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Toppling govt is ‘too small’ an agenda, claims Qadri


Sep 20, 2013
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Dispelling impression of attempting to topple the elected government, Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) chief Dr Tahirul Qadri on Friday said it was ‘too small’ an agenda to follow and his objective was to change the system, DawnNews reported.

Speaking to media representatives here, he said that his party was not interested in forming any grand alliance, refuting reports circling in the local media about a political alliance between the PAT and Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) with Shiekh Rasheed and Chaudhries of PML-Q alongside them.

Qadri said he never talked about forming the alliance because in such an alliance parties agree and disagree on achieving goals that the alliance was formed on the basis of.

On Thursday, however, he hosted a meeting of all the like-minded parties at his residence in Model Town, which was attended among others by chief of the Awami Muslim League (AML), Sheikh Rasheed, leaders of the Pakistan Muslim League – Quaid (PML-Q) Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain and Chaudhry Pervez Elahi.

During the meeting, consultations and discussions were reportedly held over the next plan of action to be taken regarding the formation of an anti-government grand alliance.

Speaking on the killings of his party’s supporters in the Model Town tragedy, he said that the “martyrs’ blood will not go in vain.”

Dr Qadri returned to the country from Canada on Monday soon after the tragic incident in Lahore in which 12 workers of PAT were killed in a clash with the Punjab police. At this, the cleric vowed to take revenge for the blood of his workers by toppling the government, through what he called a ‘revolution’.

Previously on May 30, the PAT chief and the PML-Q leaders had agreed to join hands to launch a struggle for “devolution of power” after a meeting held in London.

Toppling govt is ‘too small’ an agenda, claims Qadri - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
I can't believe even my mother in Karachi thinks that this clown Qadri is any good for Pakistan! Her's is a typical Pakistani lethargy with EVERY govt. within a year of the govt. This mentally has to end. To me, the following 'comment' at Dawn.com sums up well:

Qadri takes a U-turn to ‘allies’ surprise - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Democracy, even in its worst form, is better than Army coup to which Qadri an Queue League are leading. Pakistani people are no fools. They can see that Mr. Qadri lives in Canada, travels in first class and demands highest security and comfort for him, leaving his followers in the lurch. Pakistanis also remember that the Chaudhris of Gujrat had many opportunities to bring out a revolution or at least do something good for the people when they were in power, not too long ago. I think we should give the present government a chance . Their performance so far has been fair. Pakistanis know that the present rulers are no angels from heaven and expect no miracles. But things are relatively better than last year. Give them a chance to work.
Qadri bhai is getting mad after every passing day.

He is already given a impression of being a stooge of PML-Q. If he continues the way he is doing, he might be remembered as a party worker of PML-Q --- lol
I can't believe even my mother in Karachi thinks that this clown Qadri is any good for Pakistan!
My mother is also his fan...
I believe that there is already No democracy in Pakistan. Election commission is unconstitutional, it came through wrong and illegal way.. Parliament is also fake... PMLN is a terrorist party having Punjab police as political wing and Gullu butts in every area... While open contacts with banned terrorist organizations.
I saw many mureeds of TUQ.. They will never allow Tahir ul qadri to travel in economy class.
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My mother is also his fan...
I believe that there is already No democracy in Pakistan. Election commission is unconstitutional, it came through wrong and illegal way.. Parliament is also fake... PMLN is a terrorist party having Punjab police as political wing and Gullu butts in every area... While open contacts with banned terrorist organizations.
I saw many mureeds of TUQ.. They will never allow Tahir ul qadri to travel in economy class.

No, PMLN maybe a Punjab based party and I have never voted for them (my voting pattern has been MQM/PPP/PTI) but they are not a 'terror' party. And by launching or at least 'owning' the latest military operation in FATA they have defied the stereotypes about them being a closet Taliban supporter.

And please don't talk about true democracy etc. The world over politicians and politics is a dirty word. Pakistan is not an exception. But I don't believe the Pakistani politicians are the worst in the world. And I am generally satisfied with the current democratic setup.

This loser Qadri needs to do some grass-root work until the next elections. Till then--if he defies the State of Pakistan--he should be dealt with firmly! This flipflopping, U-turn taking, anarchist needs to be shown the same 'Danda' as being shown to the Talibans should he crosses the State of Pakistan.
"they are not a terror party"

then who was Gullu butt & who martyred women and innocent people at Model Town on 17th june?
I wonder which world are you living!

"The world over politicians and politics is a dirty word. Pakistan is not an exception. But I don't believe the Pakistani politicians are the worst in the world"

You want to remain in dirt? despite knowing everybody want change because of no justice, no peace, no security, no job, no food & caretakers for the poor. If you've somehow lost your ability to sense and feel then have a look at the corruption index from the global reliable source. lastly calling our un-educated/unqualified politicians NOT WORST in the world is not less than any joke. as you seem to be in competition with others, u think there is still a room for corruption and our beloved country is in a state to happily afford this?
Why does Pakistan not implement Sharia system to end such problems?

if Sharia system was as good as you state,
Modi sahib would have implemented it in Gujarat first and now the whole India.

No, PMLN maybe a Punjab based party and I have never voted for them (my voting pattern has been MQM/PPP/PTI) but they are not a 'terror' party. And by launching or at least 'owning' the latest military operation in FATA they have defied the stereotypes about them being a closet Taliban supporter.

And please don't talk about true democracy etc. The world over politicians and politics is a dirty word. Pakistan is not an exception. But I don't believe the Pakistani politicians are the worst in the world. And I am generally satisfied with the current democratic setup.

This loser Qadri needs to do some grass-root work until the next elections. Till then--if he defies the State of Pakistan--he should be dealt with firmly! This flipflopping, U-turn taking, anarchist needs to be shown the same 'Danda' as being shown to the Talibans should he crosses the State of Pakistan.

Well said.

Mullah sahib has already tried grass root route.

did not work

so he has started anarchy.
How can he "Change the system" in the presence of PML-N, PPP, ANP, JUI-F & so on, who love the corrupt & useless system a lot.

IK wants corrupt politicians to do the right thing, which will never happen & Dr. TUQ wants to change the system in the presence of corrupt & incompetent politicians.
No, PMLN maybe a Punjab based party and I have never voted for them (my voting pattern has been MQM/PPP/PTI) but they are not a 'terror' party. And by launching or at least 'owning' the latest military operation in FATA they have defied the stereotypes about them being a closet Taliban supporter.

And please don't talk about true democracy etc. The world over politicians and politics is a dirty word. Pakistan is not an exception. But I don't believe the Pakistani politicians are the worst in the world. And I am generally satisfied with the current democratic setup.

This loser Qadri needs to do some grass-root work until the next elections. Till then--if he defies the State of Pakistan--he should be dealt with firmly! This flipflopping, U-turn taking, anarchist needs to be shown the same 'Danda' as being shown to the Talibans should he crosses the State of Pakistan.

kindly don't compare him to Taliban.

He did not kill 50,000 Pakistanis, chop your countrymen's heads, and blow bombs in our mosques, markets and schools

have some perspective please


How can he "Change the system" in the presence of PML-N, PPP, ANP, JUI-F & so on, who love the corrupt & useless system a lot.

IK wants corrupt politicians to do the right thing, which will never happen & Dr. TUQ wants to change the system in the presence of corrupt & incompetent politicians.

very good post
if Sharia system was as good as you state,
Modi sahib would have implemented it in Gujarat first and now the whole India.
I know what the result of Shariah would be in Pakistan. It would be a desirable goal for India don't you think?

And also... apparently for true Muslims, its the worlds only "Perfect" system.

So two birds..one stone?
Why don't you guys Kick the a** of this Mullah?

We did by not voting for him.

for voting public he is practically a no name.

Sadly our drama-queen media keeps him and Sh Rasheed propped up in front of TV all the time.

and that's OK for TV rating but not good for our nation.
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