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Tony Blair on Dick Cheney: He wanted to invade Iraq, Syria, Iran Read mor


Oct 8, 2009
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Tony Blair write in his memoir, 'A Journey,' that former Vice President Dick Cheney wanted to remake the Middle East after 9/11, and invade not only Iraq, but Iran and Syria as well.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/wor...ast_after_911_invade_iraq_.html#ixzz0yleueRfl
Dick Cheney wanted to invade several Middle East nations, not just Iraq, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair reveals in his new book.

Blair writes that the former Vice President had a goal to remake the power structure of several countries in that part of the world.

Cheney "would have worked through the whole lot, Iraq, Syria, Iran, dealing with all their surrogates in the course of it -- Hezbollah, Hamas, etc.," Blair wrote in his memoir, "A Journey."

The former PM told Christiane Amanpour on ABC's "This Week" that Cheney, 69, believed "the world had to be remade after September the 11th."

"Dick was always absolutely hard-line on these things," Blair said. "I mean, I think he would openly avow this."

In his book, Blair writes Cheney wanted to deliver a message to nations he felt were supporting terrorists and terror organizations.

"He was for hard, hard power," he wrote. "No ifs, no buts, no maybes. We're coming after you so change or be changed."

Blair didn't exactly agree with this position, but told Amanpour that there was some merit to it.

"You can't dismiss that Cheney view and say, well, that's just stupid," he said.

As an example, Blair pointed towards Iran, which has gotten much closer to obtaining nuclear weapons than Iraq's Saddam Hussein ever did.

"Maybe if [Iran] got them, they would never use them," he said. "But I don't think, if I was a leader today, and certainly, this is the view I took then, I don't think I would take the risk."

When pressed on whether or not an invasion of the country would be necessary to stop its nuclear ambitions, Blair was reticent.

"I don't want to see it, but I'm saying you cannot exclude it because the primary objective has got to be to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon," Blair said.

Tony Blair on Dick Cheney: He wanted to remake Middle East after 9/11, invade Iraq, Syria, Iran
No wonder his name is Dick!Truly deserves this name and Americans have audacity to call out nations stupid.Tony Blair was not saint either.
No wonder his name is Dick!Truly deserves this name and Americans have audacity to call out nations stupid.Tony Blair was not saint either.
You got it backwards. It take audacity to be a dick. The Obama administration is too much of a coward to do anything and there are plenty of dicks waiting in the wings.
You got it backwards. It take audacity to be a dick. The Obama administration is too much of a coward to do anything and there are plenty of dicks waiting in the wings.

Dick Cheney pushing torture worked great right ? Lets torture the crap out of people so they can admit to everything we accuse them of. Not because they did it but because they want to stop them from hurting you. Then throw them that sh*thole prison without proper trial and release or keep them as long as we like.

Then again i am sure your all for this after you made clear you mindset as far as Islam goes in another thread. Your superiority complex is rather annoying.
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There are really a few worrying points here:

1. While cheney's mindset is not unusual, its amazing somebody like him can get to such a senior position. It makes the world a much more dangerous place.

2. Blair. Traditionally the labour party in britain has been the chief critic of the US. It shows how the world has changed that even a labour prime minister can agree with such drivel.

The entire western world has bought into the zionist camp. They are happy to be a tool of Israel.
You got it backwards. It take audacity to be a dick. The Obama administration is too much of a coward to do anything and there are plenty of dicks waiting in the wings.

First one basically bankrupt the Americans i wonder what the hiding dicks will achieve from a country thats is out of money and jobs?
Dick goes too severals surgeries, that's good. His health is about collapsed. Surprisingly, he sit on wheel chairs.

Dick, nice proper name!

Death do not want you and life cant stand you who else is in this position oh yeah Ariel Sharone .
Talibans are not the only 'tribals' involved in current wars.

The word 'Anglos' surfaced quite a few times during 2002/2003 when the NeoCons (spurred on by the mostly-Jewish (yes!) columnists and media persons in America) were building a sorry-case to invade Iraq. It is no wonder that USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada have been on the same sides of various wars in the 20th century and later.
I remember I was in Canada during the days leading upto Iraq war. Most Canadians seemed opposed to the Iraq war. I, too, took part in some anti-war demos. But, here n there, some Canadians managed to say: 'This is the first time we Canadians are not supporting our English and American friends'. Not good for Canada'.
As if Canada HAD to support everything their other ethnic/liquistic cousins had to do.
The then Canadian PM (Chretien. spp?) stood proudly in their parliament and said: 'Canada is a sovereign country and we will not be part of this war' to thunderous claps.
But Blair--the Poodle-- has done a great harm to British prestige. He followed the hicks like Bush and Cheney into a cruel and futile war. It was almost sad to see even NYTime's Maurine Dowd calling Blair as a 'Poodle' a couple of days ago. Almost sad.
Tribals with suit. Tribals with fancy toys and cars. Tribals with no shame.
no wonder his daughter turned out as a lesbian

No wonder his name is Dick!Truly deserves this name and Americans have audacity to call out nations stupid.Tony Blair was not saint either.

Dick goes too severals surgeries, that's good. His health is about collapsed. Surprisingly, he sit on wheel chairs.

Dick, nice proper name!

May be she turned Lesbo because she doesnt like Dick. ....

Errrr I mean Dick Cheney :angel:

hahaha, good one :lol:
I fear if bush's son is a gay!!:rofl: (if he has one:blink:)

Dubya has couple of daughters. mmm must be making out with Dick's one :rofl:


chopping block getting rusty? I fail to see how any of these posts are relevant...... surprised that they have been spared the axe
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