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Turkey to design, produce its own fighter jet!

What? Russians only give training to workers for the future Russian built nuclear power plant. We already have nuclear research facilities and very progressive academicians are working in there. Also I never heard Russians helping us in our space programs or giving assistance in "biological" research. Care to give some sources? I'm intrigued by what you just wrote..

I certainly know that Turkey signed some agreements with Russia for atomic researches, nuclear technology studies and peacfull use of outer space technology cooperations but It is the first time I have heart the Russian assistance for biological research of Turkey.
There was a thread a while ago
Go true some pages and i am sure youll find it.
Re: Turkey to design, produce its own fighter jet!

You know Aselsan has great experiences on mission computers. T-129 Atak, T-38 ARI, C-130 and some other programs have proved the capability level of Aselsan. At present, Aselsan is developing a new domestic mission computer called "Ozgur" mean "independant" in English to integarte on F-16's. This project is supported by SSM as well. At first, F-16 Block-30's would be modernizated with Ozgur. With this project, It will be the first time Turkish industry would have been developed a state of art mission computer along with domestic fully avionic package options for NATO fighter aircraft. Ozgur project will open the doors to develop a new versions of mission computers based on Ozgur to integrate on TF-X.

With F-16 Ozgur, Not only mission computers, avionics and other electronic systems but also Standart AA, AG munitions of F-16's would be pure Turkish;

For Air to Ground Payload;

-HGK 2000lb-1000lb-500lb options (Range: 27km)
-KGK 1000lb-2000lb options (Range:100km)
-NEB (Laser Guidance, GPS-INS guidance options) (Range changes in accordance with the bomb type)
-SOM Cruise Missile Range: More than 180km

For Air to Air payload;
-WVR missile: IIR guided short range
-BWR Missile: Radar guided long range

Source: Official Turkish AirForce Magazine...
India is leaps and bounds ahead of Turkey in Space Applications, Turkey and India should Co-Operate more, last year when Turkish Students went to India with Micro-Sat they built they were able to participate and watch the Indian Payload technicians place it in Payload area of Satellite Launch Vehicle..
Thinking ahead Turkey ought to avoid getting involved too much with Russia, India, EU and USA. Instead Turkey should come closer to China, Brazil, S Korea, S Africa and the Islamic bloc. In EU if she can get close to Germany independent of EU then that would be okay.
I think the only country we should co-operate for space technology is S Korea. Turkey Have a lot of friends but it has few brother, South korea is one of them. The only country which has the capeabilty to Travel space and who can fund it is South korea. The Relationship is soo strong that the koreans even sold the technology of the world most advanced tank the K2 Black panther. A Co-operation between turkey and S Korea is definitly going to work out great.

Pakistan is also a brother nation but then again they dont have the technology and financial to make space travel possible. So pakistan is out of the agenda,
I think the only country we should co-operate for space technology is S Korea. Turkey Have a lot of friends but it has few brother, South korea is one of them. The only country which has the capeabilty to Travel space and who can fund it is South korea. The Relationship is soo strong that the koreans even sold the technology of the world most advanced tank the K2 Black panther. A Co-operation between turkey and S Korea is definitly going to work out great.

Pakistan is also a brother nation but then again they dont have the technology and financial to make space travel possible. So pakistan is out of the agenda,

1. That is unfortunate to hear from a Turk. You have perhaps not read your history well.

2. When Greece and the Western Christian powers were at war with Turkey to wipe it off the face of the earth, the single most public outcry was raised in British India. That movement, known in history as the Khilafat Movement, was initiated by Bengalee Muslims ( forefathers of today's Bangladeshis). Our society was affluent and huge fund was collected and sent to Turkey's help. A lot of volunteers went from here and joined Kamal Ataturk's ranks. There are instances when even little girls took off their gold bangles and donated for Turkey. Such was the love we held and even now hold for Turkey.

3. After the War, Ataturk asked the volunteers to stay back, because they would surely be prosecuted if they came back to British India. Most of them stayed back, and were given land near Izmir.

4. The fund collected from here was huge and a lot remain unspent. Ataturk established a bank with this. I think it was called Uzma Bank, or a term like that.

5. S Korea is Turkey's friend ever since the Korean War. S Korea is also our close friend and ally. But Turkey's list of friends is large - as I have posed earlier.
I certainly know that Turkey signed some agreements with Russia for atomic researches, nuclear technology studies and peacfull use of outer space technology cooperations but It is the first time I have heart the Russian assistance for biological research of Turkey.
Turkey also have agreements with Japan, USA and other important actors on space researches but that doesn't mean those agreements fall under the category of training. Cooperation among countries on science is not a new development and these cooperations doesn't necessarily established between allies. These cooperations are great thing to have but countries tend to keep their knowledge of space programs to themselves, if Turkey wants to achieve its goals it needs to reach that goal by itself.
1. That is unfortunate to hear from a Turk. You have perhaps not read your history well.

2. When Greece and the Western Christian powers were at war with Turkey to wipe it off the face of the earth, the single most public outcry was raised in British India. That movement, known in history as the Khilafat Movement, was initiated by Bengalee Muslims ( forefathers of today's Bangladeshis). Our society was affluent and huge fund was collected and sent to Turkey's help. A lot of volunteers went from here and joined Kamal Ataturk's ranks. There are instances when even little girls took off their gold bangles and donated for Turkey. Such was the love we held and even now hold for Turkey.

3. After the War, Ataturk asked the volunteers to stay back, because they would surely be prosecuted if they came back to British India. Most of them stayed back, and were given land near Izmir.

4. The fund collected from here was huge and a lot remain unspent. Ataturk established a bank with this. I think it was called Uzma Bank, or a term like that.

5. S Korea is Turkey's friend ever since the Korean War. S Korea is also our close friend and ally. But Turkey's list of friends is large - as I have posed earlier.

I Dont see what this has to do with the comment i posted????
I Dont see what this has to do with the comment i posted????

1.Brother, I take offense to the list of brothers of Turkey you infer - no doubt you are a young man who has not gone deep into this chapter of Turkish history of that period.

2. In my view the list, in correct order should be:

a. Bangladesh.
b. Pakistan.
c. S Korea and others.
Turkey and India have great potential for co-operation in space capabilities. We can share some secrets with you and you guys can help us with fighters. :D
1.Brother, I take offense to the list of brothers of Turkey you infer - no doubt you are a young man who has not gone deep into this chapter of Turkish history of that period.

2. In my view the list, in correct order should be:

a. Bangladesh.
b. Pakistan.
c. S Korea and others.

What the bloody hell are you talking about? I never even told something about the turkish history. Why are you even starting about history i was talking about Space travel and look what your writing?

My List will stay that way cause thats my F*cking Openion and it wil stay my F*cking openion got it??

I think Turkey will be better off buying F35s from us :)
I disagree, we shouldn't do anything that strengthens US capabilities and hegemony, because your government is a huge threat to world peace. Unfortunately, this strategy would only work, if all other countries adopted a similar attitude towards the US.

1) Avoid anything that strengthens US industry.
2) Do as much as you can to weaken US domination and industry relentlessly.
Oh please.. I have nothing against S. Korea, but you certainly can't compare them with our brothers in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

I never said they cant join but the best option fot space travel co-operation is S korea, Thats just my openion
Fact that S korea is the only one who actually can afford such intensive program and they also have the technolgy, I dont think pakistan is able to afford it. Especially when it has problems such as :
- Crumblin economie
- Taliban insurgency
- Poverty
- Political instability
Just my openion, Dont have anything against our pakistani brothers..
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