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Time to Fence the borders


Sep 8, 2009
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I think in presence of infiltration the time has arrived where we fence the Pakistan - Afghan borders
and close any unnecessary roads and force the traffic to go thru specific checkpoints

a) Fence the borders, install CCTV cameras on the borders
b) Have helicopters ready for capture of illegal travelers on foot or off road vehicles
c) Designate unit of Airforce to respond to intruders from over the border.

The current damage is being done as intruders are infiltrating outside of Pakistan and committing missions and then disappearing.

The time has arrived where we "Completely seal" border and allow only secure cargo to pass thru the provinces close to afghan borders.


BLA and other terrorist coming in and out of Afghanistan need to be sealed off , and we need aireal surveillance over mountains of Balouchistan in order to find their hideouts and act


USE 24/7 , UAV to watch over any illegal vehicles doing off road activity and pin point the BLA terrorist


Patrol the Balouchi Mountains day and night with UAV , and night vision from sky to pin point their hide outs and strike with JF17 Thunder Missions
which border is this in picture. How much will it cost, and does the terrain permit it?
At least Pakistan can block the transit aid of India and Afghanistan.

This will force Afghanistan and India both to come to terms.
Since Afghanistan does not recognize that border, its a non starter..

Doesn't matter to us.

In the case of India and Pakistan it would start a war that would eventually go nuclear but in the case of Afghanistan even if that happens we have the means to take them out quickly.

This is simply something that needs to be done. We can't allow them to keep transporting drugs into Pakistan which fuels crime at home (not to mention across the world), can't have them keep smuggling goods subsidized for the Pakistani population out or bringing in products without paying duties and tariffs not to mention the problem with people smuggling and Afghanistan's state trained/armed militants.
which border is this in picture. How much will it cost, and does the terrain permit it?

Yes the terrain permits it. The pictures above as well as pictures of the border fence with N. Korea show that border fencing can be built on the some of the steepest/hilliest and sandiest terrain.


I actually calculated that it would cost around $15 billion to fence the entire border but that includes mining and using sophisticated intrusion detection fences as well as posting long range thermal imaging cameras spaced apart such that every inch of the fence is covered, they are out of sight from anyone approaching the fence (i.e. at least 2 km away) and they can even clearly identify a person by their face up to a km into Afghan territory.
99% of time , people come in from Afghanistan safe heavens, perform their mission and then they vanish. The women bomber and terrorist must have attained the destructive weapons abroad and smuggled it in

Even if we have local cities protected the outside elements come in by Mountain or Off road vehicles and enter Pakistan where they disperse once they arrive and then regroup before they complete their mission

With out proper fence , and UAV protection layer , the SNAKE will keep biting us every time we look over to our economy

a) Fence the border (Tax goods going into Afghanistan)

b) UAV surveillance 20-40 Units and put these on the mountains of Baluchistan where BLA hides
Use cameras on these to find out where the caves or hide outs are trace the snakes

c) 10 Dedicated JF17 Thunders and 20 Mirages for Border Patrol duties
10 Helicopters available for border patrol , we can spare 20-30 Fighters to focus on BLA and

e) Bring in ARMORED personnel vehicles for Rangers and heavy weapons to fight BLA
d) Develop Tight security of all roads (Check posts) We may have 1000-1500
in barracks activate 100 of these and put them to active duty in hot zones

Suprise ID card checks all along Kheber Pakhtoon area

Suprise ID card checks all along Balouchistan area

Similar actions in Baluchistan

Curfew after 8 pm on vehicles , all other vehicles must stop at security points

> Launch an Operation in Sindh / Karachi to shut down MQM apprehend all the leadership until
its clear who controlls the gangs, we need to shut down the gangs that collect Bhatta

Declaration of War if Terrorist is found to originate from Afghanistan and found inside Pakistan
Send in Troops to occupy Kabul
Its hard for us to fence the border with Afghanistan as it is over 2300 km long and the area is very Mountainous. Secondly, the people are one. The Pashtuns on both sides are related to each other and they have to cross the border frequently.
Tough Luck to border crossing , they wana visit Afghanistan get a passport and go thru security post, You want to re-enter Pakistan make sure your passport is with you or you will have to wait 20-30 days to reenter after security checks are done

Peaceful people will cross border thru security post with passport only Criminals will cross the border illegally on off-road vehicles or Jeeps, they have abundance of grenades and other weapons avialble in Afghanistan

Fencing the border should be Top Priority we can't run a country with border open

In this age and time , a warlord from Afghanistan could ride in his Jeep with 10-20 men enter Pakistan via (off road) and the do his damage and run back to Afghanistan in night time

If we had night time surveillance via UAV we would have spotted the odd NIGHT time intruder miles away , as they would be the only ones driving in night in middle of no where




At least Pakistan can block the transit aid of India and Afghanistan.

This will force Afghanistan and India both to come to terms.

Hmm.. This time took post No 4 for India to be brought in on a subject it has no concern with.
Yes the terrain permits it. The pictures above as well as pictures of the border fence with N. Korea show that border fencing can be built on the some of the steepest/hilliest and sandiest terrain.


I actually calculated that it would cost around $15 billion to fence the entire border but that includes mining and using sophisticated intrusion detection fences as well as posting long range thermal imaging cameras spaced apart such that every inch of the fence is covered, they are out of sight from anyone approaching the fence (i.e. at least 2 km away) and they can even clearly identify a person by their face up to a km into Afghan territory.

15 billion dollar is a huge sum of money. Add the cost of maintenance too that you will have to bear.
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