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The West’s Looting of Ukraine Has Begun


May 31, 2010
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Shackled by the IMF
The West’s Looting of Ukraine Has Begun
It is now apparent that the “Maiden protests” in Kiev were in actuality a Washington organized coup against the elected democratic government. The purpose of the coup is to put NATO military bases on Ukraine’s border with Russia and to impose an IMF austerity program that serves as cover for Western financial interests to loot the country. The sincere idealistic protesters who took to the streets without being paid were the gullible dupes of the plot to destroy their country.

Politically Ukraine is an untenable aggregation of Ukrainian and Russian territory, because traditional Russian territories were stuck into the borders of the Ukraine Soviet Republic by Lenin and Khrushchev. The Crimea, stuck into Ukraine by Khrushchev, has already departed and rejoined Russia. Unless some autonomy is granted to them, Russian areas in eastern and southern Ukraine might also depart and return to Russia. If the animosity displayed toward the Russian speaking population by the stooge government in Kiev continues, more defections to Russia are likely.

The Washington-imposed coup faces other possible difficulties from what seems to be a growing conflict between the well-organized Right Sector and the Washington-imposed stooges. If armed conflict between these two groups were to occur, Washington might conclude that it needs to send help to its stooges. The appearance of US/NATO troops in Ukraine would create pressure on Putin to occupy the remaining Russian speaking parts of Ukraine.

Before the political and geographical issues are settled, the Western looting of Ukraine has already begun. The Western media, doesn’t tell any more truth about IMF “rescue packages” than it does about anything else. The media reports, and many Ukrainians believe, that the IMF is going to rescue Ukraine financially by giving the country billions of dollars.

Ukraine will never see one dollar of the IMF money. What the IMF is going to do is to substitute Ukrainian indebtedness to the IMF for Ukrainian indebtedness to Western banks. The IMF will hand over the money to the Western banks, and the Western banks will reduce Ukraine’s indebtedness by the amount of IMF money. Instead of being indebted to the banks, Ukraine will now be indebted to the IMF.

Now the looting can begin. The IMF loan brings new conditions and imposes austerity on the Ukrainian people so that the Ukraine government can gather up the money with which to repay the IMF. The IMF conditions that will be imposed on the struggling Ukraine population will consist of severe reductions in old-age pensions, in government services, in government employment, and in subsidies for basic consumer purchases such as natural gas. Already low living standards will plummet. In addition, Ukrainian public assets and Ukrainian owned private industries will have to be sold off to Western purchasers.

Additionally, Ukraine will have to float its currency. In a futile effort to protect its currency’s value from being driven very low (and consequently import prices very high) by speculators ganging up on the currency and short-selling it, Ukraine will borrow more money with which to support its currency in the foreign exchange market. Of course, the currency speculators will end up with the borrowed money, leaving Ukraine much deeper in debt than currently.

The corruption involved is legendary, so the direct result of the gullible Maiden protesters will be lower Ukrainian living standards, more corruption, loss of sovereignty over the country’s economic policy, and the transfer of Ukrainian public and private property to Western interests.

If Ukraine also falls into NATO’s clutches, Ukraine will also find itself in a military alliance against Russia and find itself targeted by Russian missiles. This will be a tragedy for Ukraine and Russia as Ukrainians have relatives in Russia and Russians have relatives in Ukraine. The two countries have essentially been one for 200 years. To have them torn apart by Western looting and Washington’s drive for world hegemony is a terrible shame and a great crime.

The gullible dupes who participated in the orchestrated Maiden protests will rue it for the rest of their lives.

When the protests began, I described what the consequences would be and said that I would explain the looting process. It is not necessary for me to do so. Professor Michel Chossudovsky has explained the IMF looting process along with much history here.

One final word. Despite unequivocal evidence of one country after another being looted by the West, governments of indebted countries continue to sign up for IMF programs.

Why do governments of countries continue to agree to the foreign looting of their populations? The only answer is that they are paid. The corruption that is descending upon Ukraine will make the former regime look honest.
The Ukraine government is going to the IMF, not the IMF forcing a loan upon it.

If they want to do it alone, the Ukrainians have the right to do it so, if they can.
The Ukraine government is going to the IMF, not the IMF forcing a loan upon it.

If they want to do it alone, the Ukrainians have the right to do it so, if they can.

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This was going to happen anyway. But Ukraine themselves now will scramble to join NATO.
The Ukraine has asked for aid several times in the past...and the IMF has given them billions.

Tue Feb 25, 2014
Factbox: Ukraine's history with IMF bailouts| Reuters


The IMF loaned newly independent Ukraine about $3.5 billion in the mid-1990s, several years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and another $2.2 billion in 1998, an amount it later increased.

Another one-year $600 million loan followed in 2004, and a two-year $16.4 billion loan was provided in 2008.

The IMF last agreed to loan Ukraine $15 billion in 2010, but froze the deal in 2011 after Kiev failed to implement the required reforms, including removing gas price subsidies.

After reviewing why the last bailout went off track, the IMF's board in December said Kiev should get less money in any future bailout, and should be required to implement more economic reforms before it gets any IMF money.
Dr. Roberts also believes that the U.S. capturing and killing OBL was a hoax, that President Obama is "desperate to commit war crimes" and that "the U.S. has become the U.S.S.R."

Yes, he was an official in the Reagan Administration. He was also one of the first students sent to Moscow in a U.S.-U.S.S.R. exchange program during the Cold War. For years now his sympathies have been with the Soviet Union's heirs. It's not difficult for me to believe that he's been a Russian agent of influence for decades now.
Dr. Roberts also believes that the U.S. capturing and killing OBL was a hoax, that President Obama is "desperate to commit war crimes" and that "the U.S. has become the U.S.S.R."

Yes, he was an official in the Reagan Administration. He was also one of the first students sent to Moscow in a U.S.-U.S.S.R. exchange program during the Cold War. For years now his sympathies have been with the Soviet Union's heirs. It's not difficult for me to believe that he's been a Russian agent of influence for decades now.
Do you not find the killing of Osama suspicious?
Do you not find the killing of Osama suspicious?

Why trust the US version of events.
All that needs to be done is to put his family members on TV. They saw the whole thing.
Of course they will say a mix of truth and lies...but you can make what you want of it.
In a month gas prices for the population will grow by 73% and for heating by 40%. So did the looting began. Puppet government was forced to pay tribute to their Western masters.
Why trust the US version of events.
All that needs to be done is to put his family members on TV. They saw the whole thing.
Of course they will say a mix of truth and lies...but you can make what you want of it.

Because the US gov't had lied too many times in the past. Logic tells me it doesn't make sense to kill Osama even if they wanted to. You have the biggest terrorist in the world in the palm of your hand. Why not arrest him, interrogate him to get more information about his network, next attack, etc. Instead, US marines allegedly killed him and quickly disposed his body in the ocean?
I don't believe all US citizens are that gullable or should I?
And it all seems just beginning to improve... Russia began to giving loans to Ukraine (it's only a loan to the state) 15 billions. Reduced the price of gas almost 2 times. To shipyards of Nikolaev should be given 4 billion dollars on modernization of production (Ukraine never did it since 1991) and place a series of multibillion-dollars orders. Russia has pledged to build in the near future, two new nuclear units...
And all that missed by stupid dirty Nazis form Maidan...
In a month gas prices for the population will grow by 73% and for heating by 40%. So did the looting began. Puppet government was forced to pay tribute to their Western masters.

This is no "tribute" to anyone. The rise in gas prices reflects the true market price better after removing the subsidies by the Ukrainian government. Welcome to the real world!
And it all seems just beginning to improve... Russia began to giving loans to Ukraine (it's only a loan to the state) 15 billions. Reduced the price of gas almost 2 times. To shipyards of Nikolaev should be given 4 billion dollars on modernization of production (Ukraine never did it since 1991) and place a series of multibillion-dollars orders. Russia has pledged to build in the near future, two new nuclear units...
And all that missed by stupid dirty Nazis form Maidan...

Those Nazis are brainless drones.
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