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This ‘graduate’ garbage


Sep 21, 2006
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This ‘graduate’ garbage

I have objection to the qualification of being a graduate for a legislator. What these graduates have delivered to the nation and the people is there for all to see. Nothing has been put right in the country. The aim of forming a government is to ensure three basic things for all; security, honour and welfare. None of these three things have been made accessible to the common man.
Neither the common man is honorable in this country nor any secure. As for the welfare, he has no access to even the basic things like health, education, safety and social justice. The condition of being a graduate has deprived the right of hundreds of millions of our citizens many of whom would have done a better job of it than these graduate MNAs and MPAs. -Lt Col (Retd) M. AKHTAR BUTT, Siallot Cantt., via e-mail, September 16.

Wholly agree with the sentiments of colonel sahib.
There is always hope from a learned man. We want to keep hope alive and not throw it away into the hands of uneducated morons.
There is always hope from a learned man. We want to keep hope alive and not throw it away into the hands of uneducated morons.

You equate rote learning of words as wisdom???? John Major was not a graduate yet he became the PM in the aftermath of Thatcher and then went on to win General elections to become PM in his own right as well. In Thatcher government he was the finance minster.....he never saw any university's door. Compare him to Bush.....guy went to top universities of the world and can hardly speak....wisdom is as alien to him as Pengiun is to sub saharan africa.

If you still didnot get what i said then ponder on the wise words of Mark Twain;

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."
For every one lucky example we'd have 20 bad ones.

Public service is a job. And with a weal CV like that they are just disqualified in the first round of the interview.

Plus everything has a pre-requisite. Basic degree is the level of learned education that one should expect out of a nation's leader. Who needs an angootha chaahp who might have wisdom. Who cannot understand the complexities of economics. Who can't comprehend the strategic plans of a nation's defence.

It's just graduation. If people are not willing to go and get a degree for Pakistan, what can we expect out of them. I repeat its just graduation. An emphasis on knowledge.
For every one lucky example we'd have 20 bad ones.

Public service is a job. And with a weal CV like that they are just disqualified in the first round of the interview.

Plus everything has a pre-requisite. Basic degree is the level of learned education that one should expect out of a nation's leader. Who needs an angootha chaahp who might have wisdom. Who cannot understand the complexities of economics. Who can't comprehend the strategic plans of a nation's defence.

It's just graduation. If people are not willing to go and get a degree for Pakistan, what can we expect out of them. I repeat its just graduation. An emphasis on knowledge.

By the same token we should immediately follow your advice and kick out Musharaff......since he never graduated....once you read his book you will realise he passed his matric in second division........second division ( second division is for overall marks being 50-60% ...first division is marks above 60%).

But i am sure you will say....he did graduation from staff and command college
later on.....we'll if he can get a degree on the job why not other people.....everyone should be treated equal......I just gave you example of John Major who was finance minster of UK..even though he never went to university..........how much musharaf knows about economics...he told you in the khabarain interview ( the link i gave you last time )...he knows nothing about economics.....if you want to know how much strategic sense he has....then not that much by his own admission...when he said kargil was tactical victory.....i.e. a strategic disastour.

btw Mushy is on CNN right now.
Musharraf'sa graduate and a learned man.

I don't care how fair it is that others did not manage to get their degree but if he's to lead my country, I want to see some solid credentials.

For a person who is humble enough to admit he is not a guru, he sure talks his talk whenever it comes to the economics.
Musharraf'sa graduate and a learned man.

I don't care how fair it is that others did not manage to get their degree but if he's to lead my country, I want to see some solid credentials.

For a person who is humble enough to admit he is not a guru, he sure talks his talk whenever it comes to the economics.


BA in Islamic studies or Urdu or another art is not going to teach maths or economics. For any discipline you need expert advice there are always qualified people in that field that are consulted.........for example you are not going to have a BA in economics setting economic policy...more like a board of PHDs in that field....that will be advising the finance minster.

So graduation is not that much of pre-requisite as you understand it to be....far more a natural clever person...who has his wits about....would do alot better than say......duumb graduate ( and yes this species does exist ).

If you have a majority of the population that is illiterate and a bar of graduation....all you are doing is preventing true representations of people.....while on the same hand promoting a select elite...who are already well off....into the position of governance at the expense of majority. West are not stupid...if graduation had been a good idea....they would have had it first....but they never did.......because if they did.....it would be challenged in the court and proved breaching human rights.......but for the law of the jungle mush has going in pakistan....this continues to persist.

The situation it has brought us is that.....we have wholes families sitting in parliament...simply because they can afford it and have a degree....whereas people who can challenge them and represent their area better are sitting outside parliament......i give the example of Cheema family of punjab ( mama, pappa and children, daughter-in-law, all are sitting in parliament and the revolution they have brought is all before your eyes ).
Why not?

I'm sure a study of a lot of history, tradition and some degree of anthropology goes along with the theological studies in studying Islam.

And if someone studies Urdu literature, they are bound to read our nation's Iqbal influences.

Learned Education, as defined and accepted by educators is not a waste.

Of course, MMA dude's Kabul University degree is highly suspect, but as long as he can prove it, then its good.
The president of Serbia was a successful lawyer, a gruduate. This didnt stop him from unleashing massacre and misery on his people. This "graduate" posturing is just a ploy of the elitist to cement their position in power. If a degree is indeed to be the minimum qualification, then Pak. should committ to gauranteeing an entry into a degree program to every Pak. who is capable but unable because of poverty to attend university. This new proposed law reeks of hypocricy when capable pak. are denied basic primary and secondary school and then in order to being a legislator they must have a degree. This law will cement the position of the rich who had the wealth of family to send them to higher education.

I would go further, a person who can't even read and write should be given the right to be a legislator, if they do not perform the electorate alone must decide that they be voted out not some self righteous elitist. The only people who should be barred are those who have been convicted of fraud or other criminal activities.
Even though I would like to see all MPA's and MNA eductaed and learned. I have to admit that disqualifying someone because he/she is not a graduate contravenes democratic principles. It is for the people to decide who should represent them. Besides education alone doesn't guarantee wisdom or statesmanship thus a graduate assembly is not a passport to good decision making.
I beg to differ. The days of when a leader could depend on his general wisdom and "gut judgement" to govern a country ended somewhere in 500 BC. In todays world, government jobs and positions require specialization and higher knowledge.

To say that the move is undemocratic is nonsense. THere are minimum requirements on all post and positions in the government and they should be satisfied. According to the argument why not have a 10 year old run for the position? Are we infringing his/her democratic rights if we do so?
i think so the only and only problem in your eyes is Musharaf .... seems to be personal bias than anything else frankly speaking

i have yet to see a post from you accepting any good deed done, your posts are 99% negative in nature as far as current system is concerned, even a blind, deaf and **** would be able to say that ATLEAST something good is being done, my friend i am waiting to hear from you if in your opinion anything positive is being done?

I think so having that restriction is a good step forward, as far as your concern of cutting the people from representing ... well have you ever thought of this being incentive to actually step forward and take education seriously? i doubt coz you seem to be looking at one side of the picture :)

P.S have you heard of the phrase "beauty lies in the eye of the beholder" it does have vast meanings, if you know what i am saying
What would be the economic policies of un educated politician.who will set up foreign policy of the country.(favour uncle sam regardless :toast:).:coffee:
1. In todays world, government jobs and positions require specialization and higher knowledge.

2. THere are minimum requirements on all post and positions in the government and they should be satisfied. According to the argument why not have a 10 year old run for the position? Are we infringing his/her democratic rights if we do so?

1. Government jobs and positions might, but not the positions of legislators. Legislators can rely on experts for opinions.

2. There is no reason to bar 10 year olds apart from the fact we bar 10 year olds from everything. The reason they are barred is because it is very unlikely that they will win and what you will have is a lot of friviolous entries which will unduly complicate the election process.

This is not true of adults with low education, there are many in Pak. who have good possibility of being elected but because of the law they will not be able to. That indeed is undemocratic.

Government positions might require education and civil servants are anwerable to the elected legislature. The legislature is answerable to the electorate and any process which imposes articifical restrictions on the legislature is an erosion of the democratic rights of the people. This degree "law" is one of them.
I think so having that restriction is a good step forward, as far as your concern of cutting the people from representing ... well have you ever thought of this being incentive to actually step forward and take education seriously? i doubt coz you seem to be looking at one side of the picture

Unlike you most Pak. dont have an opportunity to go to university unless they have connections whether it be wealthy family or politically connected.

Secondly the people when voting are free to decide whether they want to elect a person with a PHD or a farmer with no degree, who are you to prevent them from electing the farmer?

This law is just an attempt to cement the power of the elite in the nation at the expense of all others.
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