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The Real Reason Russia and China Are Dumping U.S. Debt

Anybody still holding dollars at the end is the chump! Good to see China and Russia making somebody else the chump. America is about to implode with gun battles everywhere. Fun to watch :pop:
Yeah...Use that 'BuddhaPalm' to masturbate to that fantasy, kid.
Some pathetic people above cant even differentiate an apple from an orange

And more pathetic is the professor from Missouri was scaring the sh*t out of dire ignorant and stupid people at home and abroad
He is probably just a shade better than the TA from NJ

Russia is in trouble, more so due to the sanctions
China has a mini-stock and currency issues to dealt with

When you need money to pay the bills and to sort things out financially, where do you find the source of fund?

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Short version:

Russia can't dump the dollar, because its trading counterparties demand that trades be transacted in hard currencies (USD, EUR). China can't dump the dollar because it runs a mercantilist trade policy, and the US financial system is the only one deep enough and liquid enough to accommodate China's massive excess savings.

That said, the decline of the USD will help the US tremendously, so no need to take these threats seriously.

And further nine of the op is exactly unknown. China reducing 4% of its U.S. Treasuries in fact sounds low, I thought it was more. And I very much doubt if Russia has ANY bonds to 'sell' given their precarious economy.
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