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Turkey: UN report shows Syrian gov't responsible for chemical attack


Sep 10, 2013
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After the release of a UN report, Turkey claimed to be certain that the chemical weapons attack in Damascus on Aug. 21 was committed by the Syrian regime, both in a written statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tuesday's statements from Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu.

Saying that Turkey's intelligence agencies have obtained information confirming that the Syrian regime was behind the chemical attack in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta on Aug. 21, which killed more than 1,700 and injured many more, Davutoğlu expressed his opinion that the UN report indicates the regime's responsibility in his televised interview on Tuesday.

The UN inspection team released its report on the use of chemical weapons on Monday, confirming that the sarin nerve agent was used in the Aug. 21 attack outside Damascus. The UN report did not say who launched the attack, while some countries have interpreted information from their intelligence sources to place responsibility on the Syrian government. The inspection team was only able to reach the area five days after the attack due to a long wait for permission from the Syrian government.

“While we [US Secretary of State John Kerry, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and British Foreign Secretary William Hague] were in Paris, the UN inspection team's report was released. It definitely states that this [chemical attack on Aug. 21] could only have been done by the Syrian regime,” Davutoğlu said.

When asked why there is no assessment of whether the regime was responsible in the UN report, Davutoğlu affirmed that the report does not place responsibility for the chemical attack, but added that this was not the inspection team's assignment. Noting that the inspection team is not authorized to make political comments and has no mandate to specify the perpetrator of the attack, Davutoğlu said that unspecified technical details in the report pointed to the Syrian government's culpability and added, “The report's silence about the perpetrator doesn't mean that the perpetrator is not known.”

Noting that the chemical weapons used on Aug. 21 were extremely advanced, the Turkish foreign minister claimed that when the findings of the UN report, the location of the weapons, the launch method and the inscriptions on the missiles -- which were written in Russian -- are taken into account, there is no doubt about who was responsible for the attack.

The written statement on the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs' website says that, although those behind the chemical attack are not specified in the UN report because of the inspection team's limited mission, the evidence supplied in the report shows the responsibility of the barbarous attack to fall on the Syrian regime.

“The regime committed a serious crime by attacking the [Syrian] nation with chemical weapons. Such a crime should not remain unpunished, and the perpetrator should be held accountable for its crime. Enabling this [justice for the attackers] is the main duty and responsibility of the international community,” said the statement, calling on the international community to punish the perpetrators of this attack.

The statement also pointed out the possible dangers for regional and global security. Saying that the US-Russian agreement should be enacted without delay, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' statement also called on the UN Security Council (UNSC) to make a binding decision in which the Syrian regime will stick to the terms of the agreement.

While in France on Monday, Britain and the US also made statements to the effect that details contained in the UN inspectors' report confirm that the Syrian government was behind the Aug. 21 attack, not the opposition.
The report specifically DOESNT place any blame as that was not in its mandate. It gave details of what was found and where and it confirmed the use of sarin in two of the five sites inspected. It also made some inferences as to the high quantities that were used etc....

The US and its stooges are trying to apply the same " common sense " test that failed with congress and all over the world. You cant make " common sense " assumptions when it comes to starting a war of agression. And they know that. But this is political theater at its worst. Russia has actually asked for ALL the chemical weapons attacks be examined as well as other evidence and they also asked for more details to be provided. Lets remember the UN chem team was already there trying to examine another previous chemical attack...i wonder why the US and its Poodles werent bothered by THAT chemical attack and why the didnt want that examined as well.........

Cheap political theater...its actually embarrasing to think this pathetic farcical charade is what passes as our real global political system.......
Everyone claims they have proof that Syrian gov. was behind the attack, but ironically, they are unable to provide one single proof.

Well everyone is claiming everything and so far, no one has been able to prove it beyond reasonable doubt that who did it.
Well everyone is claiming everything and so far, no one has been able to prove it beyond reasonable doubt that who did it.

Exactly, neither side has been able to prove who did it, YET.
I hope the ones who did it get punished properly, regardless to which side they belong.
Exactly, neither side has been able to prove who did it, YET.
I hope the ones who did it get punished properly, regardless to which side they belong.

There is actually plenty of evidence confirming the gas was procured in Turkey, paid for by Saudi and given to their fsa al qaeda muppets...tons of evidemce, and it keeps building every day....so the truth is not that ambiguous.......its just the US and its poodles already know who did it, they just want to blame Assad at all costs......it would be comical if it werent so sad.....
Everyone claims they have proof that Syrian gov. was behind the attack, but ironically, they are unable to provide one single proof.

Someone might ask; who got these chemo's in the first place :lol: Was it the Assad's regime or the rebels? In one way or the other, the Syrian regime must have gotten invovled all over this.

There is actually plenty of evidence confirming the gas was procured in Turkey, paid for by Saudi and given to their fsa al qaeda muppets...tons of evidemce, and it keeps building every day....so the truth is not that ambiguous.......its just the US and its poodles already know who did it, they just want to blame Assad at all costs......it would be comical if it werent so sad.....

Can we pay you too to stop acting like a 7-year-old brat? What are these tons of evidenece? PressTV? C'mon! Give us a break.
Someone might ask; who got these chemo's in the first place :lol: Was it the Assad's regime or the rebels? In one way or the other, the Syrian regime must have gotten invovled all over this.
It still doesn't mean the gov did it. Try something else.
Shut up already you cheap propagandist....almost 7500 posts in 7 months......and its all bullshit....... congratulations.....now lets stop playing this game troll bait.....there is plenty of evidence the terrorists rats received sarin in Turkey and there is also plenty of evidence they were the ones that used the chemical weapons....these half baked saudi funded terrorist muppets filmed themselves threatening to use the weapons and even filmed themselves using them.....lol.....bandar better hide his face.......war crimes tribunals are coming his way......

Now you wint believe any of this for one of two reasons.....first you are stupid enough to believe your own cheap propaganda or two, you know exactly whats going on and are complicit with your lies and propaganda.......now id like to think you arent a total wop saudi retard......but you never know.....you brag about dead Syrian civilians.....so.......

But seriously.....the only evidence you would consider conclusive is a signed confession from Chemical Bandar himself......barring that.....your muppet saudi asss will say......" al arabiya or the jewish media didnt confirm it so im not convinced "......smh...retards....

Heres some more evidence......it just keep piling up every day.......send chemical bandar and his terrorist rats my regards............

Breaking: Leaked Footage of Islam Battalion Launching Infamous Ghouta Chemical Attack on Aug 21 - Another World Is Possible

Manipulierte Videos des "Massakers" der Ghuta

Someone might ask; who got these chemo's in the first place :lol: Was it the Assad's regime or the rebels? In one way or the other, the Syrian regime must have gotten invovled all over this.

Can we pay you too to stop acting like a 7-year-old brat? What are these tons of evidenece? PressTV? C'mon! Give us a break.
Everyone claims they have proof that Syrian gov. was behind the attack, but ironically, they are unable to provide one single proof.
There are plenty of evidences:

1) Rebel neighborhoods were attacked.
2) Timing was well chosen when wind blows towards East and temperatures fall down.
3) Chemical attack was very large scale and in different places simultaneously, including isolated Muadamiyah. Its impossible to produce such a large quantity of sarin and use it so effectively for amateur rebels.
4) Attack was made by rockets. Again making sarin rockets is way too complicated task.
5) Rockets which were used are 140-mm and 330-mm. Rebels never ever used them, but Assad forces have them. Also 330-mm is way too big compare anything rebels have. If rebels had such huge missiles they would use them.
6) Azimuth of missiles show they came from Assad forces direction.

For any sane person there is no doubt that it was made by Assads forces.

US gor reason: rebel has not the tech to use Sarin chemical weapons, so it must be done by Syria gor!!!
But infact, in 1995, Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway, even 5 members of a civilian org can have the ability to use Sarin weapons not to say armed rebels
Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That actually a vice versa. These guys made attack in ideal place: completely closed and killed only 13.
Words are easy. This is proofs.






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