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Thousands protest deaths blamed on Indian army in Kashmir


Sep 12, 2008
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Thousands protest deaths blamed on army in Kashmir

SRINAGAR, India - Thousands of angry villagers protested in India's portion of Kashmir on Saturday, accusing the army of fatally shooting two men and critically wounding another, police and residents said.

Men in combat gear fired at a vehicle in Bumai village on Saturday evening, critically wounding all three passengers, said B. Srinivas, inspector general of police. Two of them died en route to a hospital, Srinivas said. Bumai lies 38 miles (60 kilometers) northwest of Srinagar, the main city in Indian Kashmir.

Local residents blamed the army, and as news of the killings spread to the nearby town of Sopore, thousands of people took to streets chanting slogans against India and its military, and demanding independence for the Himalayan region. An estimated 700,000 Indian soldiers are deployed in Kashmir.

There were some reports of stone throwing. Srinivas said police were trying to pacify the protesters.

"Army soldiers indiscriminately fired on the vehicle," said Firdous Ahmed, who lives in Bumai, told The Associated Press by phone. He did not elaborate.

The Indian army was investigating the incident, army spokesman Col. D.K. Kachari said.

Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan, but they both claim it in its entirety. They have fought two wars over the region.

Anti-India sentiment runs deep in Jammu-Kashmir, India's only Muslim majority state. A dozen militant groups have been fighting since 1989 for independence from mainly Hindu India, or a merger with Muslim Pakistan.

The uprising and a subsequent Indian crackdown have killed more than 68,000 people, most of them civilians.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Thousands protest deaths blamed on army in Kashmir - MSNBC Wire Services- msnbc.com
Wasn't this an attack on a religious procession of the muslims?

What is Bharat doing to tackle Hindu Extremism in the army and security agencies?
It was an attack by some people in uniform. Jihadis have used the tactic of wearing IA uniforms in the past. Obviously the Jihadis will be happy to whip up a frenzy. Kashmiri lives are no more precious to the Jihadis than Bengali lives were in 1971.

Thousands protest deaths blamed on army in Kashmir

SRINAGAR, India - Thousands of angry villagers protested in India's portion of Kashmir on Saturday, accusing the army of fatally shooting two men and critically wounding another, police and residents said.

Men in combat gear fired at a vehicle in Bumai village on Saturday evening, critically wounding all three passengers, said B. Srinivas, inspector general of police. Two of them died en route to a hospital, Srinivas said. Bumai lies 38 miles (60 kilometers) northwest of Srinagar, the main city in Indian Kashmir.

Local residents blamed the army, and as news of the killings spread to the nearby town of Sopore, thousands of people took to streets chanting slogans against India and its military, and demanding independence for the Himalayan region. An estimated 700,000 Indian soldiers are deployed in Kashmir.

There were some reports of stone throwing. Srinivas said police were trying to pacify the protesters.

"Army soldiers indiscriminately fired on the vehicle," said Firdous Ahmed, who lives in Bumai, told The Associated Press by phone. He did not elaborate.

The Indian army was investigating the incident, army spokesman Col. D.K. Kachari said.

Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan, but they both claim it in its entirety. They have fought two wars over the region.

Anti-India sentiment runs deep in Jammu-Kashmir, India's only Muslim majority state. A dozen militant groups have been fighting since 1989 for independence from mainly Hindu India, or a merger with Muslim Pakistan.

The uprising and a subsequent Indian crackdown have killed more than 68,000 people, most of them civilians.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Thousands protest deaths blamed on army in Kashmir - MSNBC Wire Services- msnbc.com
It was an attack by some people in uniform. Jihadis have used the tactic of wearing IA uniforms in the past. Obviously the Jihadis will be happy to whip up a frenzy. Kashmiri lives are no more precious to the Jihadis than Bengali lives were in 1971.

Where is your proof? Any source backing your claim?

Thousands of Kashmiris are not stupid for protesting against indian army if what you say is true, Kashmiris are very intelligent people.

I've even spoke to some Kashmiris from Indian Occupied Kashmir, they know all about your indian tactics.
This is a tragic incident, but the blame should go to the terrorists who use civilians as human shields, and to those who sponsor such terrorists and send them across. The following article give more information.

Killed in crossfire

Udhampur, Feb 22: Army today claimed the two youth were killed in cross firing at Bomai yesterday. In a statement issued from North Command headquarters (Udhampur), the defense spokesman, Col D K Kachari, said that the army had launched two parties in the area, “based on specific information” about the presence of militants in Tujar near Sopur.
“First party established inner cordon and the second while moving out of Bumai Post was informed of presence of three terrorists in a bus. The party followed the bus and halted it near Bumai Chowk. The RR personnel asked male members of the bus to lift their pherans to check for weapons. The terrorists who were hiding behind the civilians, opened fire towards the RR personnel resulting in killing of one civilian,” Col Kachari said.
“22 RR exercised utmost restraint due to the crowded area. However, when terrorists were firing and fleeing, the troopers fired on the terrorists. Two more civilians sustained injuries in the ensuing crossfire. Both civilians were evacuated to Sopore Hospital where one succumbed to his injuries,” Col Kachari said adding that a high level court of inquiry had also been ordered by the army.
^ The only terrorists are Indian Army. The violence figures of 1989-July 2004 in Indian Occupied Kashmir are as follows: Killings 89,008; houses/shops destroyed 104,751; orphaned 106,205; women molested 9,532; and widowed 22,158. And, there has been more to it, there’s no end yet.

As I said before, thousands of Kashmiris are not stupid to protest against indian army, if indian army have done good for them. Kashmiris are very intelligent people.
^ The only terrorists are Indian Army. The violence figures of 1989-July 2004 in Indian Occupied Kashmir are as follows: Killings 89,008; houses/shops destroyed 104,751; orphaned 106,205; women molested 9,532; and widowed 22,158. And, there has been more to it, there’s no end yet.

As I said before, thousands of Kashmiris are not stupid to protest against indian army, if indian army have done good for them. Kashmiris are very intelligent people.

please give source for the data you provided.

thousands of kashmiris also thought a few acres of land for hindu pilgrims will change the demography of kashmir :) so thousands will easily protest if successfully provoked by their 'leaders'.

given the plight of kashmiris on both sides of the LOC, i wouldn't call them very intelligent.
^ The only terrorists are Indian army.

It has been established beyond doubt that organizaions like LET which were supported by the pakistani state in the past are terrorist organizations. LET has been implicated in the mumbai terrorist attack by the Govt of pakistan too.

so ur statement is a lie. the indian army came to kashmir to fight the terrorists supported by pakistan govt. if anything, indian army is incidental terrorists, the first price goes to you.
Indian Army terrorist acts committed against the Kashmiri people:

violence figures of 1989-July 2004 as follows: Killings 89,008; houses/shops destroyed 104,751; orphaned 106,205; women molested 9,532; and widowed 22,158. And, there has been more to it, there’s no end yet.
State terror in occupied Kashmir

Indian army terrorist acts commited against the Kashmiri people from Jan. 1989 to January 31, 2009
Total Killings * 92,729
Custodial Killings 6,953
Civilians Arrested 115,972
Structures Arsoned/Destroyed 105,682
Women Widowed 22,681
Children Orphaned 107,222
Women gang-raped / Molested 9,850
Kashmir Media Service | Latest and Free Kashmiri News - the best and free news agency on Kashmir
Indian Army terrorist acts committed against the Kashmiri people:

violence figures of 1989-July 2004 as follows: Killings 89,008; houses/shops destroyed 104,751; orphaned 106,205; women molested 9,532; and widowed 22,158. And, there has been more to it, there’s no end yet.
State terror in occupied Kashmir

Indian army terrorist acts commited against the Kashmiri people from Jan. 1989 to January 31, 2009
Total Killings * 92,729
Custodial Killings 6,953
Civilians Arrested 115,972
Structures Arsoned/Destroyed 105,682
Women Widowed 22,681
Children Orphaned 107,222
Women gang-raped / Molested 9,850
Kashmir Media Service | Latest and Free Kashmiri News - the best and free news agency on Kashmir

Thats no independent source.
From Amnesty International:

Thousands lost in Kashmir mass graves

Call on India to investigate enforced disappearances and mass graves in Kashmir and Jammu
Hundreds of unidentified graves – believed to contain victims of unlawful killings, enforced disappearances, torture and other abuses - have been found in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir.

Amnesty International has urged the Indian government to launch urgent investigations into the mass graves, which are thought to contain the remains of victims of human rights abuses in the context of the armed conflict that has raged in the region since 1989.

The findings appear in the report Facts under Ground, issued on 29 March by the Srinagar-based Association of the Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP). The report details the existence of multiple graves which, because of their proximity to Pakistan controlled-areas, are in areas not accessible without the specific permission of the security forces. Since 2006, the graves of at least 940 people are reported to have been discovered in 18 villages in Uri district alone.

The Indian army has claimed that those found buried were armed rebels and "foreign militants" killed lawfully in armed encounters with military forces. However, the report recounts testimonies from local villagers saying that most buried were local residents hailing from the state.

The report alleges that more than 8,000 persons have gone missing in Jammu and Kashmir since 1989. The Indian authorities put the figure at less than 4.000, claiming that most of these went to Pakistan to join armed opposition groups.

In 2006, a state police report confirmed the deaths in custody of 331 persons, and also 111 enforced disappearances following detention since 1989.

Unlawful killings, enforced disappearances and torture are violations of both international human rights law and international humanitarian law, set out in treaties to which India is a state party. They also constitute international crimes.

Amnesty International has called on the Indian government to unequivocally condemn enforced disappearances in Jammu and Kashmir and ensure that prompt, thorough, independent and impartial investigations into all sites of mass graves in the region are immediately carried out by forensic experts in line with the relevant UN Model Protocol.

All past and current allegations of enforced disappearances must be investigated and, where there is sufficient evidence, anyone suspected of responsibility for such crimes must be prosecuted in fair trial proceedings, with all victims granted full reparations.

Thousands lost in Kashmir mass graves | Amnesty International
I've even spoke to some Kashmiris from Indian Occupied Kashmir...

That's the problem with you guys boss... you guys have been just 'speaking' to these kashmiris about 'freedom' for the past 60 years. Have they attained freedom yet? NO :tdown:... It's YOUR involvement with the Kashmiris which has made their lives miserable and will continue to do so.

We 'spoke' to the East Pakistanis in 1970-71 and today they have their own country -- it's called Bangladesh if you haven't noticed!!
Why Doesn't Pakistani press report these incidents ..It is realy pitiful condition of pakistani media
That's the problem with you guys boss... you guys have been just 'speaking' to these kashmiris about 'freedom' for the past 60 years. Have they attained freedom yet? NO :tdown:... It's YOUR involvement with the Kashmiris which has made their lives miserable and will continue to do so.

We 'spoke' to the East Pakistanis in 1970-71 and today they have their own country -- it's called Bangladesh if you haven't noticed!!

Thank god those fools got seperated in 71 they would've benn a burden to pakistan and look at them now what do they have other than the crapy awami league.
back to topic: fateh71 said let are terrorists they have a reason to fight the indian army is killing inocent muslims and molesting women because they don't have prostitutes in kashmir like they do in india.
The indian army is the perfect definition of a terrorist organization!!!!!!!!!:chilli:

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