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Turkey, NATO, US escalating war against Syria

Nov 9, 2011
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PressTV - Turkey, NATO, US escalating war against Syria

Foreign-backed insurgents in Syria continue to force civilians out of their homes in order to hide inside in the flashpoint northwestern city of Aleppo.

New footage shows the insurgents taking position inside civilian homes as Syrian security forces try to clear the city. Reporters on the ground say most streets are now cut off by militant checkpoints. The armed groups had also used the same tactic in other cities.

Meanwhile, government forces have gained some ground in their house-to-house searches in Aleppo. On Saturday, troops captured the Sakhour neighborhood after days of heavy fighting.

Many people, including large numbers of security forces, have been killed in the turmoil in Syria.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Ralph Schoenman, author and political commentator, to further discuss the issue.

The following is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: This recent news about Syrian insurgents forcing civilians out of their homes and using them as hideouts for themselves, first of all if you can tell us about how much is this trend growing among insurgents in Syria and second, what happens to the civilians, which are forced out of their homes? What is their fate? To where are they then taken?

Schoenman: Well you are looking here at a long-prepared undertaking by the Turkish government in conjunction with NATO and the United States to escalate the war against Syria in which Turkey has been a key player.

I would like to point out that the incident, which has been used as the pretext for this was a space shell from Syria that killed five people on the Turkish border town of Akcakale on Wednesday.

After that Turkish fighter jets carried out strikes including a Syrian military camp.

But the resolution that was moved to initiate a potential war by the Justice and Development Party, the AKB was interestingly enough prepared already on September 20th.

The actual resolution in parliament was dated 20th of September, which shows they used this incident at Akcakale as a pretext to promote pre-existing plans to obtain authorization for the invasion of Syria.

In fact we have to keep in mind that Turkey has not only urged the establishment of military cargos in no-fly zones in Syria, but Turkey is the host of the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian National Congress, which are the actual operating groups of militia and armed factions that were produced by NATO and Saudi Arabia and Qatar and Libya and the United States through the aegis of Turkey.​

So we have to look at this in a proper context. The question as to what is taking place in the areas where Turkey has declared so-called security zones where public entry is forbidden of actually for a period between October 7th and January 7th due to “expensive” military operations are a measure of the extent to which this is a well-prepared war operation.

Turkey declared it will not respect Syria’s borders in pursuing its military campaign against the Kurds and it is using that as an occasion and opportunity to further preparations for war. And the actions that have been taken by the Turkish army against its own population and against the Kurdish minority are part and parcel of that undertaking.​

This is a major escalation and preparation for a war in which the United States and the NATO countries will be directly involved particularly in so far as the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu personally called United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen to associate them with a Turkish military attack.

“The Syrian regime’s aggressive acts at NATO’s eastern border are a flagrant breach of international law and demand the immediate end of aggressive act” - This is the declaration by NATO.

Now, we have to understand what we are in the presence of here: a long prepared operation by not just the Turkish military, but by NATO itself to initiate an all out war against Syria and we cannot separate this from what is being prepared against Iran.

Israel wages cyber battle over UAV, satellite-guided by Iran or Hizballah

Israeli intelligence and air force waged a cyber battle Saturday, Oct. 6 with unidentified parties, most likely Hizballah or Iran, which sent a satellite-guided unmanned helicopter into Israeli air space through the Mediterranean. debkafile reports exclusively: For 30 minutes, control of the helicopter swung back and forth between Israeli cyber operators and unknown agents over southern Israel. Finally, four Israeli F-16 fighters shot the trespasser down, the while Israeli cyber experts tried to identify its satellite controller.

UAV intrusion: Iranian act of belligerence against US and Israeli military targets

However Israeli official spokesmen present the incident of Saturday, Oct. 6, the penetration of Israeli air space by a large unmanned helicopter should not have been allowed to happen. The surprise interloper should have been shot down before spending nearly half an hour over southern Israel. The incident showed ID intelligence and command not up to handling enemy surprises, even after countless drills and exercises.

Four months ago, on July 20, Hizballah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah said in a speech, “The resistance movement will surprise Tel Aviv in any future war.”

Hizballah with Iranian backing almost certainly proved its point Saturday, very likely in collaboration with its Palestinian ally, Hamas.

Our intelligence experts note that before the Israeli Air Force fighters scrambled to shoot it down, the intruder would have had enough time for its surveillance equipment to beam to its Iranian control station, wherever it was, the electronic signatures of US and Israeli military installations within its purview in the South and the Negev.

This was a major lapse.

The alien aircraft should have been intercepted the moment it flew in from the Mediterranean and entered the skies of the Gaza Strip. By then, it was clearly seen heading toward Beersheba. Had there been weapons aboard, the incident would have ended in a worse disaster, reminding Israel of its worst nightmare: an Iranian plane flying over with a nuclear bomb.

As it is, the sophisticated aerial surveillance vehicle was able to cover the space over the IDF’s southern facilities, the town of Beersheba and the Israeli Air Force base at Nevatim before it was shot down over the Yatir forest south of Mt. Hebron. Its primary missions may have been to record the electronic signatures of the Dimona nuclear reactor’s air defense systems and the American X-band radar station in the Negev, which is linked to the US X-band station in Turkey. Together, they are the “forward eyes” of the joint US-Israeli shield against Iranian ballistic missile attack.

If the intruder came to spot the gaps in that shield, it would have succeeded.

It is therefore important in this context to recall a more recent and explicit threat, this one by Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s ground forces, who said on Sept. 23 that his country was not waiting to be attacked but ready to carry out preemptive operations against the US and Israel.

The aerial overflight Saturday may well have been a preparatory step for such an attack.
Tehran would also have noted the time lapse before Israel acted: The IDF asked the Defense Minister Ehud Barak what to do instead of acting at once and Barak passed the buck to the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu.

They decided initially to down helicopter by electronic means and capture it intact in an attempt to establish who sent it and study its systems. However, the Iranian controllers fought back – hence the cyber battle rocking back and forth over southern Israel for nearly half an hour - before shooting it down.

The image the IDF spokesman put out of a ball of fire in the sky was misleading. On its way down to earth, the vehicle broke up into fragments large enough to offer up important secrets to Israel’s military researchers.

On Saturday, Israel’s electronic warfare systems were fully operational and effective. However, Israel’s leaders were struck dumb and caught unawares by Iran’s audacity in springing on them an overt act of belligerence against their own and American military installations housed in the Negev. Israel officials have vowed to respond to an obvious act of war.

This will be the start of WW3. USA intends to destroy Syria first and then by next year continue the war directly against Iran. Very likely, we will see joint Russian and Chinese moves to strike back against USA elsewhere.
This is a very complicated situation. Bashar Al Assad will do everyone a huge favour if he steps down and let free and fair elections take place.

And Alasad fulfilled every Syrian demands. new Constitution that allows presidential elections... new parties... opposition part of the government cabinet... opposition part of the parliament....
Turkey suggests that Syria's vice president replace Assad

Syrian Vice President Faruq al-Shara "is a man of reason" who could replace President Bashar al-Assad as the head of a transition administration to stop Syria's civil war, according to Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu.

"Faruq al-Shara is a man of reason and conscience and he has not taken part in the massacres in Syria. Nobody knows the (Syrian) system better than he," Davutoğlu said yesterday on the public television channel TRT.

The Turkish minister stressed that the Syrian opposition "is inclined to accept Shara" as the future leader of the Syrian administration.

Shara, the most visible Sunni Muslim figure in the minority Alawite-led government, is trusted by the regime and was foreign minister for 15 years before becoming vice president in 2006. Reports that he had defected in August were denied by Damascus, but some opposition leaders say he is apparently under house arrest.

Davutoğlu said he was convinced that the Syrian vice president was still in Syria.

Ties between Ankara and Damascus, which have been tense since the start of the revolt in Syria in March 2011, worsened sharply after Syrian shells killed five Turkish villagers last week when they were fired across the border.

Turkey, which shares a border of 900 kilometres with Syria and hosts nearly 100,000 Syrian refugees on its territory.

The United Nations has condemned the Syrian shelling and urged both sides to show restraint.

BS... Russia, China, and Iran have been calling for peace and political solution.. while Turkey and the west have been supporting blood and sending terrorists.... Turkey hosts Terrorists camps on its soil... enough BS
BS... Russia, China, and Iran have been calling for peace and political solution.. while Turkey and the west have been supporting blood and sending terrorists.... Turkey hosts Terrorists camps on its soil... enough BS

you showed what you really are in the other thread by making fake titles .
no you twisted it for your own liking , and put things that have not been said .
This is a very complicated situation. Bashar Al Assad will do everyone a huge favour if he steps down and let free and fair elections take place.

Free and fair elections like Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan please tell me which democratic party is selected with fair elections.

And no he will not favor to anyone if he do as u said It will be a disaster for middle east and rest of world. USA knows well that slowly and steadily nations are starting to rise against it and they want this to happen. Its a domino effect Tunis- Egypt-libya-Syria-Iran-Venezuela and list goes on until everyone surrender to USA and Israhell
Syria already said they will use chemical weapons against an external aggressor. Istanbul might get sprayed with nerve gases.

Syria will try it's best to avoid a war.... Turkey till this day are stilling shelling Syria... and Syria is patient... because Syria knows if they fire back WWIII will just start..
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