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Turkey to design, produce its own fighter jet!

Oh please.. I have nothing against S. Korea, but you certainly can't compare them with our brothers in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

I never said they cant join but the best option fot space travel co-operation is S korea, Thats just my openion
Fact that S korea is the only one who actually can afford such intensive program and they also have the technolgy, I dont think pakistan is able to afford it. Especially when it has problems such as :
- Crumblin economie
- Taliban insurgency
- Poverty
- Political instability
Just my openion, Dont have anything against our pakistani brothers..
bordoenes is talking about cooperation chances with other countries and thinks S.Korea may help in those areas..you all got it all wrong.
TAI is charced to constitute the main characteristics of fighter with optimum general designs within 2 years. Budget of this period is 20 million $. During this time, TAI will decide wheather TF-X would be single/twin engine, manned/unmanned, stealth design...etc When the preparetion was finished, The Project would officially be started with a glory signiture ceremony...

manned/unmanned :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ROFLMAO
I think the only country we should co-operate for space technology is S Korea. Turkey Have a lot of friends but it has few brother, South korea is one of them. The only country which has the capeabilty to Travel space and who can fund it is South korea. The Relationship is soo strong that the koreans even sold the technology of the world most advanced tank the K2 Black panther. A Co-operation between turkey and S Korea is definitly going to work out great.

Pakistan is also a brother nation but then again they dont have the technology and financial to make space travel possible. So pakistan is out of the agenda,

Japan is far much better than korean in space technology,H-2B is one of the best

S.korean only launched 3 times and failed 2,and they used Russian technology,don't overestimate their space ability


Total launches 3
Successes 1
Failures 2
First flight 25 August 2009

Btw,China is also very strong in space technology,and they also sold you WS-1 and B-611,and turkey used Chinese rocket to launch satellite recently
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