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Turkey to Decide Which Country Builds 2nd Nuclear Power Plant-IS IT CHINA?


Jan 10, 2012
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Turkey to Decide Which Country Builds Second Nuclear Power Plant

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Monday, 10 December 2012

By the end of this year, Turkey will determine the country that will build the second nuclear power plant in Sinop, Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yildiz said, the Hurriyet newspaper reported.

According to the minister, at the moment the competition is between the two countries - Canada and China. At the same time, China has a better chance, the minister said.

"The financing conditions offered by China are more advantageous for Turkey. However, the final decision on this matter will be taken by the end of this year," Yildiz said.

As for Japan, which also participated in the tender for the construction of nuclear power plant in Sinop, Turkey excluded the country due to the inferiority of the proposed project.

Today a tender is in process for the construction of a second nuclear power plant in Sinop. Initially, Canada, China, South Korea and Japan participated in the tender.

Earlier, Yildiz said that the Turkish NPPs will start generating electricity by 2019 and Turkey is planning to build another nuclear power plant by 2023.

The Akkuyu nuclear power plant will be built on the Russian project which includes the construction of four power units with VVER-1200 reactors. The agreement on the construction of the station was signed in May 2010.

The capacity of each unit will reach 1200 MW, while the total capacity is 4800 MW. It is assumed that the units will be commissioned in sequence at intervals of one year.

Monday, 10 December 2012
I though we only had to 2, One being built by Russia and the other still to be picked, Never know we had a 3rd :)

2023'e kadar 3 nükleer santral hedefi!.. CNNTurk.com

[TR]AHMET;3692414 said:
Yes, they are transfering technology so why not ?

China has 16 Nuclear Power Plant and 26 under construction.

Starting from French reactors imported in the 1980s, Chinese engineers have developed their own large reactor systems to the point that exports appear possible from 2013.

The current CPR-1000 design sits roughly between today's mainstream Generation II reactors and the latest Generation III units, with digital instrumentation and control systems and a design life of 60 years. Standard construction time is 52 months, and the unit cost for Chinese units so far has been under CNY 10,000 ($1500) per kilowatt.

However, rapid nuclear expansion may lead to a shortfall of equipment, qualified workers, and safety inspectors.

WikiLeaks cables reveal fears over China's nuclear safety

China suspends waterfront nuclear-power approvals
[TR]AHMET;3692414 said:
Yes, they are transfering technology so why not ?

Also china is the only one country which can transferring rocket and bm technology to you

Cooperation with them is meaningful
True that. But India's Nuclear infastructure is inferior...
Even if its inferior, Thorium reactors are build to shut themself down, its is by far safer then anything else.
Liquid fluoride thorium reactor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A french company even had plans for one family thorium reactors. The only disadvantage is that you can't build nukes from thorium, which is why it was ignored for a far to long time. Thorium will a major improvement for humanity and our earth.
Even if its inferior, Thorium reactors are build to shut themself down, its is by far safer then anything else.
Liquid fluoride thorium reactor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A french company even had plans for one family thorium reactors. The only disadvantage is that you can't build nukes from thorium, which is why it was ignored for a far to long time. Thorium will a major improvement for humanity and our earth.
The most important thing is;we have enough thorium for a 1000 years.
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