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The World's Best Special Forces

Yesss yessss these are world's best blllaaahhhhh blllllaaaahhhhh .............. Bullshit !!!

I think the best is Israeli ... Here is the proof !!


China Oriental Sword Battalion Predecessor is 27th Army reconnaissance battalion.

Korean War, Battle of Chosin Reservoir:
27th Army reconnaissance battalion raid Water Bridge, Lead 20th Army and 27th Army won the victory of the Battle.
wipe out U.S. Army 31 regiment(Task Force Faith), defeated U.S. Marines 1st Division and U.S. 7th Division.

Korean War, Wipe out S-Korea White Tiger regiment, raid White Tiger Group headquarters.
White Tiger regiment is South Korean troops first ace force.

Sino-Vietnam War, Battle of Laoshan:
They killed more than 700 Vietnam special forces.

White Tiger regiment is South Korean troops first ace force. Now White Tiger banner is a collection of Oriental Sword Battalion:

Battle of Chosin Reservoir:

Battle of Laoshan:
China Oriental Sword Battalion Predecessor is 27th Army reconnaissance battalion.

Korean War, Battle of Chosin Reservoir:
27th Army reconnaissance battalion raid Water Bridge, Lead 20th Army and 27th Army won the victory of the Battle.
wipe out U.S. Army 31 regiment(Task Force Faith), defeated U.S. Marines 1st Division and U.S. 7th Division.
You sure about that...???

The Chinese Failure at Chosin
"The American Marine First Division has the highest combat effectiveness in the American armed forces. It seems not enough for our four divisions to surround and annihilate its two regiments. [You] should have one to two more divisions as a reserve force. The 26th Army should be stationed close to the front."
The Turkish Army's Special Operations Force, Bordo Bereliler, translates as "The Maroon Berets". Special Forces Command also known as the Maroon Berets because of their distinctive service headgear, are a special operations force of the Turkish Armed Forces

The Maroon Berets are the special forces organization of the Turkish Army.

The unit was created to counter any interior or foreign attacks on the Turkish Republic. MB officers receive extensive training and are expected to survive in all environmental conditions.

There are three categories of education and training that a MB will undergo. These are a) Domestic b) International c) Specialty

Within these three categories, there are 47 different subjects. Domestic training takes 72 weeks of basic training; International training takes 10 to 52 weeks of specialized training in different countries. It takes 3.5 years to become a MB. Currently, the force is under the command of the Special Forces flank (old Special Warfare Unit). They also work along with Attack Search & Rescue Teams (ASR) and Underwater Attack Teams (UWA) (Marine Search Teams).

The Trust Shot (in Turkish "Gūven Atışı") is a part of the MB's training program. It is exercised on the last month of the training and is to ensure that the soldiers can trust each other with their lives. The Trust Shot consists of two members of a squad standing next to paper target boards, while another member fires on the targets with a handgun while walking towards them from 15 metres (49.2 feet) away. During the exercise the men standing next to the targets are not allowed to move or wear body armor.

The 3000 casualties is the total up to now, not for 2009 alone. And we would have lost much less, had Army been equipped properly and hadn't made the blunders costing them more soldiers.
Casualties are more than 3000 (around 5000 mark) of our military forces, as per unpublished but reliable information. Civilian deaths are lot more in comparison.

And you still missed the point; wars are typically unpredictable in nature. Blunders are expected in them. Sometimes things do not go as planned. Pakistan army surely have learned a lot from its operations against TTP. We have our share of losses and also victories against TTP.

And you also need to understand the difference between an occupation and fighting in own territory. Occupations are very complex operations and are carried out in unfamiliar regions. The situation is different in own territory where local forces not just have good Intel but also understand local culture, and have a good knowledge of territory. In addition, our forces have proper American backing. We do have 'quality soldiers' though.

As far as US military power is concerned; their is no comparison. US have demonstrated the capability to occupy several nations simultaneously. US has already won in the Iraqi theatre. And is giving Taliban a good beating in the second theatre. As a whole; this is a big achievement - beyond our capabilities. You can say that US has lot of funds, but funds alone are not enough to win wars.

In a conflict; battles are won by soldiers, and war is won by smart planning. Funds facilitate in carrying out of operations.

Battle of Chosin Reservoir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

While the US X Corps was being evacuated from the eastern front, the US Eighth Army had already retreated to the 38th parallel on the western front in the aftermath of the Battle of the Ch'ongch'on River. With the entire UN front collapsing, the race to Yalu was ended with the communist forces of China recapturing much of North Korea. [ 11 ] The Korean War would drag on for another two and a half years before the armistice was signed on 27 July 1953. [ 11 ] Besides the loss of North Korea, the US X Corps and the ROK I Corps later reported a total of 10,495 battle casualties, of which 4,385 were from the US Marines, 3,163 were from the US Army, 78 were from the British Royal Marines and 2,812 were from South Koreans attached to American formations. [ 184 ] Outside of the combat losses, the 1st Marine Division also reported 7,338 non-battle casualties due to the cold weather. [ 185 ]

China was also catapulted into the status of a major military power following the victory at Chosin, [ 193 ] but the victory came with a staggering cost. With the escape of the US X Corps and the ROK I Corps, Mao's vision for Chosin was not realized, and the failure caused Song Shi-Lun to offer his resignation. [ 194 ] At the same time, heavy casualties caused by both combat and poor logistical support destroyed much of the eight elite divisions under the 20th and the 27th Corps. Of those eight divisions, two divisions were forced to disband, [ 195 ] and not until March 1951 did the 9th Army return to its normal strength and become combat effective. [ 2 ] [ 196 ] With the absence of nearly 40 percent of the Chinese forces in Korea in early 1951, the heavy Chinese losses at Chosin ultimately enabled the UN forces to maintain a foothold in Korea. [ 2 ]
What makes a good Special force is not just the weaponry skills or pain it can endure but also the Intelligence and planning aspects as well as the resources. All the Pakistani's who are vouching for SSG to be in top 10 should first learn that mere men who are tough does not make a good Special force team. So SSG men may have crossed the rivers at it's peak in exercises but ultimately it is the planning and Intelligence that are key to successful achieving the objectives of a mission. And the SSG has not been matured enough in these aspects to be included in top 10.

The examples are numerous and range from 1965 to 1971 to Siachin to Kargil to Lal masjid to 2007 attack on officer's mess to the GHQ attack. In all these SSG may have been good but not exceptionally brilliant due to lack of operation planning and/or resources. The 1965 dropping is an absolute example of how not to plan an attack. And the 2007 attack on SSG showed how Intelligence and stealth are essential to attaining objectives when a single man was able to inflict heavy casualties on SSG. The Lal masjid attack could have been planned better. But all these have been great learning experience for the SSg and they have certainly improved from it's shortcomings. But we still don't know much about the SSG operations in SWAT where more than 500 Pak soldiers were killed, so we can't say anything about it's operations in SWAT and FATA where Pak army always had advantage in numbers.
jana i agree with Mr Assasin to an extent... but my point is that any special force is a tool to get things done but how to use that tool is not incontrol of tools. this might look difficult to absorb but in all parts of world special forces are used by higher command so management is the main thing ......one who uses the resources well gets succeed so by training wise SSG are one of the best and as far as there operations are concerned i am sure they have succeeded to achieve there goals......
There is no way the Pakistani SSG is in the top 10. Their experience just does not cut it till now. There are a formidable force but to call them among the best right now is not correct. None of the south Asian Special forces can be included because they just dont have that kind of experience yet. I am not so sure about the Turkish and the Iranian forces also.

Here we go again India will never admit that Pakistan SSG is one of the best and fearless force. Remember it was Pakistan army that had won the best army award in UK and face it India did not win. SSG is one of the toughest force in the world.
what about india black cats and pakistani Special services group

Indian NSG black cats are a counter terrorism force under home ministry.

Indian army ,navy and Air force have their own special force units.
Indian NSG black cats are a counter terrorism force under home ministry.

Indian army ,navy and Air force have their own special force units.
TBH with you ,as an independent observer, I have NOT been very impressed by the SSG, their service record is questionable at best with only limited success and very often defeat at the hands of the Indians. This has come about for a number of reasons firstly dispite playing key roles in many Indo-Pak wars they have never achieved their objectives and merely been quashed by Indian forces and in the case of Bana Singh, been killed hand to hand by a regular infantrymen killing "elite" soldiers. As a CT force once again the SSG has done little to portray them has highly capable just sometimes lucky. It is clear the SSG should not ve ion the top ten, they have very limited experience in actual special force operations, it seems they mostly act as terrorist handlers and have very limited operational success but that is not to say none at all, everyone gets luck once in a while right?

As for the Indian side once again there are blemishes on their side however I don't know if it is ignorance or stupidity but members on this thread have not been comparing like for like. The NSG is a dedicated CT force and is under the control of th MHA thus it is a civil run organisation much like the FBI HRT. The SSG is an army SF so their counter parts are the IA PARA COMMANDOS. given their is very limited info on this sketchy group it is hard to tell what ops they have been in as, unlike in the Pakistani side, these ops are not used as propaganda tools. Butbit does seem there are a competent, well trained and ever increasingly well equipped Sf with a dedicated Helo SOAR in the process of being set up and an AF fixed wing SOAR operating C-130-30j Super Hercs already commissioned.

And moving onto the subjective nature of the "top ten" list. I agree it is highly dubjecyptive but I believe that how contemporaries feel about you is a good measure and in this part it seems that, again, the IA SF trumps, as US SF abf U K SF who have trained with both definitely rate the IA SF much better especially as they high world-class facilities such as the CIJWS and HAWS which is I high demand from foreign SFs. Additionally in an event that is unique, the African Horn international SF "olympics" the Indian SF came in 1st place whilst the Pakistani SF cane in at 8th. I don't know where the IA SF come in to the list of the world's best SF but it is certainly at the top end, above the SSG. Also the IAF and especially the IN SF (MARCOs) are highly rated in the world in their respective fields (CSAR, maritime SF ops).
TBH with you ,as an independent observer, I have NOT been very impressed by the SSG, their service record is questionable at best with only limited success and very often defeat at the hands of the Indians. This has come about for a number of reasons firstly dispite playing key roles in many Indo-Pak wars they have never achieved their objectives and merely been quashed by Indian forces and in the case of Bana Singh, been killed hand to hand by a regular infantrymen killing "elite" soldiers. As a CT force once again the SSG has done little to portray them has highly capable just sometimes lucky. It is clear the SSG should not ve ion the top ten, they have very limited experience in actual special force operations, it seems they mostly act as terrorist handlers and have very limited operational success but that is not to say none at all, everyone gets luck once in a while right?


Are you drunk??He is talking about the Indian SF not pakistani SF.
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