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#Torrentofscams by UPA exposed by timesnow

Congressi morons...and we still have fools in here barking about Rahul Gandu..Anti National traitorous scumbags
this exposer is a welcome move for NDA....
UPA ka beda gark hone hi wala hai......unke boat me ek aur hole hogaya wo bhi bada wala.....

sale congressi pura desh bechne ke liye tayaar hai.....sab ko capital punishment.....:sick:
To be honest this behaviour by the Indian media and particularly by TIMES NOW is reckless,slanderous and entirely worthy of contempt. They have very, VERY little in the way of actual evidence and are trying the GoI in the court of public opinion. This is nothing but sensationalism and headline-grabbing behaviour, in each case the judiciary has not even come back with their findings.

The MoD cancelled the AW-101 deal pretty much because $hitheads in the media like this created such a storm the Saint himself thought it would make him look better if he unilaterally cancelled the deal before investigations in India and Italy were not anywhere near done .All the big talk about arbirtraion has now funnily gone away, why? Because the MoD/Def Min knows he is the bloody wrong and if this was pushed for the GoI would LOSE and then they would well and truly have egg on their faces.

As such AW has NO REASON to be blacklisted to date, nor does its parent company Finmeccanica. To do so would not only jeprodise untold ongoing and signed Indian defence deals across the board but would be highly unethical.

The Indian media is as bad as the Def Min- taking accusations as proven fact of wrong doing when most of the time it is a malicious attack by a discontented bidder who know their accusations alone-no matter who baseless they are will throw bug old spanner in the works.

I wouldn't even trust the Indian media to tell me the correct time the majority of the time......
How is A building project undertaken by a private developer a scam
their have been housing plans for Lutyens Delhi since the time of NDA
Including construction of New Bungalows for MPs which would occupy less space than the present ones,

A scam would have been their had this property been sold for much below its market value to the developer

Also how is Sindhuratna Tragedy a scam, granted Antony is slow as hell , every one in the army, airforce and navy knows that
and actions would be taken including upgrade of 5 Kilo more class subs beyond the 1 already in process
How is A building project undertaken by a private developer a scam
their have been housing plans for Lutyens Delhi since the time of NDA
Including construction of New Bungalows for MPs which would occupy less space than the present ones,

A scam would have been their had this property been sold for much below its market value to the developer

Also how is Sindhuratna Tragedy a scam, granted Antony is slow as hell , every one in the army, airforce and navy knows that
and actions would be taken including upgrade of 5 Kilo more class subs beyond the 1 already in process

This land is agricultural land. It has been so for many decades. Why is the govt changing the title now inspite of objections from IB and President of India. With the change of title the land worth a few crores is now worth 10,000 crore. And the company which will build housing is the same which has special relationship with Damadji.

If DLF land scam invovling Damadji (also a case of private property) can be a scam then this one is 200% scam.

As far a Anthony is concerned he is an absolutely incompetent. If these letters regarding batteries are true then HE HAS BLOOD OF INDIAN SOLDIERS ON HIS HAND.
This will be the last nail in the UPA'S coffin. These b@stards should be jailed immediately.

Sacking Antony will not solve problems.If we could sack this govt long time ago then India will now become a better place.
AK Antony may resigned due to this accident but this corrupted idiotic govt and its chairperson Italian alien will not allow that.
.They know if Antony resign now then it will be a huge blow to congress and it is sure.So they sacrifice a good Admiral.
These corrupts party and its parasites loot India by keeping two honest man (that cant do nothing) AK Antony and PM Manmohan Singh in front line.Ours fate
They have time to pull off 1 more, just 1 more... before being wiped off.
Sacking Antony will not solve problems.If we could sack this govt long time ago then India will now become a better place.
AK Antony may resigned due to this accident but this corrupted idiotic govt and its chairperson Italian alien will not allow that.
.They know if Antony resign now then it will be a huge blow to congress and it is sure.So they sacrifice a good Admiral.
These corrupts party and its parasites loot India by keeping two honest man (that cant do nothing) AK Antony and PM Manmohan Singh in front line.Ours fate

EXACTLY...finally someone who see the big picture. Look at the sad state of affairs in Amethi? Is this the kind of politican with such caliber who we want to run India? Come on folks...wake the F-k up......his fam has looted India for decades at our expense....the laws dont apply to them.....they wont release crucial documents on Bose becoz they dont want to ruin our relations with foreign countries....whereas BOSE was a son of the soil......fuk em
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