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This is Deosai, Pakistan

Nisar Malik is here again, His work with BBC documentary on snow leapards was iconic.

Hats off to u sir and yr exemplary dedication and commitment.:pakistan:

A bit of trivia from Deosai Plateau;

It is second biggest and heighest plateau in the world to be found in such a height.

It is so big that in late 90s a western company had surveyed the area and said in their report that Deosai alone can host winter Olympics for Pakistan.

Due to its vast wildness and remoteness Americans were pressurizing Gen Mush gov in around mid 2000 to lease the considerable amount of area to open a secret airbase to spy on CARs, China and Kashmir. He refused because he feared that it maybe used to spy on Pak army operations in North West Pakistan and nuclear arsenal. The Americans were interested in stationing their latest Spying/surveillance equipment and aircrafts.

Even Indians come to know abt it but very late. Here is a report by Indian gov controlled Kashmir press, (although not accurate and incomplete) which tried to tell a little bit abt it.

As US meddles with Kashmir Lastupdate:- Sun, 20 Sep 2009 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com
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Well in the past America had requested Pakistan to give this place up for an airbase which will make it the highest altitude airbase on earth.

Google about it,More info is available about the request of this place for an airbase during the cold war with russia
Well in the past America had requested Pakistan to give this place up for an airbase which will make it the highest altitude airbase on earth.

Google about it,More info is available about the request of this place for an airbase during the cold war with russia
G-B must be protected and be made america free area. In the cold war we had excuse of disputed area and now nukes. But in future also we must workhard to maintain the area america free.

Do u know American parliament's delegation's famous visit to G-B in 2009 in which they said to leaders of G-B that 'if they want to get away from Pakistan then America is ready to support them', is also seen in the inner circles of our establishment as the reaction of airbase denial thingy. They very much want a base there even today.

Even Indians come to know abt it but very late. Here is a report by Indian gov controlled Kashmir press, although not accurate and incomplete which tried to tell a little bit abt it.

As US meddles with Kashmir Lastupdate:- Sun, 20 Sep 2009 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com
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However i dearly want Pakistan Airforce to open her base there or possibly her largest base with powerful Radars,sensors and surveillance equipment and aircrafts. This way we will be able to monitor and spy on a large area of the region including of China's and CARs specially indian base in Tajistan and its activities through there with Northern Alliance. Such a base would have proved a key factor in air operations in Kargil conflict had it been there already or a future offensive like that in the area.

It will prove to be mighty fruitful for our national security and regional interests. But the base must be kept a tightly griped secret if we r to make. @Windjammer @Xeric @Najam Khan @Muradk @F.O.X What do u guys think im sure their might have been a talk like that in our military strata. @Ulla
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However i dearly want Pakistan Airforce to open her base there or possibly her largest base with powerful Radars,sensors and surveillance equipment and aircrafts. This way we will be able to monitor and spy on a large area of the region including of China's and CARs specially indian base in Tajistan and its activities through there with Northern Alliance. Such a base would have proved a key factor in air operations in Kargil conflict had it been there already or a future offensive like that in the area.

It will prove to be mighty fruitful for our national security and regional interests. But the base must be kept a tightly griped secret if we r to make. @Windjammer @Xeric @Najam Khan @Muradk @F.O.X What do u guys think im sure their might have been a talk like that in our military strata. @Ulla
However i dearly want Pakistan Airforce to open her base there or possibly her largest base with powerful Radars,sensors and surveillance equipment and aircrafts. This way we will be able to monitor and spy on a large area of the region including of China's and CARs specially indian base in Tajistan and its activities through there with Northern Alliance. Such a base would have proved a key factor in air operations in Kargil conflict had it been there already or a future offensive like that in the area.

It will prove to be mighty fruitful for our national security and regional interests. But the base must be kept a tightly griped secret if we r to make. @Windjammer @Xeric @Najam Khan @Muradk @F.O.X What do u guys think im sure their might have been a talk like that in our military strata. @Ulla
What if i tell you 'something' is already there in the vicinity? :)
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