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This Is How The JF-17 Became The Backbone Of Pakistan's Air Force

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This Is How The JF-17 Became The Backbone Of Pakistan's Air Force
March 26, 2020


Pakistan could not have done it without China.

by Sebastien Roblin

Key point: Islamabad's JF-17 is a pretty good plane. It may not be super high-tech or stealthy, but it competes well and holds its own.

In the 2019 Paris Air Show, Pakistan its lightweight JF-17 Thunder jet fighter it began building a decade ago in conjunction with China. You can see the seven-ton fighter performing maneuvers in this video.

Just a few months earlier, Pakistan dispatched what it claimed to be twenty-five JF-17s to launch a lightning strike across the Line of Control on targets in Kashmir, in retaliation for an Indian air raid on a JeM terrorist training camp.

The PAF claimed its JF-17s had shot down two Indian fighters pursuing strike planes into Pakistani airspace. However, while the loss of one upgraded Indian MiG-21 Bison was confirmed and its pilot captured, India subsequently displayed fragments of American-made AIM-120 missiles only compatible with Pakistan’s F-16s, casting some doubt on whether the PAF’s Thunders were responsible for the kill.

Pakistan currently operate around 100 Thunders in five operational squadrons, plus a testing and training unit. The first Thunders entered squadron service in 2010 and saw action bombing insurgents in Waziristan. Islamabad also confirmed in 2018 a $184 million deal to sell three JF-17s to the Nigerian Air Force in 2018 (which currently operates J-7s and Alpha Jets), and has delivered at least six out of an order of eighteen JF-17Ms to Myanmar.

The PAF now plans to procure fifty more JF-17s of an improved Block III standard by 2024—with airframes produced jointly by Pakistan and China in a 58/42 percent split—as well as procure 26 two-seat JF-17Bs with additional fuel stored in a dorsal fin and enhanced application to training and possibly strike missions. Extant JF-17s may also be upgraded to the Block III variant, which should make its first flight later in 2019.

F-16 Meets MiG-21—in China

Islamabad and Beijing have been close allies since the 1950s, finding in India a common adversary during the Cold War. Pakistan also nurtured warm ties with the United States, but these waned in the twenty-first century due to its intelligence services enduring ties to Islamist terrorist organizations.

One facet of these tensions is that the Pakistani Air Force has only sporadically been able to purchase additional F-16s to reinforce the dozens it acquired during the 1980s that saw a surprising amount of action battling Soviet jets over the Pakistan/Afghan border.

Thus, as early as the 1990s, Pakistan turned to China for an F-16 alternative to replace its aging Chinese-built J-7 and A-6 fighters, themselves Chinese clones of the Soviet MiG-21 and MiG-19.

During a period of increasing defense cooperation with the United States in the 1980s, China had actually pursued a joint venture with Grumman to build an upgraded J-7 fighter called the Super-7 or Sabre II, using avionics from the F-16. This and other project fell through after the Tiananmen Square massacre in June 1989 permanently chilled U.S.-China defense cooperation.

But the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation kept on working on the Super-7 project, and in the 1990s offered to jointly develop an affordable F-16 substitute based upon the Super-7 called the JF-17 Thunder with the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex. PAC had formerly principally been involved in re-building old J-7s and Mirages.

The Thunder, which first flew in 2003, is a no-nonsense evolution of the MiG-21. Instead of the MiG-21’s R-25 turbojet with a nose intake, the Thunder uses an RD-93 turbofan (a variant of the RD-33 on the MiG-29 Fulcrum) with lower fuselage intakes. The JF-17’s maximum speed of Mach 1.6 to 1.8 leaves it marginally slower than its Soviet forebearer, but the Thunder remains highly maneuverable, has a superior range of around 750 miles, and its KLJ-7 doppler radar is far more powerful.

Of course, in contrast to the F-16, the JF-17 is designed to employ Chinese weapons on its seven hardpoints, including the PL-5 short-range air-to-air missile, LS-6 ‘Thunderstone’ GPS-guided glide bombs, and YJ-12 supersonic and YJ-83 subsonic anti-shipping missiles. (The PAF’s No.2 squadron maintains one squadron in the maritime strike role.) The PAF JF-17s are still awaiting Chinese PL-12 radar-guided missiles with a range of around fifty miles to obtain true beyond-visual range capability.

Though not directly integrated, the JF-17 can also carry electro-optical/infrared sensors and self-defense jammers on external pods.

While early JF-17 models priced out to a cheap $15-28 million—cutting edge jets fourth and fifth-generation jets tend to cost $70-110 million)—the Thunders lacked certain basic capabilities. For example, aerial-refueling capability was not introduced until the Block II model.

The new Block III, which will supposedly cost around $32 million each, now introduces a helmet-mounted display system which should allow more flexible targeting of short-range missiles in close dogfights. The jet intakes are widened to improve airflow, and the Russian RD-93 engine may eventually be replaced by a Chinese manufactured WS-13 turbofan. Additional thrust, combined with lightweight composite materials could potentially boost the type’s speed and range.

Perhaps the most important upgrade is an upgrade of the radar to an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar. These have higher resolution, are more discrete and are more jam-resistant than preceding classes of radar. PAC is evaluating a KLJ-7A radar with a wider-angle search field and a detection range of 124 miles for fighter-sized target, and an air-cooled LKF-601E AESA radar.

The Block III Thunder may also feature an internal infrared sensor and modernized flight control systems and a single-panel multi-functional display for the pilot.

While the Thunder is not particularly sexy compared to cutting-edge stealth fighters and even 4.5-generation jets like the Rafale and Su-35, its seems capable for its price, particularly once it integrates AESA radar and the PL-10 missile. It seems likely to show up in the new again if there any future showdowns between Pakistani and Indian aviation.

Sébastien Roblin holds a master’s degree in conflict resolution from Georgetown University and served as a university instructor for the Peace Corps in China. He has also worked in education, editing, and refugee resettlement in France and the United States. He currently writes on security and military history for War Is Boring. This article originally appeared in 2019 and is being republished due to reader interest.

just look at this sebastian roblin's other pieces of writing. its all blowing smoke up indias rear.
While the Thunder is not particularly sexy compared to cutting-edge stealth fighters and even 4.5-generation jets like the Rafale and Su-35, its seems capable for its price, particularly once it integrates AESA radar and the PL-10 missile. It seems likely to show up in the new again if there any future showdowns between Pakistani and Indian aviation.

Oh la la am not looking for sex with gori here but this desi baby is more then capable of shooting down some gori's and neighbour cat walk beauties and putting them into their proper places. In case my neighbour won't taunt me i have put my desi baby through plastic surgery and also gave her AESA as well to improve her eyesight and can be more relevant in the todays world. So not bad for the world once so called failed country.
in retaliation for an Indian air raid on a JeM terrorist training camp

There was no training camp. Pakistan proved with out doubt it was just some trees.

but indians were lucky they missed their intended target which was just a madrassah not linked with any rebel group. If kids were murdered by the IAF , PAF would have skinned india alive.

Remember what we did to TTP after APS massacre.

just look at this sebastian roblin's other pieces of writing. its all blowing smoke up indias rear.

he probably drank too much....
its all about repetition. this outlet has so far written quite a few articles on JF17 and they are all doused in sarcasm and gutter level of intellectualism. or intellechawal.

It is just jealousy spurred by irrational hate.....
wisdom never comes from authority it is vice versa. but this is fools paradise we live in.
a man went to a city of donkeys, every man (donkey) in that city make fun of him by calling him a donkey.
hence moral is keep working on, your efforts and dedication will bring it to fruition, achievement speaks itself and never seek a credit from morons.
Would like to see ASELSAN EW pod in JFs:

ASELSAN has released details of its new EW Pod designed for the F-16. A derivative is planned to be used in the TAI/BaE Systems TF-X program.

ASELSAN claims it can intercept and jam and/or deceive hostile enemy radar emitters by analysing multi-target signals and automatically/manually generating an appropriate response.

The system uses similar technology to that used in ASELSAN's Land based KORAL Electronic Warfare system it introduced last year (see the pic below for capabilities).



This Is How The JF-17 Became The Backbone Of Pakistan's Air Force
March 26, 2020


Pakistan could not have done it without China.

by Sebastien Roblin

Key point: Islamabad's JF-17 is a pretty good plane. It may not be super high-tech or stealthy, but it competes well and holds its own.

In the 2019 Paris Air Show, Pakistan its lightweight JF-17 Thunder jet fighter it began building a decade ago in conjunction with China. You can see the seven-ton fighter performing maneuvers in this video.

Just a few months earlier, Pakistan dispatched what it claimed to be twenty-five JF-17s to launch a lightning strike across the Line of Control on targets in Kashmir, in retaliation for an Indian air raid on a JeM terrorist training camp.

The PAF claimed its JF-17s had shot down two Indian fighters pursuing strike planes into Pakistani airspace. However, while the loss of one upgraded Indian MiG-21 Bison was confirmed and its pilot captured, India subsequently displayed fragments of American-made AIM-120 missiles only compatible with Pakistan’s F-16s, casting some doubt on whether the PAF’s Thunders were responsible for the kill.

Pakistan currently operate around 100 Thunders in five operational squadrons, plus a testing and training unit. The first Thunders entered squadron service in 2010 and saw action bombing insurgents in Waziristan. Islamabad also confirmed in 2018 a $184 million deal to sell three JF-17s to the Nigerian Air Force in 2018 (which currently operates J-7s and Alpha Jets), and has delivered at least six out of an order of eighteen JF-17Ms to Myanmar.

The PAF now plans to procure fifty more JF-17s of an improved Block III standard by 2024—with airframes produced jointly by Pakistan and China in a 58/42 percent split—as well as procure 26 two-seat JF-17Bs with additional fuel stored in a dorsal fin and enhanced application to training and possibly strike missions. Extant JF-17s may also be upgraded to the Block III variant, which should make its first flight later in 2019.

F-16 Meets MiG-21—in China

Islamabad and Beijing have been close allies since the 1950s, finding in India a common adversary during the Cold War. Pakistan also nurtured warm ties with the United States, but these waned in the twenty-first century due to its intelligence services enduring ties to Islamist terrorist organizations.

One facet of these tensions is that the Pakistani Air Force has only sporadically been able to purchase additional F-16s to reinforce the dozens it acquired during the 1980s that saw a surprising amount of action battling Soviet jets over the Pakistan/Afghan border.

Thus, as early as the 1990s, Pakistan turned to China for an F-16 alternative to replace its aging Chinese-built J-7 and A-6 fighters, themselves Chinese clones of the Soviet MiG-21 and MiG-19.

During a period of increasing defense cooperation with the United States in the 1980s, China had actually pursued a joint venture with Grumman to build an upgraded J-7 fighter called the Super-7 or Sabre II, using avionics from the F-16. This and other project fell through after the Tiananmen Square massacre in June 1989 permanently chilled U.S.-China defense cooperation.

But the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation kept on working on the Super-7 project, and in the 1990s offered to jointly develop an affordable F-16 substitute based upon the Super-7 called the JF-17 Thunder with the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex. PAC had formerly principally been involved in re-building old J-7s and Mirages.

The Thunder, which first flew in 2003, is a no-nonsense evolution of the MiG-21. Instead of the MiG-21’s R-25 turbojet with a nose intake, the Thunder uses an RD-93 turbofan (a variant of the RD-33 on the MiG-29 Fulcrum) with lower fuselage intakes. The JF-17’s maximum speed of Mach 1.6 to 1.8 leaves it marginally slower than its Soviet forebearer, but the Thunder remains highly maneuverable, has a superior range of around 750 miles, and its KLJ-7 doppler radar is far more powerful.

Of course, in contrast to the F-16, the JF-17 is designed to employ Chinese weapons on its seven hardpoints, including the PL-5 short-range air-to-air missile, LS-6 ‘Thunderstone’ GPS-guided glide bombs, and YJ-12 supersonic and YJ-83 subsonic anti-shipping missiles. (The PAF’s No.2 squadron maintains one squadron in the maritime strike role.) The PAF JF-17s are still awaiting Chinese PL-12 radar-guided missiles with a range of around fifty miles to obtain true beyond-visual range capability.

Though not directly integrated, the JF-17 can also carry electro-optical/infrared sensors and self-defense jammers on external pods.

While early JF-17 models priced out to a cheap $15-28 million—cutting edge jets fourth and fifth-generation jets tend to cost $70-110 million)—the Thunders lacked certain basic capabilities. For example, aerial-refueling capability was not introduced until the Block II model.

The new Block III, which will supposedly cost around $32 million each, now introduces a helmet-mounted display system which should allow more flexible targeting of short-range missiles in close dogfights. The jet intakes are widened to improve airflow, and the Russian RD-93 engine may eventually be replaced by a Chinese manufactured WS-13 turbofan. Additional thrust, combined with lightweight composite materials could potentially boost the type’s speed and range.

Perhaps the most important upgrade is an upgrade of the radar to an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar. These have higher resolution, are more discrete and are more jam-resistant than preceding classes of radar. PAC is evaluating a KLJ-7A radar with a wider-angle search field and a detection range of 124 miles for fighter-sized target, and an air-cooled LKF-601E AESA radar.

The Block III Thunder may also feature an internal infrared sensor and modernized flight control systems and a single-panel multi-functional display for the pilot.

While the Thunder is not particularly sexy compared to cutting-edge stealth fighters and even 4.5-generation jets like the Rafale and Su-35, its seems capable for its price, particularly once it integrates AESA radar and the PL-10 missile. It seems likely to show up in the new again if there any future showdowns between Pakistani and Indian aviation.

Sébastien Roblin holds a master’s degree in conflict resolution from Georgetown University and served as a university instructor for the Peace Corps in China. He has also worked in education, editing, and refugee resettlement in France and the United States. He currently writes on security and military history for War Is Boring. This article originally appeared in 2019 and is being republished due to reader interest.

It is really disappointing how every ignorant Tom & Jerry starts claiming to be an expert and then spreading non-sense. This nationalinterest.org is a junk web sight in any case. But let's see how the author of this mis-informational article uses fancy wording to hide his glaring ignorance. I'll just point out only a few places.

"Just a few months earlier, Pakistan dispatched what it claimed to be twenty-five JF-17s to launch a lightning strike across the Line of Control on targets in Kashmir, in retaliation for an Indian air raid on a JeM terrorist training camp."
It is now well established fact that Indians shamelessly lied about launching their strike on a 'terrorist camp'. The domestic and foreign media visited the alleged 'terrorist camp' only to find out that it is a religious seminary having thousands of up to fifteen years old students. It was a naked aggression against Pak sovereignty that was responded effectively and immediately. But this idiot author is either an ignorant or a despicable liar.

"Extant JF-17s may also be upgraded to the Block III variant, which should make its first flight later in 2019."
Believe me, this jerk is no better than Urdu journalists in Pakistan. The existing fleet of JF-17 Block I and II cannot be upgraded to Block III level due to the required structural changes (even if minors). You need space to fit the new radar and other goodies.

"The PAF JF-17s are still awaiting Chinese PL-12 radar-guided missiles with a range of around fifty miles to obtain true beyond-visual range capability."
Author's ignorance is quite evident once more. JF-17 Block I and II are now equipped with much larger and longer range PL-15. You can imagine how the author has his needle still stuck at PL-12.

Similarly he talks non-sense about the lack of aerial-refueling capability in JFT Block II. Someone please educate that ignorant 'expert' by telling him that even Block I has that capability.
They keep talking about tech input from China for the the JF17 project. Every world advance warplane aerospace project has had input from other countries, name one project that doesn't?
They keep talking about tech input from China for the the JF17 project. Every world advance warplane aerospace project has had input from other countries, name one project that doesn't?
All properties are stolen - Karl Marx

Who, among the Beni Adem, knows the Dunya better than Karl Marx????
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