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Turkey lists al-Nusra Front as terrorist organization


May 22, 2012
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Turkey lists al-Nusra Front as terrorist organization

Turkey has listed the al-Nusra Front, a branch of al-Qaeda operating in Syria and Lebanon, as a terrorist organization following an update of a Cabinet motion on June 3.

According to the Official Gazette, the appendix of a Cabinet motion dated Sept. 30, 2013, involving the freezing of assets of individuals and organizations listed by the United Nations Security Council, has been updated. The appendix added Agus Dwikarna to the list of “individuals who are affiliated with al-Qaeda” and al-Nusra to the list of “organizations that are affiliated with al-Qaeda.”

Objections can be made to the Council of State against the motion within 60 days by referring to Article 5 of the Turkish Law to Prevent the Financing of Terrorism.

Al-Nusra was listed as terrorist organization by the United States in December 2012. Several other countries, such as Australia and the United Kingdom, as well as the United Nations, also recognize it as a terrorist organization.

Dwikarna is a Jemaah Islamiyah member and facilitator for al-Qaeda in Indonesia, according to the United Nations.

Thousands of European jihadists have recently been blacklisted by Ankara amid accusations that Turkey turned a blind eye to Islamist militants who are heading to Syria through Turkey.

The Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIS), another al-Qaeda offshoot, has also become a threat to Turkey in recent times, while also fighting against al-Nusra in Syria.

Turkey lists al-Nusra Front as terrorist organization - INTERNATIONAL
@islamrules Soon Nusra and ISIS will have no one left but each other, they will be allies. Like I said months ago, I should be a scholar.
Which ever organization has their own agenda and interests will be on such lists. It's has zilch to do with targeting of civilians even though this group is known to target military targets.

This blacklisting stuff has obvious implications in it, organizations must act within Western interests and limits or be dealt with. Although it's a good thing, tomorrow all the people will rebel against the West and their stooges, they can call all hundreds of millions of people terrorists for all I care.

See where restricting freedom will get them.

There will be no victory before the muslim world is completely filtered that is what the hadith says, the Syrian war is the ultimate test and the beginning of the great battles , its going to separate the munafiquines and kuffars from the true muslims .

so far a lot of groups have been exposed shia/khawarij of ISIS /nationalists baathis n nasirits / fake new Syrian n Iraqis MBs n traitorous tribes or Sahawat /the fake bearded talafis in Egypt/ the Arab dictators led by the traitorous house of Saud /....

this is the essence of tribulations or fitan, they r supposed to filter people up.
who was being given arms by turkey then? a secular faction?
Who are Al Nusra and whose side r they fighting in Syria?
F$A= Nusra... :rofl: so what the heck is AKP trying to say here? Most of the battles F$A "Fought" were fought by Nusra Front

Its obvious.Erdogan is fearing Coup by wahabbis and his overthrow. Looking at Al-nusra fighting style.They will inflict considerable losses on turkish military also.
The political influence of ME countrys in Turkey is zero how will the wahhabis do a coup in Turkey? :crazy:

simple.There are a lot of terrorist camps and shelters operational in Turkey with hundreds of thousands of wahabbis for training to fight in syria. The chess pieces are in place. CIA or Saudi arabia just needs to bribe intelligence officials and the floodgates will open.
simple.There are a lot of terrorist camps and shelters operational in Turkey with hundreds of thousands of wahabbis for training to fight in syria. The chess pieces are in place. CIA or Saudi arabia just needs to bribe intelligence officials and the floodgates will open.

There are not any other than the Southeastern Anatolian Region. It wont take a week to clean that up for the military if the government approves action.
There are not any other than the Southeastern Anatolian Region. It wont take a week to clean that up for the military if the government approves action.

considering that erdogan has removed and purged many able generals ,I even doubt that turkish military will be able to control the number of wahabbi terrorists who are operating from Turkey.

A few bribes to the right people and wahabbis will do a coup with relative ease . We saw the neo-nazi coup in ukraine.Americans bribed SBU officials for achieving it.

Lets wait and watch.
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