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Top cops divided on Love Jihad "campaign has struck a chord with several senior police officers"

Why do you even need to kill anyone if your religion teaches not being offensive to anyone or not to hurt anyone? Why would a god tell its creations (if at all they are) to be killed at the first place? How can anyone take any life if they can not create one(by create one I don't mean giving birth to)?

How else do we deter people from committing crimes such as murders?
How else do we deter people from committing crimes such as murders?
There are plenty of civilized ways but then is this provision of punishment by beheading deterring even Muslims.. They still are killing innocents in the name of your religion, they are beheading innocent journalists, killing people by suicide bombings.. Mind it all those were devout Muslims all over their lives.
@jamahir is an islamic socialist ,follower of Ghaddafi 'third way'

Under Ghaddafi ,Libya was the richest nation in Africa. So, much for squandered oil wealth claim.

Under Mr. Gaddafi, education was a human right and it was free for all Libyans. If a Libyan was unable to find employment after graduation the State would pay that person the average salary of their profession.

For millions of Americans health care is also increasingly becoming a privilege not a right. A recent study by Harvard Medical School estimates that lack of health insurance causes 44,789 excess deaths annually in America . Under Mr. Gaddafi, health care was a human right and it was free for all Libyans. Thus, with regards to health care, education and economic justice, is America in any position to export democracy to Libya or should America have taken a leaf out of Libya 's book?

Muammar Gaddafi inherited one of the poorest nations in Africa . However, by the time he was assassinated, Libya was unquestionably Africa 's most prosperous nation. Libya had the highest GDP per capita and life expectancy in Africa and less people lived below the poverty line than in the Netherlands . Libyans did not only enjoy free health care and free education, they also enjoyed free electricity and interest free loans. The price of petrol was around $0.14 per liter and 40 loaves of bread cost just $0.15. Consequently, the UN designated Libya the 53rd highest in the world in human development.

The fundamental difference between western democratic systems and the Jamahiriya's direct democracy is that in Libya citizens were given the chance to contribute directly to the decision-making process, not merely through elected representatives. Hence, all Libyans were allowed to voice their views directly – not in one parliament of only a few hundred elite politicians – but in hundreds of committees attended by tens of thousands of ordinary citizens. Far from being a military dictatorship, Libya under Mr. Gaddafi was Africa 's most prospero us democracy.

Achievements of Colonel Khaddafi: was he mad?

Gaddafi's Libya Was Africa 's Most Prosperous Democracy By Garikai Chengu

Celebrating The Great Achievments Of Muammar Gaddafi | Libya 360° Archive

thank you, sir... and you know, i am getting tired of this forum... most people here are fighting on nationalist lines or pseudo-religious or cultural lines... it seems they want to live miserable personal lives but also promote their pathetic-ness on internet... it seems they don't a progressed humanity... they want to continue seeing injustice and beheadings... money and cultural oppressions... stupid, so stupid.

by the way, your last link ( libya 360 ) is from a known female supporter of libyan jamahiriya... her name is alexandra valiente... i suppose you already know that from visiting that page :-)

@WebMaster @Horus

why are my comments being moderated on this thread?? what is wrong with post# 93 ( Top cops divided on Love Jihad "campaign has struck a chord with several senior police officers" | Page 7 )??
Yeah and Terrorists don't kill in the name of Religion too.

Just like Hindus don't murder their infant babies, drink and bathe in cow piss and force the women to lay down in their husbands burning pyre!!

There is huge material available since Prophet's time about slave girls being bought and sold so dismount from the high horse of morality and eat a humble pie.

A well, atleast no one from that era was sleeping with the other guys wife like your gods!!

There are plenty of civilized ways but then is this provision of punishment by beheading deterring even Muslims.. They still are killing innocents in the name of your religion, they are beheading innocent journalists, killing people by suicide bombings.. Mind it all those were devout Muslims all over their lives.

And so you are the judge to decide what is 'civilized' over God? Hmm.......

And basically you are saying that just because these people may have been born to Muslim parents or adopted Islam later on or just fake it all and hide behind their own 'engineered' version of some religion calling it Islam, I must defend their actions?? And all this time I have been saying that they are doing things that are strictly forbidden in Islam, how else do I make you understand?
And so you are the judge to decide what is 'civilized' over God? Hmm.......
Don't want to hurt you but I can in no way consider beheading human being civilized. If that is the command of god, I don't consider him god as well..

And basically you are saying that just because these people may have been born to Muslim parents or adopted Islam later on or just fake it all and hide behind their own 'engineered' version of some religion calling it Islam, I must defend their actions?? And all this time I have been saying that they are doing things that are strictly forbidden in Islam, how else do I make you understand?

Well they are getting rid of non believers and expanding the spread of Islam. They are doing exactly the same things that were done since the advent of Islam. Beheading were done before and so was selling of captured women and they are doing no different. If then you say they are doing all the wrongs so does the Muslims who have been dosince he same since Islam was born. Looks like no one understood the religion right from the beginning itself. Was Aurangzeb non Muslim when he got Guru Tegh Bahadur beheaded when he refused to convert? That is just one example but these things are happening since your prophet's times. You can not simply declare any one Muslim or non Muslim based on situation and wish away from the sins the followers of Islam are committing since ages..
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yea..its our own fault..Parents should think twice about their children,specially who are studying/working outside...Have you ever been to Lal bagh,Bangalore??...it has now became an open brothel house....Victims are mostly IT/software enggs and students...some of them are doing it for Pocket money but many are trapped..Authorities seems encouraging and turning blind eye on these activities..

S/W Engg and students in Lal Bagh? This is the first I have ever heard of such thing.
S/W Engg and students in Lal Bagh? This is the first I have ever heard of such thing.
adikke mane bittu horage barabeku....yaavagalu computer munde kuthkondidare idella henge kelsodu??..Nija allva??
Don't want to hurt you but I can in no way consider beheading human being civilized. If that is the command of god, I don't consider him god as well..

And that is your right. However, what does not constitute to be your 'right' is your imposition of 'rights' and 'wrongs' upon us. Your opinions are your right, their imposition on others is not. Furthermore, execution is allowed in Islam only for the most heinous of crimes to provide you prime justice such as a life for a life. If someone's beloved is killed by some one then the state cannot pardon the murderer, only the relatives of the victim can pardon him. This is justice of the highest order.

P.S. I pray that you are never put into that situation but put yourself in place of those whose loved ones are killed by someone over unreasonable excuses, such as mere liking and disliking of ethnic or religious beliefs.

Well they are getting rid of non believers and expanding the spread of Islam. They are doing exactly the same things that were done since the advent of Islam. Beheading were done before and so was selling of captured women and they are doing no different. If then you say they are doing all the wrongs so does the Muslims who have been dosince he same since Islam was born. Looks like no one understood the religion right from the beginning itself. Was Aurangzeb non Muslim when he got Guru Tegh Bahadur beheaded when he refused to convert? That is just one example but these things are happening since your prophet's times. You can not simply declare any one Muslim or non Muslim based on situation and wish away from the sins the followers of Islam are committing since ages..

You are mentioning sins and then you are trying to relate them to the acts of the holy Prophet and his companions. If you believe that is the decent way of argument, you are very wrong. These are the words over which stupid, short tempered Muslims like myself, get really really angry. It's not because you are questioning, bur rather because you are accusing.

So called Islamic Terrorists are killing more Muslims everyday then the rest of the world combined, they are not helping any cause and they are not getting any converts. On the contrary, they are pushing people away from Islam and from Muslims. And people like you are their prime target because people like you want to believe what these terrorists portray to be Islam. Islam does not allow execution of non-believers or believers of other religions. Matter of fact Islam provides them shelter and protection to the point where all Muslims are bound to fight and defend their land and religion against aggression, people from other religions who are under the protection of Muslim states are not bound to fight alongside Muslims.

Today, people may want blood for something bad that somebody may have said about the Holy Prophet (PBUH) but you know what the Prophet himself would have done? There was a Jew woman who used to wait for the Prophet Muhammad to pass by her house and would throw garbage at him every day. One day the prophet passed by her house and she did not throw garbage at him, he enquired about her and was told that she was sick, upon hearing that he went to visit her. That is the prophet's Islam and God's Islam!

Islam was released on people who were extremely arrogant, Arabs still are, and extremely ignorant. The directions were revealed bit by bit so as not to cause severe outright hardships to the followers. Even alcohol wasn't banned in the early days of Islam and there was no praying. Bad habits and practices were gradually phased out to accommodate people. So, my advise would be to learn about Islam before you speak against it.

P.S. It is people of all religions and all races who have committed, to date, heinous crimes against others. Why you want to single out Islam is just beyond me. Christians friend hundreds of thousands in 1 go when the US dropped A. Bombs on Japan and so on but you can only see Muslims? The Hindus and Sikh killed over a million Muslims during migration after partition yet you can see only Muslims? What do I make of that then?
Some people do not learn any other way and they have be dealt with in their own language. My post was not intended for you or for any Hindu that lives and let lives. My religion has nothing that can be offensive to any human being, unless there are misunderstandings or misconceptions.

There is debate whether Sati was used as a result of Islamic warfare. According to some British historians, sati became popular following Islamic invasions.
There is debate whether Sati was used as a result of Islamic warfare. According to some British historians, sati became popular following Islamic invasions.
You are absolutely right. Sati is no where mentioned in Hindu religious texts similar to Johar (or Jauhar). It was a practice developed during Islamic era in India but one more thing to be understood, it was not Sati which was encouraged by Mughal Kingdom but Hardship due to some Hindu practices and discrimination which made it as cultural practice and that too not in all areas across India but North and East India.

Regarding Love Jihad, I support Love and not Jihad so this term is wrong. But Also, I support that Muslim girls should also be allowed to get love outside their religion by removing Burqa and giving them freedom.
You are absolutely right. Sati is no where mentioned in Hindu religious texts similar to Johar (or Jauhar). It was a practice developed during Islamic era in India but one more thing to be understood, it was not Sati which was encouraged by Mughal Kingdom but Hardship due to some Hindu practices and discrimination which made it as cultural practice and that too not in all areas across India but North and East India.

Regarding Love Jihad, I support Love and not Jihad so this term is wrong. But Also, I support that Muslim girls should also be allowed to get love outside their religion by removing Burqa and giving them freedom.

I agree. Also, I like Muslims girls and I wouldn't mind marrying one some day.
India needs to cancel the caste system, this system is clearly residual feudal society, a serious impediment to social and economic development.
There is debate whether Sati was used as a result of Islamic warfare. According to some British historians, sati became popular following Islamic invasions.

And what on Earth could be the 'conjured' up reason for that, by the British Historians? Better yet, provide links and I will read everything myself.
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