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Thought Provoking for PAF


Apr 10, 2007
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Chinese PLAAF has already initiated the project for stealth fighter program to meet future demands of air warfare. On the other hand Indians have joined Russians not only to finance stealth fighter program but to take equal part in the development of such modern fighter. USA, UK, Australia, Israel and Japan are already on the hit list to get F/A-22 Raptors and JSF in the very near future.

In this changing environment, the struggle done by PAF needs encouragement from every citizen of this country. But this is not the end of it all anyway. PAF with the changing GEO-POLITICAL scenario, have to think out of the box and maintain credible force not only to defend the air space of Pakistan. But to wage war and inflict maximum damage on enemy forces. And it is imperative to emphasize here that one of the important factors in shifting the balance of air war would be to wage war geographically away from national air vicinity.

For example conducting extensive surgical operations in the Indian ocean to help Chinese PLAAF in Taiwan conflict against US and India. Or conducting interceptionmissions over Saudi airspace against IsraelAF.

Well, if you critically and objectively analyze these situations. You would come to the conclusion that right now is the time when PAF have to dedicate its resources technically and financially to take part in the Chinese stealth program. As a resultant of which would reap beneficial results for PAF and its long term (for say 50 years) strategic objectives.

Taking part in Chinese Stealth program is the call of the day for Pakistan, PAF and related R&D organizations. And this would create a level of expertise and knowledge pool with in PAF for developin better aircrafts. It is understood that currently JF-17 program is the hot spot for delivering reliable planes. But dedicating decent level of resources right now will serve PAF and Pakistan in long term. This would help in turn creating a level of trust among Chinese strategists and people. And Chinese would be most willing to welcome Pakistan to take part in this project of pride.

I shall be looking forward for your brainstorming response for the above mentioned discussion. Will appreciate your response to make my thoughts more polished.

PAKISTAN Zindabad :pakistan:
Long Live Pakistan China Friendship:china:
Absolutely right brother yarmook. PAF seriously needs to put something on the back burner right away so it can give us results any time soon.:pakistan:
Chinese PLAAF has already initiated the project for stealth fighter program to meet future demands of air warfare. On the other hand Indians have joined Russians not only to finance stealth fighter program but to take equal part in the development of such modern fighter. USA, UK, Australia, Israel and Japan are already on the hit list to get F/A-22 Raptors and JSF in the very near future.

In this changing environment, the struggle done by PAF needs encouragement from every citizen of this country. But this is not the end of it all anyway. PAF with the changing GEO-POLITICAL scenario, have to think out of the box and maintain credible force not only to defend the air space of Pakistan. But to wage war and inflict maximum damage on enemy forces. And it is imperative to emphasize here that one of the important factors in shifting the balance of air war would be to wage war geographically away from national air vicinity.

For example conducting extensive surgical operations in the Indian ocean to help Chinese PLAAF in Taiwan conflict against US and India. Or conducting interceptionmissions over Saudi airspace against IsraelAF.

Well, if you critically and objectively analyze these situations. You would come to the conclusion that right now is the time when PAF have to dedicate its resources technically and financially to take part in the Chinese stealth program. As a resultant of which would reap beneficial results for PAF and its long term (for say 50 years) strategic objectives.

Taking part in Chinese Stealth program is the call of the day for Pakistan, PAF and related R&D organizations. And this would create a level of expertise and knowledge pool with in PAF for developin better aircrafts. It is understood that currently JF-17 program is the hot spot for delivering reliable planes. But dedicating decent level of resources right now will serve PAF and Pakistan in long term. This would help in turn creating a level of trust among Chinese strategists and people. And Chinese would be most willing to welcome Pakistan to take part in this project of pride.

I shall be looking forward for your brainstorming response for the above mentioned discussion. Will appreciate your response to make my thoughts more polished.

PAKISTAN Zindabad :pakistan:
Long Live Pakistan China Friendship:china:

Rather than make them more polished. I suggest a more realistic grounding in the realities of the world.

A)You assume that PAK is not looking toward the future and are all sitting on their hands. Just because you havenot heard abut it doesn't mean it is not happening. there is no real need for the PAF (for example) to scream from the rooftops about purchases. If you knew some of what a few members
know you would be surprised let me tell you!

B)The whole help China against Taiwan / the U.S. is a BAAAAAAAAAAD way of doing things. Why burn bridges with one country for some unknown reason when it is possible to maintain good relations with both the west and the east.
I agree with the idea of co-operation with the Chinese in their 5th gen fighter program. every nation that cannot build fighters joins a super power's program-f-35, pak-fa etc. (the indians even wanted to join the rafale program in 1986) - -
but what are the projects that the gentleman above has hinted towards - - i'm sure u can share them with us - - -
Pakistan isnt sitting idle. But the way of doing things is different. Sir keys rightly said that pakistan doesnt scream on the rooftops, rather applies a very realistic and thoughtfull approach. We know we are up against a superior enemy and we need to detter that. Previous governments had just given priority to the nuclear and missle shield while leaving the conventional force far behind. One of the things i like about musharraf government is that he has indeed given top priority to pakistan's conventional capabilities along with other things.
Rather than make them more polished. I suggest a more realistic grounding in the realities of the world.

A)You assume that PAK is not looking toward the future and are all sitting on their hands. Just because you havenot heard abut it doesn't mean it is not happening. there is no real need for the PAF (for example) to scream from the rooftops about purchases. If you knew some of what a few members
know you would be surprised let me tell you!

B)The whole help China against Taiwan / the U.S. is a BAAAAAAAAAAD way of doing things. Why burn bridges with one country for some unknown reason when it is possible to maintain good relations with both the west and the east.

As Bro Adnan said in above post, would you mind sharing some projects with us. Offcourse am aware that our armed forces are never sitting idle What all i meant was to accelerate such futuristic projects so that we may not be waiting for any kind of political or technical delays to induct modest aircrafts in our airforce.

Well am waiting for some surprises by you abt the current projects PAF is undertaking.

The war with Taiwan is not at all use less war for us. Its in favor of China and makes us regional beneficiaries. If China wins it will come in Indian ocean and dominate the imp sea routes which will be long term strategic secure
edge for Pakistan. No more US and India or Iran. No more Afghaniistan, No more Iraq Mission ends thats it!!! :bunny:

Good luck
Originally Posted by Keysersoze
A)You assume that PAK is not looking toward the future and are all sitting on their hands. Just because you have not heard abut it doesn't mean it is not happening. there is no real need for the PAF (for example) to scream from the rooftops about purchases. If you knew some of what a few members
know you would be surprised let me tell you!

its difficult to discuss / analyse in ambigeous terms.
There are however some factors that will make such a thing very difficult:

1 Cost: Pakistan is currently undergoing a lot of turmoil and no body knows where things will be when all of this is over. The only way to avioid another standoff in the tribal areas and Baluchistan for that matter will be to develop these areas. This will take a LOT of time and money and for the long term future of the nation, every penny should be diverted to this endeavor. India's economy is picking up and chances are they will eventually reach their intended status of becoming an economic powerhouse (not saying that it will become a comprehensively wealthy nation like the USA); Pakistan has to make efforts to build a strong economy of their own. Not having 5th generation fighter jets for now will not make a difference because there is nothing suggesting that India will ever start a war (in the absence of another Kargil like misadventure anyways), since doing so will only curtail their economy which is something they are not willing to do at any cost. Pakistan for now can maintain credible deterrence with JF17s, J10s and F16s.

2. Strategic: China may not want Pakistan to be involved right now because they know that the USA will have the opportunity to access their technology just like the way the Chinese were able to take a closer look at the F-16s. This is not a problem for 4th generation fighters, but 5th gen fighter tech is still extremely sensitive. Likewise, such a move may upset the USA which again will mean risking the Pakistani economy, something unthinkable in the near future.
Strategic: China may not want Pakistan to be involved right now because they know that the USA will have the opportunity to access their technology just like the way the Chinese were able to take a closer look at the F-16s. This is not a problem for 4th generation fighters, but 5th gen fighter tech is still extremely sensitive. Likewise, such a move may upset the USA which again will mean risking the Pakistani economy, something unthinkable in the near future.

What the hell are you talking about? What do you think we are some kind of technology demostraters. When did chinese had the access to the F-16s or am i missing here something? If china wouldnt had let pakistan access they wouldnt have had shown the J-10 to pakistan, which in case you forget pakistan's president Musharraf was the first president of anycountry to be shown china's top of the line fighter jet and not only shown but offered it as well. Pakistan was the first country to be offered J-10s.
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