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Turkey agrees to stay out of Iran nuclear issue, US official says

I hope so too - Why should Turkey harm it's economic interests for Iranians when Iran has no benefit whatsoever to Turkey?

Now that is an idea many people under the illusion of "brotherhood","Islamic solidarity" etc etc cannot understand.
Turkey follows Kemalist views not Islamic ones. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu is who we need. Tell me is voting against the U.S. a smart move ? You want me to be realistic and blunt. Turkey needs the U.S. on so many levels it isn't even funny. They lobby for us, they sell us arms, they support our EU membership...the list goes on. Where does supporting Iran get us or Syria ? Hell Syria just announced they don't want Turkey to moderate anymore so much for that friendship. Now we have the U.S. questioning our stance. Do you also know how many people Erdogan has had arrested. People in the Media and newspaper writers fired from their jobs because they write anti AKP articles. You also have him accusing the media of supporting terrorism because they show people crying on T.V. over PKK attacks. The guy wants the media censored and controlled and he also believes that Muslim's can not commit genocide. Those were his exact words. He is destroying the secular state of Turkey each day and at the same time trying to pass legislation that makes it harder to remove certain aspects of his party from governing positions.

I agree we need the USA on our side, that does NOT mean that we should be their ****** and do everything their way. We are an independent state and have our own traditions, and laws. Erdogan can NEVER destroy secularism in Turkey. We won't allow it. Some of you are saying he's challenging Israel for fame and show, but if he doesn't, then that means he's a coward. Someone has to challenge those murderers. I am no fan of Erdogan, but he has done a lot more than what other leaders have. He could have done better, but simply sucking up to the US for the reasons you listed does not seem plausible.
Could it possibly be that trying to get Iran to give up the bomb would be in Turkey's best interest? And could it be that the most likely way this could happen peacefully is if all nations are on this same page - Iran can have nuclear power, but not nuclear bombs. Would Turkey really trust Iran to not throw its weight around in the neighborhood if/when it has nuclear weapons? Does Turkey have any Shia minorities? Does Turkey have any restive minorities that Iran could manipulate?
So sorry but turkey is a chicken if it gave up ... They do the same for Pakistan lol remember senior mfmbers braaging abdout how Pakistan and turkey amd Iran have brother hood. Maybe Iran and Pakistan but turkey no...... They have hoo much to loose plus they have a lable in their foreheade that reads secular so they ghotta live up to their expectations. But it's sad to see turkey being told who boss .
You're joking right Zahaga?Iran has never helped us nor do we need their hep.In fact Turkey is far more beneficial then to Pakistan then Iran - Muslim Ummah Crowd thinks with their you know what instead of brain.
:P just politics being played :lol:

US is allowing Turkey to crush PKK in return for favor not that it matters much as Russia and China will back Iran out
:P just politics being played :lol:

US is allowing Turkey to crush PKK in return for favor not that it matters much as Russia and China will back Iran out

US cant disallow Turkey to crush PKK even if she wants, Turkey is fighting with PKK like 30 years and nobody could stop it. In that 30 years Iraq been invadet two times, whatever happens we pass the border and do their job,

Yes, its their job, they turned Iraq to a terror den. Invasions resurrected and strenghtened PKK and US did not anything for this. Actually its sure America supported them, PKK has another organization named PJAK. PJAK is fighting with Iran and thats why they got American support.

It's funny, people are thinking we got permission of Iraq or America but we have the right to attack due international law, They cant stop us since they cant control the border area.
Pakistan need the bomb to counter India and India needs it to counter China. Iran needs one because it suffered the worst CIA conspiracy in its internal affairs and teardown of democratic polictical system which literally bankrupted the Iranian nation. Ironic isnt it that US is now trying to champion the same cause in Iran right now.
I agree we need the USA on our side, that does NOT mean that we should be their ****** and do everything their way. We are an independent state and have our own traditions, and laws. Erdogan can NEVER destroy secularism in Turkey. We won't allow it. Some of you are saying he's challenging Israel for fame and show, but if he doesn't, then that means he's a coward. Someone has to challenge those murderers. I am no fan of Erdogan, but he has done a lot more than what other leaders have. He could have done better, but simply sucking up to the US for the reasons you listed does not seem plausible.

Oh yeah i am not saying we have to do everything the U.S. says. We are not a small nation born yesterday we are a regional power with international influence but that doesn't mean we should go and defy all these nations set on sanctions for Iran and try to do our own thing then tell of them to accept it. Also i always supported our current direction with Israel. They need to understand that what they are doing may work for other countries but not with Turkey.
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