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THE REASON WHY HE DID IT I Newzealand Terror Attack

That insecurity stems from history. Europe defeated native peoples by simply making more babies and migrating them to America, Australia, New Zealand etc. They filled entire continents and made the natives minorities. Today native Australians make less then 2%, native Maori of New Zealand less then 8% and the Native Americans less then 2% replaced by huge numbers of English, Germans, Swedes, French, Italians, Russians etc.

And they are now scared of what they did being done to them.

This all was once Native American.

Or perhaps Europeans have a problem with minorities.

They have conducted anti minority pogroms and genocides throughout history.

They wiped out the natives.
They committed genocides and exploitation of colonies.
Blacks got slavery.
They hounded and exterminated the jews for centuries.

And now its the Muslims turn.

And the SOP hasn’t changed.

First you vilify them ( be it merchant of venice or todays hollywood movies showing the barbaric evil muslim, than you attack them and than comes the genocide?
. . . .
To incite violence, retaliation and further divide between the European people and the invaders currently occupying European soil.

To drive a wedge between the nations of NATO that are European and the Turks that also make a part of the NATO forces, thereby turning NATO once more into a united European army and pushing the Turkey once more back to the true position of a foreign, enemy force.

Finally, to create conflict between the two ideologies within the United States on the ownership of firearms in order to further the social, cultural, political and racial divide within the United states.

the attempted removal of firearms rights will ultimately result in a civil war that will eventually balkanize the US

this balkanization will also reduce the USA’s ability to project power globally

We are coming for Constantinople and we will destroy every mosque and minaret in the city. The Hagia Sophia will be free of minarets and Constantinople will be rightfully christian owned once more.

This is the Zionist Jews' ultimate plan. A civil war. A clash of civilizations. Where Muslims and Christians will be embroiled in a civil war in West. This attack will serve as a catalyst for civil war.
USA has outlived its purpose for Zionists. Now they want Israel to be replace USA as next superpower and for that they want Greater Israel.

This scum's ranting about Constantinople should be taken seriously by Muslims. All signs are telling us that Turkey would be the next target by the Zionists.
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This is the Zionist Jews' ultimate plan. A civil war. A clash of civilization. Where Muslims and Christians will be embroiled in a civil war in West. This attack will serve as a catalyst for civil war.
USA has outlived its purpose for Zionists. Now they want Israel to be replace USA as next superpower and for that they want Greater Israel.

This scum's ranting about Constantinople should be taken seriously by Muslims. All signs are telling us that Turkey would be the next target by the Zionists.
It’s been like this for the last thousand years, and will be for the next thousand years....

Turkey will be there till the end of their fears....
Even for the most stable, rational, and forward-thinking in our circles, it’s easy to lose hope with this decadent and fallen world.

Think about it:

The economy is rigged against us, and the old cliches the Boomers and older Gen X folks like to rattle off no longer apply thanks to corruption, nepotism, monopolization, and Affirmative Action.

Degeneracy reigns supreme – we’re told by the “religious” Conservatives that they’ll halt things like abortion, homosexual “rights,” and 6-year-old kids getting their genitals lopped off, but all they’ve managed to oversee is the hollowing out and destruction of Christianity.

We have no political representation worth speaking of – Movements exist, but whether you’re an American, a Brit, a Swede, or a Kiwi, it remains clear that the political class exists to grovel before Jews, import millions of foreigners, and slander/destroy White populations.

And even when you wind up with something resembling hope, as happened with Donald J. Trump, in the end all you’re left with is this:

New York Times:

On a Sunday morning at Beth Israel Worship Center in Wayne, N.J., a bearded pastor named Jonathan Cahn stood on an elevated platform, gazing over a full house. Stage lights shifted from blue to white as the backing band played a drifting melody. Two men hoisted curled rams’ horns and let out long blasts.

“Some of you have been saying you want to live in biblical times,” Mr. Cahn said, pacing behind a lectern. Then he spread his hands wide. “Well, you are.”

Sitting at the end of a sleepy drive an hour from Manhattan, Beth Israel may look like any common suburban church. But the center has a highly unusual draw. Every weekend, some 1,000 congregants gather for the idiosyncratic teachings of the church’s celebrity pastor, an entrepreneurial doomsday prophet who claims that President Trump’s rise to power was foretold in the Bible.

Mr. Cahn is tapping into a belief more popular than may appear.

A recent Fox News poll found one in four Americans believe “God wanted Donald Trump to become president.” Celebrities like the televangelist Paula White and Franklin Graham have boosted the idea. The president’s own press secretary suggested as much in a January interview. And on the opening day of the Conservative Political Action Conference this month, the millionaire businessman Michael Lindell took to the stage and declared President Trump “chosen by God.”

This is modern American conservatism – a former coke fiend turned pillow salesman telling us that Drumpf is a figure chosen by God to cut Jeff Bezos’ taxes, spread anal joys across the globe, and usher in at least one or three foreign wars.

Mr. Cahn was ahead of the curve.

He has dedicated an entire book to this very thesis, an insight he claims to have received from God. “The Paradigm: The Ancient Blueprint That Holds the Mystery of Our Times,” in fact, is only the most recent installment of a best-selling series dealing with the supposed mystical meaning behind all manner of current events. In it, Mr. Cahn likens Mr. Trump to the biblical king Jehu, who led the ancient nation of Israel away from idolatry.

With his growing stature, Mr. Cahn is also a rising figure in some quarters of conservative politics. In an email to congregants, Mr. Cahn shared his latest good news: This weekend he is making his first trip to the president’s vacation retreat, Mar-a-Lago. He is set to address a small gathering of activists and advisers.

Central to Beth Israel’s story is the unlikely rise of its pastor, a liberal Jew transformed into an end-times evangelist. The tale is also a step into a controversial and burgeoning layer of American religion, where commerce, supernatural belief and patriotism blend freely. Daniel Silliman, a Valparaiso University professor of religion, called Beth Israel and its pastor part of a long tradition of Americans “looking to prophecy as a way to absorb the chaos” of current events. “It can make someone feel that God is working through human history,” he said, “transforming anxiety into a sense of fullness.”

The son of a Holocaust refugee, Mr. Cahn was raised in a nominally Jewish family in the New York suburbs. But from an early age, he was drawn to the more esoteric corners of belief.

He devoured the writings of Nostradamus, the Virginia psychic Edgar Cayce and far-out conspiracy theories about ancient astronauts. Mr. Cahn soon stumbled on “The Late Great Planet Earth,” the 1970s best-seller that argued doomsday prophecies of the Bible were playing out with events like the Cold War and Israel’s Six-Day War. Mr. Cahn bought the book thinking it was about UFOs; instead he was given a crash-course in Christian eschatology.

Despite nauseating occurrences like this, I would’ve told Brenton Tarrant to hold off on going full Black Ops on a random mosque or two, as these things rarely result in anything beneficial for Whites.

I would’ve told him that although it is truly terrible to witness the decline of nations, with America reigning supreme over the filth ready at the drop of a hat to squash anything resembling a White revival anywhere in the West, all is not lost.

Things are about to take a very interesting turn in the Empire of ZOG – a turn that could very well topple the old order if the dice fall in the correct way.
Donald Trump: White Nationalists Have Very, Very Serious Problems

It’s true that White Nationalists have some very, very serious problems. There is no point in ignoring the fact that there are some violent people in White Nationalism. We’ve watched people like Glenn Miller, Robert Bowers and Dylann Roof launch these attacks for years now.

The strategy that inspired the attack on the mosques in New Zealand is called “accelerationism” in White Nationalist circles. Basically, accelerationism is the idea that White Nationalists have no hope of ever being accepted in mainstream society because of leftwing journalists and groups like the SPLC. Conservatism has failed them. It has failed their countries. Nothing will ever change until our civilization becomes so polarized that it falls apart in a violent apocalyptic civil war.

What happens when you force people who disagree with you to shut up? What happens when you ignore their grievances? What happens when you give them no hope or room for a positive sense of identity? When they have no political representation or place in the economy? Well, they become desperate enough to resort to sporadic nihilistic violence to bring about change as we saw yesterday again in New Zealand. These are people who desperately want to be heard by the bankrupt political establishment.

I don’t think any of that is necessary. I’m an accelerationist, but a different kind of one. I believe in accelerating the collapse of Conservatism, Inc. and the Republican Party which is preying on their racial and cultural anxieties in order to advance their inhumane economic agenda. That’s why I am going to vote for Andrew Yang in the 2020 Democratic primary. Unlike Donald Trump, I think Yang listens to people like us.

Andrew Yang



Generally speaking our society should be a little more forgiving. Shame in particular loses power if overused. And beyond shame lies entropy.


8:30 PM - Mar 15, 2019
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648 people are talking about this

Konk @ngv_barbarian


After today I feel Yang is vindicated. There are real things to consider when the economy is fucking over everybody and demographics are changing. It creates an environment of suspicion and hostility that create such events.


12:55 AM - Mar 15, 2019
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40 people are talking about this

N u K 3 @NvkeTvlly


Be a hero#YangGang#Yang2020


9:31 PM - Mar 12, 2019

96 people are talking about this

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Sometimes all it takes to stop these angry people in their tracks is to listen to them and reason with them and try to compromise and I think that is a better idea than anything the GOP or SPLC is offering.

I now think we need an intelligent, pragmatic centrist in the White House to tackle our 21st century problems, not a two bit celebrity con artist who hosted a reality tv show and sold out his supporters.



A very good explanation on current incident and things we Muslims need to understand and clear our thoughts for stopping incidents like these to happen in future.
May ALLAH SWT protect us all, specially those who reside in west.
And now it has happened again:

  • On Friday, March 15, 2019, a 28-year-old white man, Brenton Tarrant, reportedly entered the Al Noor Mosque and the Linwood Islamic Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand, killing at least 49 people and wounding 40 others.
Because these shootings all follow the same basic pattern, I have created a boilerplate article responding to them:

First, this could not have happened in a homogeneously white society. It could not have happened if the Al Noor Mosque and the Linwood Islamic Centre were located in the Muslim world, for instance.

a "boilerplate" response , read don't have the faintest idea what life in New Zealand is like but will use it as an excuse to vomit out a response despite having no idea.

I lived in Linwood, the only thing homogeneous about the area is the income level, people there don't care where your from or what you worship. Ok the Maori might have a dig on Waitangi day but that aside, this asshole wasn't a Kiwi he didn't learn his hatred in New Zealand and not in Linwood.
Zionists bribe western governments to start wars on muslim countries and then propagate hatred against muslims.
They are cunning to the core...they have got what they wanted when Turkish President proclaimed that he wants to reconvert the Hagia Sophia to a Masjid. This is what they are looking for...a clash of civilisations especially between Muslims and Orthodox Christians...and Turkish President fell for it!!!!
. .
Why are you false flagging, coward ?
That is what indians do

I hate modi and RSS with passion but what RSS has do with new Zealand ??
It's not rss but it's solomon's aunty pamella geller and robert spencer. I can bet a 100$ they are behind this.

Or perhaps Europeans have a problem with minorities.

They have conducted anti minority pogroms and genocides throughout history.

They wiped out the natives.
They committed genocides and exploitation of colonies.
Blacks got slavery.
They hounded and exterminated the jews for centuries.

And now its the Muslims turn.

And the SOP hasn’t changed.

First you vilify them ( be it merchant of venice or todays hollywood movies showing the barbaric evil muslim, than you attack them and than comes the genocide?
Anglo-imperialism in general.
chittay suwar (
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