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The Shahbag Drama

Banglar Lathial

May 12, 2011
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My attempted translation of the following:

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The Shahbag Drama

Dislodged by the movements by Chhatro-Shibir (Student wing of Shibir), the government countered by launching a vicious assault comparable to those by Hitler or Genghis Khan, by shooting boys in the head at point blank range, by gouging out their eyes, or crippling them by bestial beatings, and then the rulers do not even allow (people) to talk about these issues. In order to hide all their massive, gargantuan failures and scandalous issues like (not agreeing to) the provision of the general public's demand for a caretaker government, Padda Bridge, or the Hallmark (scandal), they have tried to cleanse their polluted faces with distilled water and now trying to push a new agenda by assuming the guise of valiant stalwarts for the elimination of the enemies of 1971. The agents used for this purpose are its own stick-wielding "Chhatro League" (student wing of BAL), combative "Youth League" ("Youth" wing of BAL) and its domesticated 'cultural activists'. For fooling the public, they are using some emotionally driven, passionate youth as a cover, as a shield for this very purpose. Because their (tender) age is such that they are more easily driven by emotions than by logic. Any intelligent person can easily guide such emotional souls on a wave of emotions (to a destination of their own liking?). The National Socialist Party (Jashod) used such sentiments to drive these emotional youth on a wave of emotions in the past. Using cheap, rhetorical slogans of so called "scientific socialism", they had pushed these sentimental youths towards the murderous Rokkhibahini (? Protective force) and "Lalbahini" (Red Force) of Sheikh Mujib. They had formed Gonobahini (People's Force). Thousands of youth had lost their lives, trapped in the quicksand of misguided leadership. Mr Inu and cohort are now enjoying their Ministerial tenures by trampling on the blood of those deceased youths, by betraying their self-sacrifices. That's why I appeal (to these youths?) not to be fooled by these cheap, flashy slogans. They have to proceed forward by going towards unity and uprooting the fault line dividing the nation.

Those people that talk a lot about the Liberation War need to be suspected. That's because we need to remember that even memorable personalities like Muneer Chowdhury, Kabeer Chowdhuy, and Sirdar Fazlul Karim had issued statements against the Liberation War in 1971. The Shariar Kabirs and Muntasir Mamuns of today did not participate in the Liberation War either. Real freedom fighters never engaged in creating divisions and clashes by capitalizing on the 'consciousness of Liberation War". Those that bandy this consciousness about regularly as their 'party property' needs to be recognized for what they are. Bangladesh will not remain independent if our youth fail to uncover the true faces of these malicious forces. Bangladesh will turn into another Hyderabad or Sikkim in that case. Bangladesh will then be afflicted with another round of Bakshali fascism. The footfall of this fascist Bakshal has been spread around the country by this ruling party already. Otherwise, the ominous utterances that have been made against freedom of speech, against the mass media in the name of (trying) warcriminals will bring about extreme chaos, disaster and civil war. They want to uproot the patriotic forces in the guise of suppressing Jamat-Shibir.


If the PM Sheikh Hasina is the protagonist of the play "Tughlaq" by Gerish Conrad, then we have to say the fourth act is being played out now according to her wishes. The suppliers for all the producers, directors and actors of this play are her government and ruling party. The rest are being used as pawns for her invisible signals. The last part of this fourth act can now be witnessed by us at Shahbag.


Read main article at link.
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