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Time to act for future!!!!!!!!!!!



New Recruit

Aug 14, 2006
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salam everyone,
I have read alot of thread here, in which alot fuss was made regarding the hype the indian media and politicians have made regarding pakistan. There is no doubt it is a well disguised plan of indians, americans and other western countries of trapping pakistan. Resently, india gave signal of sending its 100 thousand troops to afghanistan. I see alot of people making fun of indians, for their dum media and politicians. But unfortunately and painfully, whether they act dum or silly, as long as it is problamatic for pakistan, it is their win. I think in the past few days we have lost in almost every battle ground. For the first time in history, china did not veto resolution against us. After the continuous us drone incursions, yesterday after a 6 month break a NATO drone made its incursion into pakistani territory. The government is looking idle or i would say is supporting the move of dismantling ISI. Pakistan is in a state of war but our politicians are busy in the BB's death anniversary. Recently zardari made announcement that he knows the killer of BB and he will expose soon, but its main aim is to divert people attention towards this topic other then pakistan. Me being pakistani find it really painful and also more painful because i think i could not do anything in this situation. I think, even if the indian media acts silly, as long as it traps pakistan, its their win. To me the only one solution to come out of this situation is one,(i'm not a great decision maker). WE should get rid of this dummy government, which passes each and every decision of his from the usa.

Finally i would like to end with the biggest joke of year:
When pakistan ambassador(from PPP) in UN was asked why china was not asked to veto resolution against organizations in pakistan.
His reply: I was not aware that a resolution is presented for ban on pakistani organization.
watch at 4 mint for the ambassador view he din knew resolution is presented to put ban on pakistani organization.
Your views are welcomed for possible solution of exiting from this turmoil.
Pakistan Zindabad
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Well I personally think these type of organizations should be banned from country.Let's face they do engage in Jihado activities.It's a well known fact.Now i know these organizations provide education too but government can also start full fledge education program and i am pretty sure they can replace these type of organizations donation boxes with new boxes (All money goes to Government education program..)
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