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Tortured body of Punjab Police constable recovered after he was abducted by TLP in Wazirabad

Raheel Sharif would be a better example. He did his job well and delivered. Once his time was up he left. Musharraf thought too highly of himself and compromised on fundamental things leading to the worst decade in Pakistani history.

Well, so Raheel Sharif did was the one who commanded the Zarb-e-Azb operation, yes ? He did good but IMO he had the precedent to do this set up by the actions of Musharraf. I have read Musharraf's In the Line of Fire and through it seemed to me and through other informations that Musharraf not only had to set up a military precedent against the Taliban, the Lal Masjid and such, he also brought a political change in Pakistan. The country opened up more. And then he bravely proposed the Four Point Formula for the resolution of the Kashmir issue. Unfortunate that it wasn't acceptable to a few in India.

And the Taliban tried to assassinate him multiple times.

But which fundamental things are you talking about which led to the worst decade ?
Who'll take care of his daughter?
Do we have robust programs for police martyrs like we have for army?
. .
Bekar nation with bekar generals... I dont blame IK.. I blame the GENERALS who put him there and who create proxies that they lose control of later. its a 40 years tradition for our useless generals at this point.
Following up on this thread by another member:

Here's what a known Police Officer on twitter shared about the recent martyr of Punjab Police.

Imagine this happening with a soldier, would the COAS still meet and appease those mullahs? Punjab Police has been left on its own by these politicians. 1000 of TLP members are to be released today in Punjab by the orders of the Government.
How do people know that he was abducted by TLP? Or he was murdered by TLP?
Building media case is easy. At the moment we have a chaos in country, and let's not jump to conclusions easily.
Following up on this thread by another member:

Here's what a known Police Officer on twitter shared about the recent martyr of Punjab Police.

Imagine this happening with a soldier, would the COAS still meet and appease those mullahs? Punjab Police has been left on its own by these politicians. 1000 of TLP members are to be released today in Punjab by the orders of the Government.

I'm sorry but if this is what they do in the name of Islam, then they are in the same category of ISIS who breed their psychosis. This is what happens when Muslims do not study their faith and have zero knowledge on Islam.
Bekar nation with bekar generals... I dont blame IK.. I blame the GENERALS who put him there and who create proxies that they lose control of later. its a 40 years tradition for our useless generals at this point.
Before you jump the gun and blame everything on the Army, let me tell you that we all are to be blamed.

The elite - for building their walls higher, sending their kids abroad and getting bodyguards - so the broader degradation is not their problem and they are safe within their bubble Their safe bubble is all they cared about not the society.

The politicians who gave air to this sort of politics and used them when expedient. Worked with bureaucracy to loot and plunder the nation, but not put in a system of education that is nationalistic and allowing basic infrastructure to rot, thereby allowing for the Madrassa industry and this mindset to prevail. When you cannot give them food, give them the afterlife philosophy.

The Army for staying in their cantonments and not giving a hoot. For taking over under martial law but becoming politicians and business people during the marital law. Those opportunities were the best to recalibrate the nation and society, but instead they chose longevity and personal interest over institutional and national interest. The desire to be wined and dined in foreign capitals were given precedence over nation building and hard decisions. Personal safety and comfort was more important.

The clergy for becoming two bit hustlers and politicians, where the essence of being an Ulema was sidelined for money and power.
Finally the Judiciary for enabling all of the above for a quick buck.

We are all responsible for where we are today. Not one of us is innocent.
No mercy for those swines who killed that poor fella for nothing . Made his wife widow,parents living dead and a 6 year old daughter orphan.
To all the TLP scums is that what the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) teached us ?? Now these bunch of khawaraji dogs will teach us ISLAM and tell us about the love of prophet.
An ultimatum needs to be given

They can lay down their arms and violent ways to pursue a more peaceful political life regarding this matter.

Or they can face the 5.56mm and 7.62mm personally

Killing the police is a no go. Islam does not teach this.
No mercy for those swines who killed that poor fella for nothing . Made his wife widow,parents living dead and a 6 year old daughter orphan.
To all the TLP scums is that what the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) teached us ?? Now these bunch of khawaraji dogs will teach us ISLAM and tell us about the love of prophet.
I know right. Killing another muslim for no reason.... Thats ought to get you to the highest level of Jannah
An ultimatum needs to be given

They can lay down their arms and violent ways to pursue a more peaceful political life regarding this matter.

Or they can face the 5.56mm and 7.62mm personally

Killing the police is a no go. Islam does not teach this.

I know right. Killing another muslim for no reason.... Thats ought to get you to the highest level of Jannah
They probably didn't consider him Muslim not that it matters - killing a human is bad plain simple
They always find logic to justify Thier actions
They probably didn't consider him Muslim not that it matters - killing a human is bad plain simple
They always find logic to justify Thier actions
Then what different are they compared to those terrorists that call themselves muslims. Cough cough daesh
Like MQM, one day TLP may start breaking into your house and beating you to death in front of your kids and wife like this.

TLP, TTP, MQM are all the same rabid animals. They need to be put down once and for all before they can spread their disease further.
Following up on this thread by another member:

Here's what a known Police Officer on twitter shared about the recent martyr of Punjab Police.

Imagine this happening with a soldier, would the COAS still meet and appease those mullahs? Punjab Police has been left on its own by these politicians. 1000 of TLP members are to be released today in Punjab by the orders of the Government.
Such peace will persistently be established on the mutilated bodies of lawmen and shattered lives of their orphaned kids until the religious fanatical animals are not provided hassle-free access to PM house (particularly the current one where the current occupant hailed TLP when it rioted in the past), Aabpara/GHQ of "kya hum aap k sath nahi" fame that is habitual of creating such Frankenstein monsters to protect/expand its turf/influence who then torment the country and its people. Let these crazies reach the halls of power and torment the occupants. You would not see their benignness and magnanimity while presiding over the bodies of these lawmen then.
TTP, MQM and now TLP do not came into being overnight. State watched them get bigger and bigger until they became so big that the solution involved a lot of bloodshed, loss of property and image to investors. Only in Pakistan, murderers have their tombs where people come to pay homage, renowned scholars lear funeral prayers of terrorists and people continue to join them in funerals.
We fought a bloody war against an ideology and despite painful lessons, state's narrative was found wanting even when clerics sitting in capital of the country called the fallen soldiers as apostate. There is no simple solution to TLP now but only if state wants to survive and progress, the narrative should be clear and state should win the narrative war.

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