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Turkey begins work on ICBM

For some reason I feel that the bigger picture is being overlooked completely. So I'll list a couple of statements hoping that you can see the bigger picture. (True/False)

1.Arms industry is major contributor to developing a country tech-wise. (T/F)
2.Independence in arms industry ensures national security. (T/F)
3.ICBM is one step to acquire knowledge on getting to space (VL or such). (T/F)
4.Nuclear warheads + ICBM would be violating the agreements turkey has signed. (T/F)
5.It's important that Turkey develops these products to continue improving the overall security of the country, through further developing missile defense etc.. (T/F)

Buying it from Iran, Russia etc. won't solve our problems nor will it change anything. Only with absolute superiority can we gain an edge in potential wars in the region.
By buying missiles from other countries,you can make sure you will never win any war with them.The only way for Turkey is to completely master the process if missile tech,from short range to long ones.Hence,in case of any possible war,you can make sure you will make all the missiles inside the country,and you won't rely on any foreign help.
I think it is just natural for every country with enough resource to develope this stuff . As to whether it is necessary, first of all, you can never tell the future. Secondly, the techonology involved can be always used in other fields as well. A lot of the civil techonology did come from the military use.
i say again " no other country can not sell - buy missle , which missles have over than 300 km range " As international rules..
so every country can buy which have maximum 300 km range missles..
Completely for diplomatic reasons, we don't need icbms.

Buddy, everyone whose land mass is the size of Turkey needs an ICBM. Security of a nation can not be and never should be outsourced!

Wishful thinking that logic and compassion trumps the aggressive tendencies in us is nothing more than a mirage. Every other 'reasoning' for not having an ultimate defense, professed by your so-called friends is a sleight of hand.
One word: SLV

Space launch center construction already commenced.
with your back end on fire, your post makes it all the more hilarious. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Indians act like a nosy mother in law. Have to get into every conversation no matter how foolish they look.

Trying to understand this. Why Turkey will develop an ICBM when ti does not have nuclear weapons and all its potential adversaries are in its neighborhood.

You have no sense ?that maddog blabbering somethings and muslim chest thumping so I wrote that post.

oh...His post sensible mine is foolish :rofl: y my back end on fire unnecessarily? first think and then write.
You have no sense ?that maddog blabbering somethings and muslim chest thumping so I wrote that post.

oh...His post sensible mine is foolish :rofl: y my back end on fire unnecessarily? first think and then write.

Neuro..check this video..

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