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The Status of Pakistan's Radar Network During US raid


Jan 20, 2010
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Air Force has assured the government that no foreign helicopters or fighter planes will be allowed to violate the Pakistani air space in future and if ordered, the PAF can shoot down the US drones.

Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman has accepted the responsibility of air surveillance failure but informed the government that the entry of American helicopters into the Pakistani air space was not detected because the radars deployed on the western borders were not active on May 2. He dispelled the impression that the Pakistani radars were jammed.

The success of American operation against Osama bin Laden has raised many questions about the capability of Pakistan Army and Air Force. Tension between Pakistan and the US further increased on Friday after another drone attack in the tribal area. The PAF clearly told the government that they never perceived any threat for urban areas of Pakistan from Afghanistan and that was why the radars deployed close to the western borders were “on rest”. It was learnt that radars deployed on the borders with India and the LoC with the Indian occupied Kashmir are active 24 hours and that was why Pakistan came to know about a possible Indian attack in December 2008 immediately after the Mumbai attacks. It was the evening of December 21, 2008 when Pakistan came to know about the unusual movement of Indian Army and Air Force. When the threat was confirmed, then within minutes Pakistan Air Force night fighters were ordered to fly.

Pakistan has two kinds of radars, high-level radars and low-level radars. High-level radars are meant to protect the air space. Low-level radars are used for training flights. The maximum life of high-level radars is 25,000 hours. These radars need overhauling after three years and they cannot work after nine years. Due to the expensive nature of high-level radars, Pakistan Air Force does not use these machines 24 hours on western borders and that was the reason the American helicopters entered Pakistan without challenge.

It was also learnt that Pakistan Air Force informed the government long ago for the need of a modern surveillance system, which could cover all the areas of Pakistan. On the request of the PAF, the former government made a deal with Sweden and China for the purchase of modern aircraft with radar systems.

The PAF has received three Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) planes from Sweden and one more will come in June 2011. China has provided one ZDK-03 Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEWC) plane and three more will come at the end of this year. These modern machines will be activated soon and it will cover the whole of Pakistan. In the meanwhile, PAF activated all radars deployed on the western borders after the May 2 incident, which means that foreign forces present in Afghanistan will now be considered as a threat to the security of Pakistan.

Defence sources are of the view that the CIA chief’s statement about Pakistan had forced them to think objectively and honestly about our real friends and real enemies. These sources clearly said: “Osama bin Laden declared war not only against America but also against Pakistan Army, we lost 3,500 soldiers, we arrested most of his close comrades but Americans never took us into confidence about the May 2 operation and even after the success of their unilateral operation, they tried to humiliate us in their traditional arrogant style but we will not tolerate their arrogance in future.”

When asked why there was another drone attack in North Waziristan on Friday, the defence sources said, “We can stop the drones like we destroyed one Indian drone a few years back at the night time, let the political government allow us and we will not disappoint our countrymen.” They insist: “We were not sure about the identity of intruders on May 2 but when the PAF chief came to know about the presence of some helicopters in Abbottabad through the Army, he immediately ordered his night fighters to shoot down the unknown helicopters. Night fighters were in the air within 15 minutes but when they reached Abbottabad, by that time the unknown helicopters had disappeared”.

These sources say: “Let them come again from the west or even from the east and the world will see our real action.”
Tough to believe - the guy is just trying to save his job
Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman has accepted the responsibility of air surveillance failure but informed the government that the entry of American helicopters into the Pakistani air space was not detected because the radars deployed on the western borders were not active on May 2.

Air Chief Marshal should know, the Black Hawks entered Pakistani border much before 00:00 of 2nd May. Even per the statement of the Air Chief Marshal, they (radars) must have been very much active. Why does he need to say all this now?

Don't we all know how Pakistan had reacted when last year US copters flew into Pakistani airspace to shoot down some terrorists, and Pakistani Army warned the US of severe consequences in case of any repeats? Even further, the public went on to block the NATO routes and set their tankers on fire. That breach was taken very very seriously by the PA, and then they disactivate the radars on that border?

Yea right... !
Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman has accepted the responsibility of air surveillance failure but informed the government that the entry of American helicopters into the Pakistani air space was not detected because the radars deployed on the western borders were not active on May 2. He dispelled the impression that the Pakistani radars were jammed.

How convenient ! Was the radar switched off due to power cuts in the city or for servicing equipment ?
In either case, operational preparedness of Pakistan Airforce is in question. I think the airforce is taking a stand that suits it best and give the citizens a feeling of security. Well done PAF.
That is a treasonous statement by the ACM----he is trying to save the hide of the other---but in the process he put his head under the chopping block----.

Is he that big of a goof ball----hadn't the americans stated in the past that they have plans to strike in pakistan if they needed to.

This deception is deeper than showson the surface.
How convenient ! Was the radar switched off due to power cuts in the city or for servicing equipment ?
In either case, operational preparedness of Pakistan Airforce is in question. I think the airforce is taking a stand that suits it best and give the citizens a feeling of security. Well done PAF.

The maximum life of high-level radars is 25,000 hours. These radars need overhauling after three years and they cannot work after nine years. Due to the expensive nature of high-level radars, Pakistan Air Force does not use these machines 24 hours on western borders and that was the reason the American helicopters entered Pakistan without challenge
Hi, the PAF chief can spin it anyway he wants, but the PAF was basically caught napping, in addition to having their pants down. What a joke, basically what he is saying is "I am sorry someone invaded the country, but I did not have my defensive detections systems turned on..."

Regardless of what the PAF Air Chief said, this is a huge stain on Pakistan. The raid was embarrassing and humiliating to the military and its ego. But moreover, the fact the most wanted man was found in that country, was even worse.

It shows you the priorities of Pakistan. Yes, India is still seen as a threat, but the bigger threat is from within, internal terrorists and fundamentalism.
This operation has shown us the real face of our defense & our forces , These Useless General should be removed immediately & we should contact china for advance radars & antijamers, so that we can shoot them down in future.
But how can it possible General if they came from Balgaram to reach abbottabbad, they will most likely flew over on our one & only POF. what you guys think ?
ACM Mr. Rao Qamar please resign immediately for the said post as a patriotic general.

Pakistani Nation Demands AIR CHIEF - Resignation for this Negligence.

If USA / India attacks Pakistani installation then ACM again said Radars inactive not jammed due to maintenance.

If Pakistani Government appoints ACM on merit, this operation should halt by Air Force.
The maximum life of high-level radars is 25,000 hours. These radars need overhauling after three years and they cannot work after nine years. Due to the expensive nature of high-level radars, Pakistan Air Force does not use these machines 24 hours on western borders and that was the reason the American helicopters entered Pakistan without challenge

Well, that is a good theory. Any country with descent equipment can easily detect the radars that are switched on and those which are not(from intel info on where they are located). A country attempting a surgical strike will take out its target undetected by waiting for a day when the radars are switched off ! Your theory sounds reasonable but critical defence systems need to work 365X24x7 and need to have a backup when they are switched off.

Do you agree?
total bullshit & crap...these sold out souls are trying to save their jobs and avoiding court marshal.....or they have been bribed heavily by USA $$$$$$$
Hi, the PAF chief can spin it anyway he wants, but the PAF was basically caught napping, in addition to having their pants down. What a joke, basically what he is saying is "I am sorry someone invaded the country, but I did not have my defensive detections systems turned on..."

Regardless of what the PAF Air Chief said, this is a huge stain on Pakistan. The raid was embarrassing and humiliating to the military and its ego. But moreover, the fact the most wanted man was found in that country, was even worse.

It shows you the priorities of Pakistan. Yes, India is still seen as a threat, but the bigger threat is from within, internal terrorists and fundamentalism.

I don't agree with thelast part of your statement. "Fundamentalists" did not give shelter to Laden, those in power gave shelter and they're all secular.
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