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The truth about Balochistan

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Nov 13, 2013
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By Dr Muhammad Faheem Belharvi

Balochistan is an integral part of Pakistan with a history of supporting Resolution of Pakistan-1940, which envisaged creation of a separate homeland for Muslim majority areas of sub-continent India. No doubt Baloch leaders and people of Balochistan played a very vital role in creation of Pakistan and ultimately succeeded under the able leadership / guidance of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and achieved Pakistan as an independent state.

Unfortunately there have been certain dissident elements that not only opposed the idea of two nation theory – the fundamental ideological base for creation of Pakistan – but also left no stone unturned in polluting the minds of innocent Baloch youth by distorting the history of Balochistan’s accession to Pakistan. In reality before the independence of Pakistan the territories now consolidated into the province of Balochistan did not constitute a settled province?

As regards the deteriorating situation of Balochistan and the missing persons, everyone knows that Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), Baloch Salvation Front (BSF) and their affiliated outfits including another group, Jundollah (God’s soldiers) which have been fighting for secession of the province gets logistic support from American CIA and Indian RAW—these militants kidnapped and killed many innocent people and the security personnel in the province. They also massacred many persons through suicide attacks, bomb blasts, targeted killings and sectarian violence. Therefore, they are responsible for dumped bodies and extrajudicial killings in the province. On a number of occasions, these insurgent groups claimed responsibility for their subversive acts. A majority of the disappeared individuals are also in the detention centers (Farrari Camps) which are being run by foreign-assisted Baloch feudal lords (Sardars) who want to continue old system of feudalism in the province so as to maintain their status, prestige and influence at the cost of people of the province.

No doubt, Baloch leaders and people of Balochistan played a vital role in creation of Pakistan, and ultimately succeeded under the able leadership and guidance of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in achieving Pakistan as an independent state. As a matter of fact, Balochistan is an integral part of Pakistan with a history of supporting Resolution of Pakistan-1940, which envisaged creation of a separate homeland for Muslim majority areas of the Sub-continent, as the Baloch had strongly opposed plan of the united India.
Our own intellectuals must indicate that insurgency of 1948 which started by Shehzada Abdul Karim of Kakat never took off, because it was not supported by other realist Baloch leaders, and it was based on misguided thoughts suggested by few Indian Congress leaders. The aim was to destabilize Pakistan by creating militancy in Balochistan.

The Miscreants playing in the hands of the foreign forces are using all brutal and inhuman techniques to suppress and frighten the people of Balochistan; to create misunderstandings between the people of Balochistan and the law enforcement agencies of Pakistan. They mercilessly slaughter the innocent people of Balochistan and throw away their deformed dead bodies in deserted areas where wild animals tear these bodies apart. All this is done to add more agony to the already distressed families. And more painful is the fact that the blame of this atrocity is shifted to the Law Enforcement Agencies.

The brave people of Balochistan are very well aware of this heinous conspiracy. They are as much devoted, sincere and patriotic as other Pakistanis are and they are not ready to surrender before the brutal designs of the miscreants.Baloch Sub Nationalists (BSN) distort history of accession of Kalat with Pakistan and give reference of insurgency (1948) by brother of KoK whereas the document of accession of State of Kalat with Pakistan was signed by KoK himself as legitimate ruler of State of Kalat. Baloch Salvation Front has called for a shutter down strike in Balochistan on 27th March to observe it as Black Day.

Since it is the date of legal accession of State of Kalat with Pakistan, therefore, the strike call is based on negative contemplation and wicked designs to pollute the minds of Baloch youth. The same needs to be countered giving true perspective of history and denouncing the dissidents for distorting the facts in order to advance their vested interests. However, the government of Pakistan must realize the painful situation which the people of Balochistan have been facing since long. They really need more care, more attention and more kindness from their government and their fellow countrymen.

The writer is freelance journalist based at UK
We are in control



Balochistan's, Socioeconomic Development | Updates & Discussions.

Economic programs are underway
Like I was saying , people are enjoying the passing parade of more Balouch Pakistanis


and in case the point was missed


With projects like GWADAR and job creation and schools the needs of province are being met and with next few years we will continue civilian projects inline with improving security infrastructure

Active new port bring in jobs to economy

Fantastic New Dams


Water irrigating the land for farming

Extensive Canal projects



Lets us not forget who initiated all these infrastructure Projects

  • Gwadar Port Project, and Gwadar City , during Musharaf time in power
  • Kacchi cana project 2002 , during Musharaf time in power
Musharaf cleaned house of all Trouble makers and paved way for Prosperity of Balouch citizens of Pakistan
The main objective of the project is to provide sustainable irrigation water supply to 7,13,000 acres of agricultural land so as to increase agricultural production and uplift the socio economic condition of the inhabitants.

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There is no doubt that all the rented terrorists who are operating in Pakistan are getting massive help from Indian, US & allied forces. The sad part is the swine politicians, media & judges are making life easy for the enemies of Pakistan by barking against Pak Army & doing propaganda against them.
Like I was saying , people are enjoying the passing parade of more Balouch Pakistanis


and in case the point was missed


With projects like GWADAR and job creation and schools the needs of province are being met and with next few years we will continue civilian projects inline with improving security infrastructure

Active new port bring in jobs to economy

Fantastic New Dams


Water irrigating the land for farming

Extensive Canal projects



Lets us not forget who initiated all these infrastructure Projects

  • Gwadar Port Project, and Gwadar City , during Musharaf time in power
  • Kacchi cana project 2002 , during Musharaf time in power
The main objective of the project is to provide sustainable irrigation water supply to 7,13,000 acres of agricultural land so as to increase agricultural production and uplift the socio economic condition of the inhabitants.


Wow. You've totally convinced me by showing a bunch of cherry-picked pictures that Balochistan is a stable, prosperous and safe province.
The canal projects launched in Musharaf's time are Historic projects that will irrigate
7,13,000 acres of agricultural land....

Lets do a factual comparison ... of data

To put it in perspective Sindh has total cultivated land estimated at 1,235,5269 Acres

Cultivated Area 05.76 Million Hectare 41% converted it to SQ km and then acres

Difference would be just 5% higher figure then Balouchistan production would be almost same level as Sindh in farming

Punjab Agriculture Department

30,000,000 Acres (29% higher figure then Sindh)

Summary :
>Baluchistan / Sindh would almost be equal in agricultural land at completion of Project
and we know they both have 2 coastal cities and ports

Musharaf took a province in need of water and converted it into a province that will have same capacity as Sindh in term of Agricultural output

Even after this project
Baluchistan is big would still have 92% available for future generations
Sindh would have 44% land still available for farming
Punjab has 7% land still available for farming

With the BHASHA dam more water would become available due to storage of water

  • More water storage = more water available for farming projects, with canal projects in place , more area of Baluchistan / Sindh would benefit together with the electricity production due to those projects.
Once again Musharaf overseas the launch of Mirani Dam in Balouchistan , ironic isn't it

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You gotta be kidding, with that small pond Baluchistan would have same agricultural land as Mangla dam in Sind!!
oops i forgot it was completed by Musharaf so this must be some super powered pond.

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