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Turkey unveils new infantry rifle

Dammmm.. i think you could do some damage with these rifle :sniper::sniper:

hope PA is also looking into this n change our g3s with something new n more substantial
If its 7.62mm, PA might consider it to gradually replace the G-3.
If its 7.62mm, PA might consider it to gradually replace the G-3.

PA is already replacing the G-3 with home made Type 56. I think the modern overhaul so many of us wish to see will only affect special forces. I think so far this weapon with additional accessories is the best cost affective measure.
HK 416/417 is definitely not something POF can make 1 million copies of, the cost will be too high. Right now the Germans are using the HK G36 as their main weapon. It would only be feasible to go after this German rifle currently. But the 223 round is inferior for our needs. I don't know what the Turks will use, but they are still using G-3 as their standard issue. Nothing can beat the stopping power and range of this round even though the size affects carrying capacity. 6.8 is a round PA should keep an eye out for as it blends the advantages of the .223 and 7.62x51 without any drawbacks.
Luking at really impresses the stuff made in turkey.Infact Turkish Armanment Industry is coming out at a globle scale very rapidly with much of a competitive quality.Gr8 Job.
PA is already replacing the G-3 with home made Type 56. I think the modern overhaul so many of us wish to see will only affect special forces. I think so far this weapon with additional accessories is the best cost affective measure.

Correction SMG is a upgraded and improved variant of AK 47 and its replacing MP-5s which is a CQB weapon!! not G3A3.

Also POF had developed a 5.62mm variant called PK-10 lets see wat happens!

And notice the sniper at2:22 has most parts of a G3!
PK-10 has yet to be seen in the hands of a soldier. I really think it has been scrapped, just prototypes were built. You are right that SMG is a CQB weapon being issued to replace MP5 but this replacement will probably extend further as it has already replaced most of the MP5s, past couple years you can also see most soldiers are carrying it. It also has a greater range than MP5 and thus it can be used for majority of engagements. Many upon many will be built, but I wonder why Zardari went to China few years back to secure Type 56 for the lashkars being created if SMG were already on the assembly lines. Lashkars with MP5s or G3 would also not be bad against talibs. It could very well be possible PA becomes satisfied with SMG as a standard issue infantry rifle as well. It is much superior to the INSAS by the way.
i really really hope turkey allows pakistan to produce these under licence so pakistan can arm its armed forces with, it looks great by the way.
Flash news !!!

MKEK completed designment phase of new 7.62mm infantry rifle and produced 3 prototipes of them. In following days, MKEK officials will introduce this new rifle to media...

The specifications released are like following...

Weight: 3.7kg
Effective range:400m
Length: 92cm
Accuracy life: 10,000 bullet
Muzzle velocity: 500m/s
That must be a spell mistake, because FN FAL had muzzle veolcity of 840 m/s. Prolly 800 m/s since barrel is shorter.
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