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Trump claims he will temporarily suspend immigration into US due to coronavirus fears

By the way who is even willing to go to America in these times, for atleast 5 years everyone will be leaving USA.
Nope...I love him because he is nationalist...He do not take the non sense of these democrats and liberals and sacrifice his own people...We may love to hate him for obvious reasons...But he is doing good whatever is good for his own country...He will kick every one’s *** be it Indian or Pakistan if any one mess up with his ways of goverance.

IK did not do anything rather he just get into the plan for Trump and fascilitated Taliban to allign for a Afgan deal and provide safe exit of US...So i would still rate Mr President as getting his things done from Pakistan with FATF and IMF loans...

You guys think too much about Indo Pak equation while thinking foreign policy of US...For US, even country like NK is much more important than any dog fight of India and Pakistan...US will always focus on status quo between India and Pakistan rather than any alternate situation to prop up in our part of the world

Trump is pseudo-nationalist he just using "populist" campaigning while more pajeets get more H1Bs and barley a wall gets built and more shrilling for the Koshers
Ok. Who in right frame of mind would actually want to go to America atm? The most infected nation in the world.
His rapid supporters will just take it up as a "winning" prospect I see him getting reelected look at thos "astro-turfed" protests in those swing states key form him to win

His supporters won't change but that doesn't matter because what got him the victory was votes of independents who wanted a more genuine candidate. However, after his four years in office he did not challenge so called 'establishment' and the people in his administration are very establishment.

So he will lose votes of independents. Also we don't know yet how voting will play out. If they don't allow people to vote at polls then this will be a problem and Republicans will try to rig voting system to their favor.

Let's see what he will campaign on this time around as Biden has already planned his campaign out and it will be to go after Trump hard. Trump populism campaign won't work this time around. And if he makes more extreme statements then he is going to damage our country hard.

Trump is pseudo-nationalist he just using "populist" campaigning while more pajeets get more H1Bs and barley a wall gets built and more shrilling for the Koshers

True, his administration is looking more like alt right in Europe. Give more to Israel and approve more anti semitism bills. Spread hatred against Muslims and 'immigrants'. And lots of revolutionary rhetoric only in the end to adopt establishment policies and even knock them up a notch.

So there is no revolution in the West, alt right is intended to be controlled opposition and will only grant their supporters right to consume their minds on Muslims 24/7 while not advance anything they pledge to their supporters.

Keep in mind you can't even be populist in America, since it is nation of immigrants with no history unlike Europe which has a rich background and was one of largest civilizations. America is not Europe and the populism is very awkward, they don't even know what to do except grant Israel more concessions and talk about Muslims across the world that they have nothing to do with .

And in Europe there is no real populism as people realize it will be their downfall so they just have some candidates talk about immigrant and some populist overtones and that's it. They are mostly regular candidates though.
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His supporters won't change but that doesn't matter because what got him the victory was votes of independents who wanted a more genuine candidate. However, after his four years in office he did not challenge so called 'establishment' and the people in his administration are very establishment.

So he will lose votes of independents. Also we don't know yet how voting will play out. If they don't allow people to vote at polls then this will be a problem and Republicans will try to rig voting system to their favor.

Let's see what he will campaign on this time around as Biden has already planned his campaign out and it will be to go after Trump hard. Trump populism campaign won't work this time around. And if he makes more extreme statements then he is going to damage our country hard.

True, his administration is looking more like alt right in Europe. Give more to Israel and approve more anti semitism bills. Spread hatred against Muslims and 'immigrants'. And lots of revolutionary rhetoric only in the end to adopt establishment policies and even knock them up a notch.

So there is no revolution in the West, alt right is intended to be controlled opposition and will only grant their supporters right to consume their minds on Muslims 24/7 while not advance anything they pledge to their supporters.

Bernie is "controlled" opposition like Trump had the DNC screwing him over and Bernie selling out his working class base him over Trump will have "run for his money" Biden is a veggie he will only get Liberal east and wast coasters as for independents many will be reluctant but will still vote Trump add in Bernie Bros from the Midwest Trump wins, in terms of foreign policy Biden will just blame the Russians as usual and most Americans dont gf about Russia they view it as a fellow White Christian nation but with political differences Trump will base his campaign on CHINA and boy Americans hate CHINA so much he will blame them for ills I think hatred of Muslims will be replaced by hatred of Chinese as for the psuedo-Alt Right Yeah I agree the koshers have tricked them too
People in the US and Europe don't adhere to an ideology and do not know what they want. For example, if they wanted change of immigration policies than they will vote/campaign for that and introduce policies. They already did in Europe, but nevertheless the anti-Muslim rhetoric continues in some of these nations. That signifies that the people there are struggling with extreme stress/mental illness that is a result of high load work life/no sense of community and more selfish lifestyle that is a result of competition and high egos among ordinary people that were brainwashed by entertainment industry.

Thus they had their time to rant over past four years and they introduced policies they want but you can clearly tell there is still a mental health crisis situation playing itself out. Which is why know there is extreme hatred between the Right and Left in Europe/US and they shooting each other up and slandering each other on social media platforms and there is extreme frustrations/anger which is a result of widespread mental health issues but they are ignoring these mental health issues and don't want to admit it is because of modern lifestyle/lack of morals/increased egoism/etc.... And instead they pretend it is just serious political disputes.

So the rhetoric between themselves is getting wilder and they are becoming more and more irrational while nations like China or other nations in the East have somewhat healthier societies and focused on developing their economies and asserting themselves as leaders.

We can detest from this that the US/Europe lack real leadership to admit that entertainment industry destroyed their society. When entertainment industry makes it so that a successful and accepted person is one that is young/beautiful/has money/does drugs/alcohol/dates as many people as possible/has high ego/gets most attention/etc.... Then 3/4 of population fail to meet these standards and develop serious personal frustrations in which they are scared to address the real issues and instead just shelter in home on computer pretending like his/her personal frustrations is because of some people across the world or because of immigration.

This is why Muslims need to thank God for Islam and return to it. We are currently shifting to this reality/lifestyle and if we don't stop entertainment industry and leadership from introducing social norms/lifestyle that Satan wants us to follow then we are gonna end up like US/European population.

Bernie is "controlled" opposition like Trump had the DNC screwing him over and Bernie selling out his working class base him over Trump will have "run for his money" Biden is a veggie he will only get Liberal east and wast coasters as for independents many will be reluctant but will still vote Trump add in Bernie Bros from the Midwest Trump wins, in terms of foreign policy Biden will just blame the Russians as usual and most Americans dont gf about Russia they view it as a fellow White Christian nation but with political differences Trump will base his campaign on CHINA and boy Americans hate CHINA so much he will blame them for ills I think hatred of Muslims will be replaced by hatred of Chinese as for the psuedo-Alt Right Yeah I agree the koshers have tricked them too

With all due respect Americans mostly have negative view of Russia still. It is not about race. But, you may be correct in that China could be center of political campaigns this year due to their increased influence in the world and US interest to counter that. You are underestimating Biden if he can manage to meet some progressive demands and bring over some independents to his side. Especially people who are just tired of Trump's populist rhetoric. Hardly anyone cares about 'White nationhood' thing anymore. They got teased with it in 2016 campaign but it brings them nothing, especially for America which is nation of ideas and not to be confused with Europe.

So bottom line there is no alternative ideology for Europeans/Americans or good leadership. They are heading towards a decline because they can no longer win hearts/minds like they used to. From their own people and international peoples.
People in the US and Europe don't adhere to an ideology and do not know what they want. For example, if they wanted change of immigration policies than they will vote/campaign for that and introduce policies. They already did in Europe, but nevertheless the anti-Muslim rhetoric continues in some of these nations. That signifies that the people there are struggling with extreme stress/mental illness that is a result of high load work life/no sense of community and more selfish lifestyle that is a result of competition and high egos among ordinary people that were brainwashed by entertainment industry.

Thus they had their time to rant over past four years and they introduced policies they want but you can clearly tell there is still a mental health crisis situation playing itself out. Which is why know there is extreme hatred between the Right and Left in Europe/US and they shooting each other up and slandering each other on social media platforms and there is extreme frustrations/anger which is a result of widespread mental health issues but they are ignoring these mental health issues and don't want to admit it is because of modern lifestyle/lack of morals/increased egoism/etc.... And instead they pretend it is just serious political disputes.

So the rhetoric between themselves is getting wilder and they are becoming more and more irrational while nations like China or other nations in the East have somewhat healthier societies and focused on developing their economies and asserting themselves as leaders.

We can detest from this that the US/Europe lack real leadership to admit that entertainment industry destroyed their society. When entertainment industry makes it so that a successful and accepted person is one that is young/beautiful/has money/does drugs/alcohol/dates as many people as possible/has high ego/gets most attention/etc.... Then 3/4 of population fail to meet these standards and develop serious personal frustrations in which they are scared to address the real issues and instead just shelter in home on computer pretending like his/her personal frustrations is because of some people across the world or because of immigration.

This is why Muslims need to thank God for Islam and return to it. We are currently shifting to this reality/lifestyle and if we don't stop entertainment industry and leadership from introducing social norms/lifestyle that Satan wants us to follow then we are gonna end up like US/European population.

With all due respect Americans mostly have negative view of Russia still. It is not about race. But, you may be correct in that China could be center of political campaigns this year due to their increased influence in the world and US interest to counter that. You are underestimating Biden if he can manage to meet some progressive demands and bring over some independents to his side. Especially people who are just tired of Trump's populist rhetoric. Hardly anyone cares about 'White nationhood' thing anymore. They got teased with it in 2016 campaign but it brings them nothing, especially for America which is nation of ideas and not to be confused with Europe.

So bottom line there is no alternative ideology for Europeans/Americans or good leadership. They are heading towards a decline because they can no longer win hearts/minds like they used to. From their own people and international peoples.

Negative view of Russia is mainly among the older gen folks who grew up during the Cold war most young folks could care less about Russia no one cares however China is hated by all sides which is why I think the establishment want to shift to those gears as for Biden he is veggie he will get minority votes but everyone saw Obama pretending to be a Progessive and how that ended up no where I see Trump winning again
He's trying to boost his popularity back up after his reputation took a hit and people lost confidence in him due to his handling of Coronavirus pandemic in the US.

So he plays immigration card again which his base gets excited about but it will backfire even more as he is getting very off topic when his administration priority should be increasing testing for the virus to 500,000 tests a day in the nation.

That is exactly what he is doing. He came short on the Covid-19 preparation, he is just trying to make up for it by going after immigration. It is the right move to make now for a shrewd politician.
That is exactly what he is doing. He came short on the Covid-19 preparation, he is just trying to make up for it by going after immigration. It is the right move to make now for a shrewd politician.

Very shrewd indeed with those idiotic protestors in those swing states he can get attention away from his pitfalls
Negative view of Russia is mainly among the older gen folks who grew up during the Cold war most young folks could care less about Russia no one cares however China is hated by all sides which is why I think the establishment want to shift to those gears as for Biden he is veggie he will get minority votes but everyone saw Obama pretending to be a Progessive and how that ended up no where I see Trump winning again

Don't pay attention too much to WN crowd, they are not representive of majority. Russia is still considered a communist enemy even by younger crowds. I'd say Obama couldn't achieve what he wanted in foreign policy but when it came to domestic policies he delivered on his promises.
To an extent I feel for Indians looking for green cards because usa is a better country to live in. However alot of indian techies have stole jobs from better qualified Americans and other potential immigrates. Practicing communal, caste, ethnic, linguistic discrimination against others. Look at article, how they are distraught on the idea of living India.

To an extent I feel for Indians looking for green cards because usa is a better country to live in. However alot of indian techies have stole jobs from better qualified Americans and other potential immigrates. Practicing communal, caste, ethnic, linguistic discrimination against others. Look at article, how they are distraught on the idea of living India.

Thats reality- Immigration laws needs to be revamped- Too many qualified folks-Employment based-but not enough GC in offer- Its USA loss- Most of these folks are very successful and have a huge saving account (Plus loss of Taxes to the US Gov)- They will just have to go back to India (Along with the Money they have saved).
Thats reality- Immigration laws needs to be revamped- Too many qualified folks-Employment based-but not enough GC in offer- Its USA loss- Most of these folks are very successful and have a huge saving account (Plus loss of Taxes to the US Gov)- They will just have to go back to India (Along with the Money they have saved).

Immigration system has been gamed by certain indians. Americans have launched class action suits against indian outsourcing firms. America has lost out because indian recruitment has only picked fellow Indians. Meritocracy is key and evidence shows Indian recruiters dont give a damn about that.
Immigration system has been gamed by certain indians. Americans have launched class action suits against indian outsourcing firms. America has lost out because indian recruitment has only picked fellow Indians. Meritocracy is key and evidence shows Indian recruiters dont give a damn about that.

Not true- Yes there are a few Mama Papa shops that do that, no denying that fact- How can Indian recruitment firms pick fellow Indians when the USCIS is the one who picks randomly who gets the H1B stamp?

There is a supply and demand problem for tech Talent in NA-(USA and Canada)- I work for the worlds biggest DBT firm on the planet-(Technology Talent is driven by Indian and Chinese Talent)-Now you do understand how a Masters program works in the USA correct? (Total H1B quota- 60K-(Non US-Masters and US Masters plus 20 K- Only for US Masters).

Lets say you are right that the talent from India is Mediocre - Then how are these STEM/MS folks completing the program with close to 4.0 GPA and hired right out of college?- And by the way recruiters are not making the decision to hire, its the Technology Hiring Managers, who make the call.-Below is the list of companies that rule the H1 B quota in the US-(2019 Data)- 4 Indian Based and 6 US Based.

  1. Ernst and Young-Non Indian
  2. Cognizant Technology Solutions, US Corp.- Indian
  3. Deloitte Consulting, LLP-Non Indian
  4. HCL America Inc.- Indian
  5. Apple, Inc.-Non Indian
  6. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.-Non Indian
  7. Tata Consultancy Services Limited- Indian
  8. Amazon Fulfillment Service, Inc.-Non Indian
  9. Kforce, Inc.-Non Indian
  10. Mphasis Corporation- Indian
Names such as Google, Deloitte, Microsoft, Amazon and Apple all appear in the top 25 of companies that sponsor H-1B visas and heavily recruit from top graduate US institutions...Are you saying no other country wants a part of this pie?- Shows the Talent that other countries are churning out, since the max is going to Indians- why is that.

Once the immigration hold is lifted by this administration or the next administration- The below bill will be passed.

The U.S. is taking a second shot at removing the per-country limit on green cards through bill HR 1044, a measure that will help certain U.S. immigrant populous source countries, such as India, China and Mexico overcome a current disadvantage in applying for U.S. permanent residence. Bill HR 1044 (formerly HR 392), also known as the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act, introduced in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, aims to have green cards issued by category and date of filing, regardless of the country of birth of the applicant. With bipartisan support and the backing of major tech firms including Google, Microsoft, and IBM, it seems the bill may be the real deal. - Please note supported by the Top US Tech firms.

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