a genocide is not the way forward.
Turkey ruled south eastern europe for 500 years. They went up to thegates of Vienna twice. How many people there are now Muslims. During Turkish wars with Russia and their retreat from Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, former Yogoslav countries, Georgia, etc. millions of muslims (both truks and local muslims) were forced to leave those areas. This was also ethenic cleansing and genoside.

Turco-Russian wars of 1870s, Armenians actively supported Russian side as they did during WWI. Should a state fighting for its survival be beneficial to traiters?

Why they should be apoligetic
Most likely it will be a no go on this Genocide issue the current U.S. administration likes to keep ties intact and to a degree in good terms with Turkey.
Turkey ruled south eastern europe for 500 years. They went up to thegates of Vienna twice. How many people there are now Muslims. During Turkish wars with Russia and their retreat from Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, former Yogoslav countries, Georgia, etc. millions of muslims (both truks and local muslims) were forced to leave those areas. This was also ethenic cleansing and genoside.

Turco-Russian wars of 1870s, Armenians actively supported Russian side as they did during WWI. Should a state fighting for its survival be beneficial to traiters?

Why they should be apoligetic

genocide of Armenian people was a crime,its similar like holocaust of Jews by Nazis..but i cannot understand is whats its relevance after 92 years and also when turkey Armenia relations are going good?

Nobody is innocent in this world. Best way for two neighbours is to leave the past and look to the future.
It would be best if ANCA stopped pushing for this bill and put all the resources into Artsakh and Armenia while unifying the large Armenian Diaspora scattered around the world and channeling their support into a single force focused on our priorities.
There will other way later to put to rest the spirits of the innocent victims who cry for justice.

The following Pakistani article does a fairly a good job of describing the events:

Armenian genocide: Millions killed and forgotten
Posted by Ahmed Aziz

On December 24, 2010, the United States once again avoided diplomatic difficulties with a Nato ally, Turkey. The House of Representatives ended its term by not putting forward a resolution recognising the genocide of the Armenians by the Ottoman Empire during World War I. This resolution is unlikely to be passed by the Congress in the next term because the next house speaker, John Boehner, does not support it.

According to the Independent, supporters of the resolution had high hopes for it to be passed before the term ended because the outgoing speaker, Nancy Pelosi, had previously supported the resolution.

Turkey is an important ally of the US in the Middle East playing a supporting role in the Iraq War and has helped the US in the past on other war fronts. Turkish governments have always denied the death of 1.5 million Armenian Christians as genocide, blaming it on general anarchy and civil was at that time. However, historians term it as the first holocaust of the 20th century, of which documentary and photographic proof also exists.

Genocide roots in the Ottoman Empire
Within the Ottoman Empire, the Armenians were generally concentrated in the eastern provinces. According to the Dhimmi system in the Ottoman Empire the non-Muslims were subjected to over-taxation and limited legal freedoms. Generally referred to as infidels or unbelievers, they were not considered equal to Muslims. Testimony of a non-Muslim against a Muslim was not admissible in court and their houses could not be higher than their Muslim neighbor’s.

Initial massacres took place under the rule of Sultan Abdul Hamid II in the late 19th century. These were called the Hamidiyan massacres in which, according to different historians, 80,000 to 300,000 Armenians were killed.

In 1908, the monarchy had collapsed after the Young Turk Revolution and by 1913 the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), Ittihad ve Terakki Jemiyeti, emerged at the head of the government in a coup. The CUP had an extreme Turkish nationalistic ideology and was mainly controlled by Enver Pasha, Minister of War, Talat Pasha, Minister of the Interior and Grand Vizier in 1917, and Jemal Pasha, Minister of the Marine.

The resettlement program
I will not go deep into political background of the genocide which occurred during World War I but one of the basic reasons behind it was Ottoman insecurity that the Armenian Christian subjects will support the Russians pushing on in the eastern front of the war. Some historians also credit it to the policies of the government to create a unified and pure “Turkish state.”

In the spring and summer of 1915 Armenians all around the empire were ordered to deport under a fictitious “resettlement program.” Convoys consisting of hundreds of thousands of Armenians from different parts of the empire started towards the Syrian Desert. These convoys were basically death marches because most of the people were subjected to torture, rape and slaughter during their painful journey towards the desert. The government did not make any plans for the provision of food and water and thousands died of starvation and disease. Some evidence of a primitive form of gas chambers also exists, where women and children were put into a cave and the entrance of the cave was set on fire, suffocating the people inside the cave.

The forgotten holocaust
A new “Special Organisation” called the Teshkilâti Mahsusa, was formed as a tool for extermination. Approximated two million Armenians lived in the Ottoman lands in 1915 but by 1918 an estimated 1 million had perished and by 1923 a negligible number of Armenians were left in main Anatolian Turkey.

Photographic and documentary evidence exist of the extermination of the Armenian race from the Ottoman lands.

This Genocide the forgotten holocaust because it was over-shadowed by the killing of the six million xxxs during the World War II by Nazi Germany and generally people really don’t know about it. It is ironic because while persuading his associates that a xxxish holocaust would be tolerated by the west, Adolf Hitler said the following and he was right:

Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?

Events of such magnitude cannot be explained in one article so for readers who are further interested in knowing about what took place in the Ottoman Empire during that time, should have a look at the following:

1. Great War for Civilization: The conquest of the Middle East – By Robert Fisk (Chapter 10)
2. Subjects of the Sultan: Culture and Daily Life in the Ottoman Empire – by Suraiya Faroqhi
3. The Knock at the Door: A Journey through the Darkness of the Armenian Genocide – by Margaret Ajemian Ahnert
4. A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility – by Taner Akçam
5. Survivors: An Oral History Of The Armenian Genocide – by Donald E. Miller and Lorna Touryan Miller
Armenian genocide: Millions killed and forgotten – The Express Tribune Blog
It would be best if ANCA stopped pushing for this bill and put all the resources into Artsakh and Armenia while unifying the large Armenian Diaspora scattered around the world and channeling their support into a single force focused on our priorities.
There will other way later to put to rest the spirits of the innocent victims who cry for justice.

The following Pakistani article does a fairly a good job of describing the events:

Completely biased article. Early Turkic tribes came to Anatolia n 1071 and Turks lived with Armenians about 900 years. After that suddenly all Ottoman Turks go mad an decided to kill Armenians ? If we wanted to commit genocide we had 900 years to do that.

Those armenians dead because they allied with russians in ww1 and attacked turkish soldiers and villages. Thousands of Turks also died because of this.

Armenians started to upgrade their side of story. And ofcourse they spread it around the web like legit credible source. Evey year I read new things about Armenian genocide. Primitive types of gas chambers ? Oh god.

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