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The Real Reason why Hitler HAD To Start WW2

Desert Fox

Jan 16, 2010
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Interesting video guys check it out:

What are your thoughts? Do you agree with his historical analyses? Why or why not?

Personally I think he's focused too much on the economic aspect and less on the ideological aspect of Hitlers reasoning and i would like to go in depth when I get the time.

@Nilgiri @Psychic @The Sandman @Taimur Khurram @OsmanAli98 @LeGenD
. .
thierwere usa banks/corporation involved both sides of war.
Interesting video guys check it out:

What are your thoughts? Do you agree with his historical analyses? Why or why not?

Personally I think he's focused too much on the economic aspect and less on the ideological aspect of Hitlers reasoning and i would like to go in depth when I get the time.

@Nilgiri @Psychic @The Sandman @Taimur Khurram @OsmanAli98 @LeGenD

There is definitely lot of WW1 psyche that he misses out regarding Hitler (like Hitler's thought process as to who was to blame etc).

But he is overall correct that as far as the economic model Hitler went for, this was a forced inevitable result to control the resources (for purposes of the national autarky) rather than mercantile trade for them...given the thought process (of finite limited resources) would always mean that you are helping others if you trade (for what they produce without industry or higher thought etc...but that you need to survive) while you are ahead of them.

This also comes from the WW1 psyche result to some degree as Hitler did first hand see the heavy financial burden of the versailles treaty (and thus the whole concept that the victor will always subjugate that who has lost...no matter how moral the victory may claim to be) and he thus felt it was the only answer in reverse to address Germany's restoration.
There is definitely lot of WW1 psyche that he misses out regarding Hitler (like Hitler's thought process as to who was to blame etc).

But he is overall correct that as far as the economic model Hitler went for, this was a forced inevitable result to control the resources (for purposes of the national autarky) rather than mercantile trade for them...given the thought process (of finite limited resources) would always mean that you are helping others if you trade (for what they produce without industry or higher thought etc...but that you need to survive) while you are ahead of them.

This also comes from the WW1 psyche result to some degree as Hitler did first hand see the heavy financial burden of the versailles treaty (and thus the whole concept that the victor will always subjugate that who has lost...no matter how moral the victory may claim to be) and he thus felt it was the only answer in reverse to address Germany's restoration.

The source he uses is The Second Book although he also quotes from Mein Kampf. The pursuit of Autarky was driven by many factors, namely the ones you mentioned and I think also because of a belief in an eventual conflict with the US (interestingly enough) which I'm not sure if this was mentioned in the video. I think this plays into the whole ideological conflict aspect of the war, with regards to the 3 competing ideologies.

Similar factors I believe also contributed to the expansionist policies of Italy and Japan from a fear of being strangled by the increasingly powerful US and Soviets/Communism. All three countries were dependent on external sources for their raw materials.
I think also because of a belief in an eventual conflict with the US (interestingly enough) which I'm not sure if this was mentioned in the video.

It is hinted at somewhere (I think the distaste Hitler had toward the US regarding what its definition of a nation was compared to what Hitler defined a nation as)...I did watch this video when it came out, TIK does make some pretty good content/analysis from perspectives I didn't really come across before.
It is hinted at somewhere (I think the distaste Hitler had toward the US regarding what its definition of a nation was compared to what Hitler defined a nation as)...I did watch this video when it came out, TIK does make some pretty good content/analysis from perspectives I didn't really come across before.
Indeed; Hitler's view of nation being based on Blut und Boden (blood and soil) vs American liberal conception of nationhood.

Hitler was 100% confirmed and his own words go
" they won't start a welt kreig over danzig!?"
Yep. It never really was over Danzig or Polish territorial integrity as it turned out in 1945 and as the Katyn Massacre proved earlier in the war when it broke out that the Soviets massacred Polish officers who were allied with Britain and America, yet the later two powers simply brushed that issue under the rugs and even went as far as blaming the Germans despite even the Polish government in Exile insisting that it wasn't the Germans but the Soviets who massacred the 20,000 Polish officers.
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