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Truth about Pakistan


Feb 6, 2009
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Came across this video about Pakistan, which is very inspiring. Don't know if it had been posted before. If it had been posted before, mods may please delete the thread.

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Pakistan is a hostage of bad PR and India has done its bit to paint a gruesome image of its neighbor--we, ourselves are also largely to be blamed for it. If Indians are really serious about forming a prosperity sphere in this region they should strengthen the moderates in this country by stop Pakistan Bashing. Every time they do it, the extremists get stronger in our country.

An average Indian generally has a very poor image of our country. They think we live in the dark ages or something of that kind.

Being a great nation of this world also puts a lot of responsibility on India, it should play a positive role in this corner of the world -- I am afraid it is not--it is just like a kid who has grown bigger and taller before his friends and now starts having his own way by sheer size!!!

Things can be changed, help us to help you all by resolving issues between us. Kashmir can be resolved even if the current boundaries are accepted or a free trade zone type of situation is developed - with the help of positive Indian stance, we both can package the final solution in such a way that it is acceptable to the masses of both countries.
:smitten:The video is great and the world would appreciate if this openness and progress can be sustained and cultivated. India, in particular, would benefit the most. And Pakistan can replicate South Korea.

Please do not blame India for everything that is bad for Pakistan. Be honest (Islam preaches that) and introspect and you will find most of the reasons within as to why world thinks differently.

Truth cannot be hidden only by media propaganda. World is not fools to listen to India and you can see that even now in the London summit on Afghanistan. Even though the world admit that India is doing a great job in building Afghanistan and also not taking up military request lest Pakistan feels otherwise, still India has been kept out of the core group just to please Pakistan.

Go for neutral sources for any news and do not base your ideas on the govt and military news. Have more faith on the columnists of Dawn like Kamran Safi, Nadeem Pracha, Rafia Zakaria, Ayesha Siddiqui, etc. I am sure you will be more enlightened.

Yes India has grivences as it has to bear with lots of terrorism by so called Non-state actors (!!!!) from Pakistan. We always think that the actions of citizens are the responsibilities of state. Then again Pakistan has officially stated policies of allowing Non-state actors to flourish (consider the recent statements of Kayani and the open meetings of JuD etc calling for Jihad against India).
Again these are news not only from India but from Pakistan and world news. I am sure you will agree these news do not enhance Pakistan's image.

Pakistan is our brother. You are the same blood as we are. We want you to prosper and be confident and deal with India like a King of a sovereign country. Now if you look inside, you will be confused yourself as to who is the real King - the Govt, Army, ISI, Taliban, or the so called Non-state actors. Every one competes with everybody else in dealing with India.

We may be totally wrong. But yes we are confused about Pakistan. May be you can throw some real light on this.

Best wishes and love:cheers:
We want you to prosper and be confident and deal with India like a King of a sovereign country. Now if you look inside, you will be confused yourself as to who is the real King - the Govt, Army, ISI, Taliban, or the so called Non-state actors. Every one competes with everybody else in dealing with India.

It is a state secret that who is exactly running the country the president prime minister army agencies or what not in Pakistan alone in India and any country some faces are required to show on the media and some to run the machinery behind so who is behind you can’t tell

According to Musharraf, it was decided between him and Vajpayee that the joint declaration would say that Kashmir was a dispute between India and Pakistan and would be settled through political negotiations but the Indian prime minister backed out of it at the last moment.

A second draft of the joint declaration was prepared with some changes but Vajpayee backed out of that too, Musharraf said.
"I did not like it and wanted to leave right away but could not do so because of the advice of our foreign secretary," The News on Tuesday quoted Musharraf as telling reporters in New York, where he is currently on a lecture tour.

"I also wanted to talk to the press about the issue but could not do so either as the press was not allowed to come to the hotel where I was staying and we were not allowed to go to the press due to security reasons," the former military dictator added.

I wanted to walk out of Agra summit: Musharraf

Who was behind the Vajpayee prohibited him signing the declaration last moment?
Pakistan is a hostage of bad PR and India has done its bit to paint a gruesome image of its neighbor--we, ourselves are also largely to be blamed for it. If Indians are really serious about forming a prosperity sphere in this region they should strengthen the moderates in this country by stop Pakistan Bashing. Every time they do it, the extremists get stronger in our country.

An average Indian generally has a very poor image of our country. They think we live in the dark ages or something of that kind.

Being a great nation of this world also puts a lot of responsibility on India, it should play a positive role in this corner of the world -- I am afraid it is not--it is just like a kid who has grown bigger and taller before his friends and now starts having his own way by sheer size!!!

Things can be changed, help us to help you all by resolving issues between us. Kashmir can be resolved even if the current boundaries are accepted or a free trade zone type of situation is developed - with the help of positive Indian stance, we both can package the final solution in such a way that it is acceptable to the masses of both countries.

Don't blame India for your failures.

Who sends counterfeit Indian currencies, pirated bollywood DVDs to harm India economically?

Who exports the hundreds of terrorist each year?

India - Pakistan can complement each other, both can grow and develop if join you remove the hatred and ego.

Otherwise no matter what we are developing 2nd fasted in this planet earth.

You have to decide what type of future you want for your generations.
It is a state secret that who is exactly running the country the president prime minister army agencies or what not in Pakistan alone in India and any country some faces are required to show on the media and some to run the machinery behind so who is behind you can’t tell

According to Musharraf, it was decided between him and Vajpayee that the joint declaration would say that Kashmir was a dispute between India and Pakistan and would be settled through political negotiations but the Indian prime minister backed out of it at the last moment.

A second draft of the joint declaration was prepared with some changes but Vajpayee backed out of that too, Musharraf said.
"I did not like it and wanted to leave right away but could not do so because of the advice of our foreign secretary," The News on Tuesday quoted Musharraf as telling reporters in New York, where he is currently on a lecture tour.

"I also wanted to talk to the press about the issue but could not do so either as the press was not allowed to come to the hotel where I was staying and we were not allowed to go to the press due to security reasons," the former military dictator added.

I wanted to walk out of Agra summit: Musharraf

Who was behind the Vajpayee prohibited him signing the declaration last moment?

Salik - Please accept the fact that in any democracy, there are some heirarchies. In India Parliament if at the top of that heirarchy and the decision taken by the Parliament is final. Yes, if what you say is correct and not a hype by the Pakistan, then understand that members of the parliament has right to point out loopholes. But again all stakeholders work in unision, unlike in Pakistan. There is a Single Point of Authority (in our case Prime Minister), in USA's case it is President, etc.

Please see yesterday's paper (Dawn & Daily Times) - Gilani clearly says that there is no record of Mussharaf - Manmohan Singh discussions. So there is a discontinuity of governance. That is the risk and that is the gap. Perhaps you will be able to appreciate democracy and governance better once this Pakistan chooses a fairly long period of democracy.

However said - pointing fingers at others will not solve matters. Own house has to be put in order first. This builds the inherent strength and denies opportunities to others to meddle. Apart from the Western nations and the developed nations in Asia, China is on the verge - even though Tibet and Uighur people shakes the confidence. Same is being followed by India. Economics, education, governance and security are the pillars of success of any society.

Pakistan - if you introspect, has only the "security" part, well established. The other parameters need to be strengthened. That will create a confident Pakistan.

The present Pakistan Government has taken some steps towards better governance by bringing SWAT, FATA, Balochistan and some others under inclusive governance. It is also working towards an inclusive society where minorities will not be subjected to blashphemy laws arbritrarily. These are positive signs.

The need is to strengthen the political process and work towards a common goal of making Pakistan a developed country and not always fighting with India or working on conspiracy theories.

I am sure once Pakistan develops into a economic power house with stable governance, it can fight India better - be it in the battlefield or across the world forum tables.

As brothers of the same blood, we wish you to be successful and be an economic powerhouse. This will help India to emulate you and also help you to be focussed on the right objectives.

Best wishes and love :cheers:
Let us try to call a spade, a spade! I am trying not to blame India for everything. A quote from my original post here "We ourselves are largely to be blamed for it." You forgot all about it. Let us not keep on going for "State" or "Non State" actors (if so we can also talk about Samjhota Express and off-course Babri Mosque -- if it is an internal matter of India than you all should have stayed out of East Pakistan since it was an internal matter to start with!)

I am just pointing out here that India can help the "State Actors" in Pakistan by realizing that we all have to get out of this situation. Pakistan bashing on a daily basis is not helping you or us. It getting all the more difficult for the doves in Pakistan to handle the Hawks just like it is in India.

As far as I am concerned, I do read Dawn every morning and I am proud to say that our press is freer than the Indian Media! But our national psych is slightly different from yours -- we love to criticize our own -- it is the national pastime! It might come as surprise to you; hardly anyone watches or reads the official Govt. Channels or Newspapers (If there is such a thing here) :)
what evidance do you have of pak press being more free than indian press
My friend atleast in Pakistan we used to watch, untill very recently, all Indian TV & News Channels. Correct if I am wrong, this is not the case in India! We used to get a more balanced views of India & for that matter Pakistan from the Indian perspective! We have regular Indian contributors in our English Dailies -- is it the same in India?

Just my view
look mate i not one to get in india pak slanging match just wanted to know what proof i live in england i watch geo news ndtv they both have a slight bias as you would expect does not mean one is more free than the other.
If Europe can fight two world wars yet still benefit from free trade and visa less access, i believe Pakistan and India should too. Just depends when we are ready to put the past behind us and work for a brighter tomorrow.............................. :cheers:
on ndtv you also have pakistani experts giving their views
kakgeta love your post have been saying the same thing for years but it suits the powers that be to keep us enemies
Brother Amir,

We can go on accusing, justifying and defending but there would be no conclusion. Both sides have enough grievances and reasons which will cloud the rational thinking.

But is this the state we want to be ? I am sure you are also proud of the video of Pakistan - which started this thread. We also love it and like it and also hope that whole of Pakistan be likewise. I am sure you will also appreciate our love towards you.

That is the world we would like to belong to. Economic and social prosperity in a democratic environment with equality and justice towards all. Yes, no one is perfect and all of us are striving towards that in our own country.

I am sure you are also for that. Now if you have that goal or vision, what is the way to that ?

If you deeply introspect and analyse, it would be through stable governance and economic upliftment.

Economic upliftment - depending on the route one takes, it can be achieved in short time or in a long time. The short time is to take advantage of the strategic location and mint money by being the trade route (like Singapore). Use the market of India for your textiles, restaurants, stones, technology, etc.

Long one might be - not cashing on the strategic location factor (which is the present state).

Governance is in your hand - we can only suggest but the choice is yours.

Again brother - Country is yours, how you want to live your life - is your choice. We as well wishers can only suggest as your suffering is also our suffering. However the choice is yours.
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