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Think West: Modi’s Visit to Saudi Arabia

Dec 6, 2015
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When Prime Minister Narendra Modi won a resounding victory in the Indian general elections in 2014, leaders from around the world rushed to congratulate the new prime minister-elect of the world’s biggest democracy. In the Persian Gulf, however, the reaction was cautious. Egypt and Qatar were initially the only two countries from that region to congratulate Modi on his win.

According to analysts in the region, Modi’s personal reputation among the public and polity alike in the Gulf has suffered because of the riots between Hindus and Muslims that took place in Gujarat while he was chief minister of the state in 2002.

However, Modi’s meeting with Saudi Arabia’s sixth king, the late Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Brisbane, Australia later in 2014 made clear that even if the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) had reservations, India was too important to risk upsetting relations.

A trip to Saudi Arabia next month will be Modi’s second visit to the Gulf after a previous stop in UAE. It comes at a turbulent time. The Syrian crisis, the war in Yemen, the rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which has helped depress global oil prices, are all events with direct implications for Indian interests.

The India-Saudi relationship has historically been cordial, based on mutual needs and transactional interests. There are nearly 2.5 million Indians working in Saudi Arabia, and nearly 7 million working in the larger Gulf region. India also imports nearly 80 percent of all its oil, with much of it coming from Saudi Arabia.

The two pivotal diplomatic events between Riyadh and New Delhi have taken place within the last decade or so, namely the Delhi declaration (2006) and the Riyadh declaration (2010). The former was a historic moment, as then King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud became the first head of the House of Saud to visit India in 51 years. During his visit and following consultations with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his administration, the two countries revisited ties to strengthen cooperation and engagement. More importantly, this visit also laid the groundwork for much greater security, intelligence sharing and counterterrorism cooperation.

The new era of relations paid dividends with the 2012 deportation of Syed Zabiuddin Ansari aka Abu Jundal, a wanted name in India with links to the Indian Mujahideen and the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT). Ansari was accused of masterminding the 2008 Mumbai attacks and the 2010 Pune bombing, and was believed to have aided in several other terror strikes across India. His delivery to India by Saudi Arabia caught many analysts off guard.

The Delhi and Riyadh declarations clearly played important roles in bridge-building between the two countries. The inclusion of security and counterterrorism elements in bilateral ties is significant, particularly given the influence Riyadh can exert over Pakistan (Pakistan’s prime minister and army chief have visited Saudi days before Modi’s visit). However, Saudi Arabia is adapt at diplomatic ruses and plays on its core interests in a much brasher manner than India is perhaps used to. This will pose a challenge for Indian policies towards a more “East-looking” House of Saud, specifically if the question of addressing issues with Pakistan comes heavily into play.

Still, the positive developments have continued. In December last year, the Saudis deported Mohammed Assadullah Khan (aka Abu Sufiyan), a terrorist with established links with LeT. Khan was arrested by Riyadh after Indian and Saudi security agencies shared intelligence. In February this year, Saudi Arabia also deportedone Muhammad Abdul Aziz, known as the “godfather of the jihadist movement in Hyderabad.” Aziz was reportedly on the run for more than ten years. Meanwhile, the Indian Air Force for the first time in August last year made a staging visit to Saudi Arabia while on route to military exercises in the United Kingdom. This stopover was seen as highly symbolic for India-Saudi ties in the security sphere.

‘Think West’

At a recent speech in New Delhi, India’s Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar used the term “Think West” when describing India’s policy outreach towards the Gulf. It suggests a new push towards more concrete strategic policies for West Asia.

“If the eastern front is building upon longstanding policy, the western one is relatively more recent conceptually, even if India has had a historical presence in the Gulf. The Indian footprint there has resulted in a community of 7 million that is an impressive source of investment and remittances. But it was an evolutionary happening that was relatively autonomous of strategic calculations. Our energy dependence on the region was also dictated more by markets than by policy,” Jaishankar said. “The interplay among these (Gulf) nations actually offers us new avenues of cooperation. I can confidently predict that ‘Act East’ would be matched with ‘Think West.’ ”

This “Think West” approach may be very timely. Saudi Arabia, like its compatriots in the Gulf, is now actively looking east to develop its core interest, selling oil. As growth in Western economies slows and the U.S. becomes energy self-sufficient thanks to its shale revolution, the markets with the greatest thirst for Middle East’s oil lie in Asia, and are led by the likes of China, India, Japan and South Korea. This fact alone now warrants these economies taking a greater interest in the complicated and daunting task of understanding the Middle East in all its complexity.

Meanwhile, Riyadh is increasingly interested in investing abroad. Saudi Aramco, the state’s national oil company is reportedly already mulling an investment in Indian refineries to boost its Asian footprint.

Modi’s visit is aptly timed to pitch for a larger Saudi economic footprint and to make more space for Indian interests. When King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz died in January last year, New Delhi announced a day of mourning in his honor, signaling the emphasis India was placing on its ties with Saudi Arabia. The Saudi-India dynamic is a layered cake, with many levels of agreement and disagreement. Currently ties are headed in the right direction, and it now remains to be seen what kind of new push, if any, Modi himself can bring to this engagement.
This is what I was referring to on other forum about Pakistan being part of NATO like alliance with Persian Gulf states. The term "Alliance" needs to be understood by ALL, just not by Pakistan if we are to be part of it. Any attack on one, will be considered attack on all. What kind of message SA will be sending to Pakistan inviting Indian PM when it is eagerly cajoling Pakistan to be part of this alliance. Wrong move, wrong timing.
This is what I was referring to on other forum about Pakistan being part of NATO like alliance with Persian Gulf states. The term "Alliance" needs to be understood by ALL, just not by Pakistan if we are to be part of it. Any attack on one, will be considered attack on all. What kind of message SA will be sending to Pakistan inviting Indian PM when it is eagerly cajoling Pakistan to be part of this alliance. Wrong move, wrong timing.

Just good business buddy!! Why make an enemy out of a nation which has billion folks and 200 million among them Muslims when you can have this friendly giant as a friend at a cost of nothing!

International relationships are not zero sum and in any cases Pakistan cannot dictate terms to House of Saud considering how indebted it's rulers are to KSA and how much it depends on Saudi Money to bail them out. If Pakistan had send troops to Yemen then things might have been different but since it opted for neutrality, KSA will return the same neutrality where India and Pakistan are concerned.

Good Day!
modi should send troops to saudia to fight in yemen and syria. saudis need army and india has large army. india must play active role in fighting the terrorists in ME. ;):D
modi should send troops to saudia to fight in yemen and syria. saudis need army and india has large army. ;):D
I'd be on board with a squadron or 2 of IAF bombing the shit out of isis and the so called rebels in Syria

shame we're poor and can't afford to project power like the US and Russia
Just good business buddy!! Why make an enemy out of a nation which has billion folks and 200 million among them Muslims when you can have this friendly giant as a friend at a cost of nothing!

International relationships are not zero sum and in any cases Pakistan cannot dictate terms to House of Saud considering how indebted it's rulers are to KSA and how much it depends on Saudi Money to bail them out. If Pakistan had send troops to Yemen then things might have been different but since it opted for neutrality, KSA will return the same neutrality where India and Pakistan are concerned.

Good Day!

Why not cajole and plead with billion plus nation out of which 200 millions are Muslims for security and NATO like alliance? Why from Imam Kaba, to ministers, to the defacto king of SA lining up to visit Islamabad/Rawalpindi? Pakistani rules can do whatever they like, make promises to who ever they wish, but the bottom line is, that times have changed, its the state of Pakistan which matters, a fact fully demonstrated during Yemen debate in our parliament.

Point is, its the gulf Kingdoms who want Pakistan to be part of this military alliance, not other way around. We have no need, urge or desire unless our interests are meet. Its them who wants "NATO" like alliance, which effectively means that attack on one, means attack on all. That is how NATO works. Which in turn will/should translate in any future Pakistan-India conflict.

The current state of middle east, in the midst of it, the last thing on kings and sheiks mind would be economy and trade with India when the fire is coming towards them. Thats why I said, wrong timings and wrong move when you want Pakistan desperately on your side.
modi should send troops to saudia to fight in yemen and syria. saudis need army and india has large army. india must play active role in fighting the terrorists in ME. ;):D
unlike some other Country, we are not slave of Arabs or we dont have inferiority Complex for Arabs.

we view then as our Friends (and good Traders) :)
Its them who wants "NATO" like alliance, which effectively means that attack on one, means attack on all. That is how NATO works. Which in turn will/should translate in any future Pakistan-India conflict.
No country in the world will sign such a blanket agreement with you in which they know they will be dragged to war against India.

If they do sign defense agreements, it will incorporate clauses which will later be used to wiggle out - like 'not be party to an attack that one of the member states instigate', etc.
No country in the world will sign such a blanket agreement with you in which they know they will be dragged to war against India.

If they do sign defense agreements, it will incorporate clauses which will later be used to wiggle out - like 'not be party to an attack that one of the member states instigate', etc.

What make you think like that? India is a third world country, very much dispensable by all means. I dont like to repeat myself but its THEY who are proposing the "NATO" like alliance, not Pakistan. Do you understand how NATO works and its building block principles? All small European countries are binded into NATO against the perceived threat from Soviet Union and now Russia. There was not threat to Britain or France but they had to tag along in American wars in middle east which brought the blow back later in their own soil. Military alliance is not like your tenancy agreement that you will cancel it with a month notice. Educate yourself on the matter.
What make you think like that? India is a third world country, very much dispensable by all means. I dont like to repeat myself but its THEY who are proposing the "NATO" like alliance, not Pakistan. Do you understand how NATO works and its building block principles? All small European countries are binded into NATO against the perceived threat from Soviet Union and now Russia. There was not threat to Britain or France but they had to tag along in American wars in middle east which brought the blow back later in their own soil. Military alliance is not like your tenancy agreement that you will cancel it with a month notice. Educate yourself on the matter.
got it ! Arab will fight for Pakistanis !
This is what I was referring to on other forum about Pakistan being part of NATO like alliance with Persian Gulf states. The term "Alliance" needs to be understood by ALL, just not by Pakistan if we are to be part of it. Any attack on one, will be considered attack on all. What kind of message SA will be sending to Pakistan inviting Indian PM when it is eagerly cajoling Pakistan to be part of this alliance. Wrong move, wrong timing.

If Greece & Turkey could be part of NATO, Why can't Pakistan and India be part of Saudi led NATO (North Arabian Treaty Organization)? :enjoy:

Just like Turkey which is the only non-christian majority country in NATO, India would be the only non-Muslim majority country in Saudi led NATO.:enjoy:
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If Greece & Turkey could be part of NATO, Why can't Pakistan and India be part of Saudi led NATO (North Arabian Treaty Organization)? :enjoy:

Just like Turkey which is the only non-christian majority country in NATO, India would be the only non-Muslim majority country in Saudi led NATO.:enjoy:

You should be asking this to the ones who proposed this NATO like alliance. They didnt feel the need to invite India for some reason.
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