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Trump regime changes us policy on iran,from maximum to enormous

Iran's strategic position is the worst it's been since the end of the Iran-Iraq War. .
I guess this is what happens when you rely on the Sean Hannity show for ones information (like Trump himself). Iran's regional stance is actually stronger now than it ever was.
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There are two groups within Iranian establishment. The vested interests of these two groups often overlap each other. One group wants to strengthen the stance of the supreme leader himself. The other group wants to strengthen the stance of the Iranian state and General Solaimani belonged to this group. Time will certainly reveal one day how General Solaimani was betrayed by people he trusted.
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Tho for the life of me I cannot see how the west would gain anything at all from this,indeed quite the opposite as a nuclear armed iran,regardless of whether it either went for a policy of zionist style nuclear ambiguity or preferred instead like the dprk to just go out and test with little warning,would be a huge kick in the testicles to both the wests regional hegemony and the system of regional vassalage that underpins it.....and thats just for starters.
I think Iran is going to return to the negotiating table very soon giving the current state of their economy/society

That's because you like your president are completely DELUSIONAL! Iran has said repeatedly that as long as sanctions remain our policy IS NOT GOING TO SHIFT! So cry away!

Also inside Iran to even talking about the willingness to talk with the U.S. if they remove sanction is risky as Zarif found out! Majority of Iranians DO NOT want talks with an administration that murdered one of our heroes!
Well , USA campaign is forcing IRI to face it weakness .... If IRI survive then a monster will be born ....

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