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Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

we carved out little banladesh from ur so called islamic republic of pakistan.*** & baluchistan will give u a deja vu,it's just the matter of time

Wet dreams....

Your disease might be cureable..... see the nearest doctor.
it isnt a war over resources it's a bilateral conflict in which the biggest stakeholder is the Kashmiris themselves; and increasingly they are calling for end to indian hegemony --a call which is only fair.
man even international media is not allowed to operate in occupied Kashmir; you think foreign companies are allowed?

india has a strangle-hold over Kashmir......obviously at the end of the day they are forced (against their will) to give ''commercial patronage'' to the foreign occupation entity (india)

Kashmiris are very loathe, however, to ever accept indian occupation and its very evident. It was only last year they had their last intifadah and the indians had no idea how to respond --other than shoot unarmed protestors (thusly causing even more discontent and fury)

I problems are long over,what about yours?
I'm glad that my banya mentality has got me and my country to a place where we are envayed upon by a lot of countries. I would again like to reatrate that Pakistan and Turkey are friends of faith and nothing more. Musharaf addressing the Turkish parliament in fluent Turkish or calling to cities twin cities only have verbal significance and nothing more.
India and Turkey are friends of trade and I'm sure that will take us a long way.

From your post its pretty obvious you know nothing about Pakistan-Turkey relations, its funny how you indians become the expert of everything in an instant without even the slightest clue about that particular subject.

The founding fathers of Pakistan supported Turkey during its war of independence, the Khilafat movement which even your Gandhi wanted to join was created to preserve the Ottoman Caliphate after the first World War, our women even sold their jewelry to help fund the Turkish war effort, the famous Pakistani National Poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal supported the Turkish war effort with whatever money he earned from selling his poetry which in itself was very powerful and emotional. This is the reason why even today every Turk, from old to young, has a special place for Pakistan in their heart, and consider us their brothers.


Turkey still supports us on many international matters, including Kashmir, and we have also supported our Turkish brethren on the issue of Cyprus, Azerbaijan, and we haven't recognized Armenia.

“One Nation – Two States.” 63 years of Pakistan independence and Pak-Turk relations - Hurriyet Daily News

The Jamestown Foundation: single[tt_news]=34086

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency )

Money is thicker than blood.......................

Blood is thicker than money, maybe not in the case of india and its relations with other countries.
it isnt a war over resources it's a bilateral conflict in which the biggest stakeholder is the Kashmiris themselves; and increasingly they are calling for end to indian hegemony --a call which is only fair.

baluchistanis are demanding a free....
so they should get one.rite?
it isnt a war over resources it's a bilateral conflict in which the biggest stakeholder is the Kashmiris themselves; and increasingly they are calling for end to indian hegemony --a call which is only fair.
sucks for them AZ, their calls are for independence which both PK and IN will not tolerate.
it isnt a war over resources it's a bilateral conflict in which the biggest stakeholder is the Kashmiris themselves; and increasingly they are calling for end to indian hegemony --a call which is only fair.

Very true but that is the problem between us why is pakistan involving?
Don't you know that thèy don't want to be apart of you either.
Let us handle our problems
sucks for them AZ, their calls are for independence which both PK and IN will not tolerate.

I dnt see any flags except Pakistani flags in azad kashmir n hell alot of kashmiris in PA not to forget FCNA,NLI,AK regiment.

baluchistanis are demanding a free....
so they should get one.rite?

What a pathetic troll.
Two magic words for you: MAOIST INSURGENCY :)

u misinformed about maoist.they don't want any different land they just want india to be a communist state either by hook or crook n btw iam in favour of a communist state although i don't prefer maoist way......

I dnt see any flags except Pakistani flags in azad kashmir n hell alot of kashmiris in PA not to forget FCNA,NLI,AK regiment.

You realise pakistani constitution deems an independent kashmir illegal?
I was talking specifically about indian kashmiris who now want an independent kashmir.

No reason to continue beating a dead horse. I'm not justifying our occupation, I'm simply stating the fact that it will continue because we can afford it.
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