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Tibet torture video: Rediff

Many people aware that few days back , china banned the youtube.

Because it shows the reality of China.

Here is the video :

Rediff iShare: The Tibet torture video that upset China :angry::angry:

stupid communist rats. they think they will rule the world and become superpower. they will die like ants for commiting these crimes.

Sometime sooner or later their own people whose mouths are shut will start to speak and shout.
I wonder how the 'freedom struggle supporters' across the border fail to support this.
Damn this happened under Communists..and 2002 Muslim Massacre happened under the eyes of world's oldest democracy.
Damn this happened under Communists..and 2002 Muslim Massacre happened under the eyes of world's oldest democracy.

2002 Hindu or Muslim massacre (whichever way you want to see it), was not part of government policies and no media is banned from showing the truth.
You cannot compare riots with brutality of government (I am not saying above video shows truth), but atleast we should compare apples to apples.
and one more thing..........in a secular country like India diff religious approaches of People compel them to have some discriminations which may lead to a major riot etc........Its expected! But i dont understand why Pakistan and Taliban are fighting for........they are of same religion and same ethnicity..........then why it is so.... aslo both Chinese and tibetians are Buddhist but still they are fighting..........huh!

and china and pakistan blame India...........HUh! they should be called religious psychos..... killing unarmed ppl..........small children and women........in the name of god..........which god never allows.......

Chinese have a history of territorial aggressions....and therefore they are doing all sorts of Inhuman Stuffs of poor tibetians.......

If u(u=individual) think that killing of Islamic Separatist isnt jusst den u (u=individual) r a fool......cuzz in India we dont want another terror strike to happen by keeping these rats alive.......shame on them.....they fail Islam........They Fail Allah.............they are the ones to give safe haven to such terrorists and also fund them.......so i don't feel wat indian army is doing is rong....... and China never experienced a terror attack so they wont understand....... but once wen its on their land too......i dont think Sino-Pak relation will last.........
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See you missed the point i was making.You people have no right what so ever about Talking about Tibet considering the fact that similar incidents happened in India.
Now for India Tech.I agree India will never become super power.These rats think being a fake democracy and by terrorizing Kashmiris they can become regional power (Super Power is no go zone for India).[/QUOTE

I told before........ the freaking terrorist rats need to be killed wid a inhuman way cuzz i c no mercy on them.........the separatist are safe haven for terrorist and we dont want em on our land..........paksitan can have em.........after what they did......!killing innocent ppl..........i c no harm in killing em..... and its very Just....... Islam is not for granted........... They spoil gods name ..........!
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I dont know y my pakistani brothers keep referring to gujarat riots

Do u know that so many muslims are fighting in China for independence?/
ofcourse u guys wont see that.

Its almost as if pakistan gets attacked by militants , then its no problem,
but if it gets attacked by india , its a big big problem.

u got ur priorities wrong my brothers
See you missed the point i was making.You people have no right what so ever about Talking about Tibet considering the fact that similar incidents happened in India.
Now for India Tech.I agree India will never become super power.These rats think being a fake democracy and by terrorizing Kashmiris they can become regional power (Super Power is no go zone for India).

Who are you to tell me whose got a right to speak abt tibet. Even if india becomes a regional power its motives are not like the the communists, who kill in the name of giving rights to farmers and poor.

Practically india has every chance to be a powerhouse and it already is to many extent. Thanks for your bas wishes but we all know where pakistan is heading. Lets see where time takes us.
This use to happen everywhere , You may find this kind of images if you search for "Indian military in Kashmir' too.

But still this video is really bit cruel .I could not watch much of this video .Lets pray God for doing something good to these people .

If Chinese supreme ruler gets a chance to see these videos he might change his mind !
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stupid communist rats. they think they will rule the world and become superpower. they will die like ants for commiting these crimes.

Sometime sooner or later their own people whose mouths are shut will start to speak and shout.

Mind the language please. This sort of derogatory comment is not appreciated on the forum.
moreover Pakis call India a failed state....and a fake democracy...

But wen i compare India and Pakistan......i c how pakistanis surving on US money........In Hindi Its called BHikh and and Urdu its called Kheraat......and english its known as begging........! and its a great Insult for a country when it comes to surviving on funds and allocated money that comes from the People that u hate the most.........thats Americans.....
Before Calling India a failed state jusst take a deep look inside Paksitan.......a country that depends on west money even for its defense but still cant stop boasting its military prowess......

First and last warning on this issue - Pakis is a slur, and will get you banned if you use it again.

Nor are pointless rants like these appreciated. Stick to the topic.
These rats think being a fake democracy and by terrorizing Kashmiris they can become regional power (Super Power is no go zone for India).

Same goes for you saad. Do not fall to the levels of others. Such language is not tolerated, you should know that by now.
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