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The Swedish newspaper revealed a secret plan by the United States to destroy the German economy.


Feb 24, 2021
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United States
As the first newspaper in Europe, Swedish Nya Dagbladet published what appears to be the U.S. classified plans to crush the European economy with a war in Ukraine and an induced energy crisis.

In what appears to be an exceptional internal leak from the close-to-government think tank RAND Corporation, known among other things to have been behind American foreign and defense policy strategy during the Cold War, a detailed account is given of how the United States planned the energy crisis in Europe.

The document, dated January, acknowledges that the aggressive foreign policy pursued in Ukraine will pressure Russia into having to intervene militarily in the country.

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The purpose, they explain, is to introduce a sanctions package that has been prepared for a long time.

Photo internet reproduction. (Photo internet reproduction)
Photo internet reproduction. (Photo internet reproduction)
The E.U.’s economy, it states, “will inevitably collapse” as a result of this – and it rejoices, among other things, that resources up to 9,000 billion dollars can flow to the United States and that well-educated European youth will be forced to emigrate.

Their main goal is to divide Europe – especially Germany and Russia – and destroy the European economy by getting ‘useful idiots’ in politics to stop Russian energy supplies to the continent.

On Sept. 14, RAND sent out a press release claiming the document was a fake.

However, this is not a convincing argument because the document – if genuine – is classified.

RAND cannot confirm its authenticity as long as it is classified.


Some excerpts from the alleged RAND document:

The present state of the U.S. economy does not suggest that it can function without financial and material support from external sources.

The quantitative easing policy, which the Fed has resorted to regularly in recent years, and the uncontrolled cash issue during the 2020 and 2021 Covid lockdowns, have led to a sharp increase in external debt and an increase in the dollar supply.

There is an urgent need for resources to flow into the national economy, especially the banking system.

Only European countries bound by the E.U. and NATO commitments can provide them without significant military and political costs for the U.S.

The biggest obstacle to this, according to RAND, is the growing independence of Germany.

Among other things, it is pointed out that Brexit has given Germany greater autonomy and made it more difficult for the U.S. to influence the decisions of European governments.

” If Germany and France cooperate, they will become not only an economic competitor to the United States but also a political one “.

A critical goal that pervades the cynical strategy is to destroy the cooperation between Germany, Russia, and France, which is seen as the most significant economic and political threat to the United States.

An additional factor contributing to Germany’s economic independence is Brexit.

With the withdrawal of the U.K. from the E.U. structures, the U.S. has lost a meaningful opportunity to influence the negotiation of cross-governmental decisions.

Fear of a damaging U.S. response determines the relatively slow speed of those changes.

If one day the U.S. abandon Europe, there will be a good chance for Germany and France to get to a complete political consensus.

Then Italy and other Old Europe countries – primarily the former ECSC members – may join it on certain conditions.

Britain, which is currently outside the E.U., will not be able to resist the pressure of the Franco-German duo alone.

If implemented, this scenario will eventually turn Europe into an economic and political competitor to the United States.

An increase in the flow of resources from Europe to the U.S. can be expected if Germany begins to experience a controlled economic crisis.

The pace of economic development in the E.U. depends almost without alternative on the state of the German economy.

Due to coalition constraints, the German leadership is not in complete control of the situation in the country.

Thanks to the U.S.’s precise actions, it has been possible to block the commissioning of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

The only feasible way to guarantee Germany’s rejection of Russian energy supplies is to involve both sides in the military conflict in Ukraine.

Our further actions in this country will inevitably lead to a military response from Russia.

The prerequisite for Germany to fall into this trap is the leading role of green parties and ideology in Europe
@ghazi52 @araz @The Eagle @The Accountant @That Guy @Irfan Baloch @PanzerKiel @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Imran Khan @PAKISTANFOREVER @waz @Windjammer @WinterFangs @KaiserX @niaz @farok84 @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @MastanKhan @krash @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Cookie Monster @Bratva @Foxtrot Alpha @Rafael @Rafi @Trango Towers @TNT @Indus Pakistan @Falcon26 @Norwegian @LeGenD @Iltutmish @notorious_eagle @Akh1112 @mingle @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Tipu7 @Horus @Ark_Angel @SQ8 @Goenitz @messiach @TaimiKhan @SecularNationalist @farok84 @Blacklight @Meengla @Ahmet Pasha @White and Green with M/S @Dalit @ARMalik @Sainthood 101 @Zibago @Jango @untitled @Reichsmarschall @Bleek @Dual Wielder @Smoke @RescueRanger @Trango Towers @Asimzranger @FuturePAF @Imad.Khan @forcetrip @baqai @PanzerKiel @Sifar zero @Areesh @waz @Signalian @Raja Porus @INDIAPOSITIVE
@_NOBODY_ @Zarvan @Piotr
@MultaniGuy @Dalit @farok84
@Foinikas @beijingwalker
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I don't know what to say, people think the main target is Russia, but it turns out Germany and France. Lol

These countries are really screwed.

But this practice by USA happened multiple times, in South America and East Asia in 1997.

So basically it can be true.

The USA has tried to do the same with China multiple times, but China is controlling its economy exceptionally tightly.

I do believe USA is not giving up on China, maybe after Europe, the next target is China.

USA just needs to be patient, waiting for the opportunity for China do a misstep.

An economic vampire.
Olaf Scholz is us puppet Germany has to understand fighting with a regional partner always hit you hard too
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Think tank Rand Corporation leaks documents:
Executive Summary
WeakeningGermany, strengthening theU.S. The present state of the U.S.economy does not suggest that it can function without financial and material support from external sourees. The quantitative easing policy, which the Fed has resorted to regularly in recent years, as well as the uncontrolled issue of cash during the 2020 and 2021 Covid lockdowns,have led to a sharp inerease in the external debt and an inerease in the doliar supply.
The continuing deterioration of the economic situation is highly likely to lead to a loss in the position of the Democratie Party in Congress and the Senate in the fortheoming elections to be held in November 2022.The impeachment of the President cannot be ruled out nder these circumstances, which must be avoided at all costs. There is an urgent need for resources to flow into the national cconomy, especially the banking system.Only European countries bound by EU and NATOcommitments wil! be able to provide them without significant military and political costs for us The major obstacle to it is growing independence of Germany. Although it still is a country with limited sovereignty, for decades it has been consistently moving toward lifting these limitations and becoming a fully independent state. This movement is slow and cautious, but steady.Extrapolation shows that the ultimate goal can be reached only in several decades However, if social and economic problems in the United States escalate, the pace could accelerate significantly. An additional factor contributing to Germany's economic independence is Brexit.With the withdrawal of the UK from the EU structures,we have lost a meaningful opportunity to infuence the negotiation of erossgovernmental decisions It is fear of our negative response which by and large determines the relatively slow speed of those changes.If one day we abandon Europe, there will be a good chance for Germany and France to get to a full political consensus.Then,Italy and other Old Europe countries-primarily the former ECSC members-may join it on certain conditions.Britain, which is eurrently outside the European Union, will not be able to resist the pressure of the Franco-German duo alone.If implemented, this scenario will eventually turn Europe into not only an economic,but also a political competitor to the United States Besides, if the U.S.is for a certain period is engulfed by domestic problems, the Old Europe will be able to more efectively resist the infuence of the U.S.-oriented Eastern European countries

sanctions regime to be introduced without any obstacles. The lack of professionalism of the current leaders will not allow a setback in the future, even when the negative impact of the chosen policy becomes obvious cnough. The partners in the Geran governing coalition will
simply have to follow their alies-at least unt l the load of economic problems outweighs the fear of provoking a governmnent erisis. However even when the SPD and the FDP are ready to go against the Grens, the possibility for the next governnent to return relations with Russia to normal soon cnough will be noticeably
limited. Germany's involvement in large suplies of weapons and military equipment to the Ukrainian army wil inevitably generate a strong mistrust in Russia, which will make the negotiation process quite lengthy.
Ifwar crimes and Russian aggresion against Ukraine are conirmed, the German political leadership willnot be able to overcome its EU partners' veto on assistance to Ukraine and reinforced sanctions packages.This will ensure a suffciently long gap in cooperation between Germany and Russia, which will make large German cconomic operators uncompetitive.
Expected Consequences
A reduction in Russian energy supplies-ideally, a complete halt of such supplies-would lead to disastrous outcomes for German industry.The need to divert signifcant amounts of Russian gas for winter heating of residential and public facilities will further exacerbate the shortages. Lockdowns in industrial enterprises will cause shortages of components and spare parts for manu facturing, a breakdown of logistic chains, and, eventually,a domino effect, A complete standstill at the largest in the chemical, metallurgical, and machine-building, plants is likely, while they have virtually no spare capacity to reduce energy consumption.It could lead to the shutting down of continuous-cycle enterprises, which would mean their destruction. The cumulative losses of the German economy can be estimated only approximately.Even if the restriction of Russian supplies is limited to 2022,its consequences will last for several years,
and the total losses could reach 200-300 billion euros.Not only willit deliver a devastating blow to the German economy, but the entire EU economy will inevitably collapse.We are talking not about a decline in economy growth pace,but about a sustained recession and a decline in GDP only in material production by3-4% per year for the next 5-6 years.Such a fall will inevitably cause panic in the financial markets and may bring them to a collapse The euro wil inevitably, and most likely irreversibly, fall below the dollar. A sharp fall of euro will consequently cause its global sale. It will become a toxic currency, and all countries in the world will rapidly reduce its share in their forex reserves This gap will be primarily flled with dollar and yuan. Another inevitable consequence of a prolonged economic recession wil be a sharp drop in living standards and rising uemployment (up to200,000-400,000 in Germany alone), which will entail the exodus of skilled labour and well-educated young people. There are literally no other destinations for such migration other than the United States today.
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Evil Americans not surprised as usual, they did start the Kosovo war in the 1990s to destroy EU economy namely Euro, now, they are up to the same trick again. Thats what these Europeans have to pay being lapdogs to US, good for Europeans again.
Europe and Japan should thank and be grateful to USA.

But they should remember, never cross USA.

Always remember!

But which USA we are talking about?

Since the common people of USA are f*cked up, European and Japanese enjoy better living standards with good government services like healthcare and education.

The USA's neocon I guess.

Remember, never cross USA's neocon!
First of all, Nya Dagbladet is a far right online news site. It's worse than FOX, it's like Newsmax level.

Second of all, weren't you all forgetting something? This "Genius" plan require Russian active participation, the chain reaction goes. Russia Declare war on Ukraine, US gloated EU and Germany to go anti-Russia. Thus US destroy EU and Germany economy. If Russia did not invade Ukraine, none of that can be materialised.

Ergo, if this is a genius plan, then Russia have to be in on it. Otherwise Russia is probably the dumbest nation on earth to not see that coming and still invade Ukraine.
First of all, Nya Dagbladet is a far right online news site. It's worse than FOX, it's like Newsmax level.

Second of all, weren't you all forgetting something? This "Genius" plan require Russian active participation, the chain reaction goes. Russia Declare war on Ukraine, US gloated EU and Germany to go anti-Russia. Thus US destroy EU and Germany economy. If Russia did not invade Ukraine, none of that can be materialised.

Ergo, if this is a genius plan, then Russia have to be in on it. Otherwise Russia is probably the dumbest nation on earth to not see that coming and still invade Ukraine.
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So the plan was to show Germany how they were completely wrong about the seriousness of the Russian threat to their energy supply...and how it could destroy their economy...and it came true...
So the plan was to show Germany how they were completely wrong about the seriousness of the Russian threat to their energy supply...and how it could destroy their economy...and it came true...
German trading with Russia benefits both countries.

Just like US buys ingredients for fertilizer from Russia.
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