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The Real Reason of Germany's defeat in the Second World War

What was the primary country that resulted in the defeat of Nazi Germany?

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May 10, 2013
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Let's discuss why Germany was ultimately overpowered in the Second World War, even after they once ruled most of Continental Europe. There are a number of points that can be elaborated upon. You can add as well.

1. Treachery
2. Allied Aerial bombardment - Especially oil refineries
3. Operation Uranus
4. Bagration
5. Invasion of the Soviet Union
6. Loss of Battle of Britain
7. Not taking Gibralter, Malta
8. Lack of initiative for Total War until too late
9. Over ambitious and micro management of Hitler

For getting a great feel of the entire world scenario, I will highly recommend you play Hearts of Iron III series. You will feel what the leaders felt then. Seriously.

The lack of sufficient numbers IMO is not the main reason, as they were always low in manpower even when they were winning. For example they defeated the world's largest Army (France) in around 6 weeks by maneuver. But of course it might also have its limits.

@Dillinger, @Hyperion, @Zakii, @Aeronaut, @jaibi, @RangerPK, @Zarvan and others.
Please call others as well if you so wish.
the main reason the biggest of all was.stopping of funds by rothschilds.hitler was a great idiot.he could have turned the tides but he was unable to do as he played in the hands of bankers.allies took long to reach that place wich lead to D day.had the hitler invaded britain before opperation barbarosa.there would have been no power on earth to stop hitler.but that was a stretegic blunder that he did.he just frieghtend the britishers.he actually thought of the britishers will eventually agree on a cease fire.
'Jewish Banking interests' - this was a common Goebbels propaganda theme.
But anyway Hitler was never interested in Unternehmen See Lowe(operation Sea Lion), the invasion of Britain. Besides, I think it was beyond the capability of the German armed forces. They did not have enough landing ships, ships to protect the landing fleet etc. The only way it could have was if the Luftwaffe had established total air sup. But in Adler(operation) they failed to know out the Royal Air Force. It was settling down into a war of attrition. The kind of war Germany was not prepared for.
Invasion of the Soviet Union was the single biggest mistake that led to Hitler's Defeat
There are some who state that Soviet Union would have invaded Germany around May 15, 1942. In a way Stalin wanted to use Hitler as an 'Icebreaker'. There is a book written about this as well. Let us assume, Stalin had evil intentions. What then? What could Germany have done after the failure of Battle of Britain. Wait for Russia to be stronger or attack it while it was still preparing?

IMO, it was because the Wehrmacht and the Oberkommando der Heer held back on total mobilization for far too long. Only by the middle of 1944 was German war industry geared for total war.
Besides, I think it was beyond the capability of the German armed forces. They did not have enough landing ships, ships to protect the landing fleet etc. The only way it could have was if the Luftwaffe had established total air sup.

They almost achieved air superiority. Luftwaffe was destroying airfields quite successfully, until an order from high up (Hitler) came to start attacking cities. This i think happened after someone by mistake bombed a city, which was in turn vindicated by another city raid by the opposing side, up until that point both sides only targeted military installations.

The list you compiled, i would add lack of a dedicated four engined heavy bomber to prevent Russian transfer of industries to the Ural mountains. It would also be useful in battle of Britain and African campaign.
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They almost achieved air superiority. Luftwaffe was destroying airfields quite successfully, until an order from high up (Hitler) came to start attacking cities. This i think happened after someone by mistake bombed a city, which was in turn vindicated by another city raid by the opposing side, up until that point both sides only targeted military installations.
Actually the order to target the cities was issued by Goering. Hitler was agitated and wanted a retaliation. But Goering, instead of a retaliation focused the entire Ju88 to hitting Central London. This devastated the city. But destruction of a city(not factories/etc) is no way to achieve air sup.
Operation Barbarossa and especialy the delay was one of his biggest blunders,
had the hitler invaded africa instead of soviet union he would have more options.his back was italy wich had to be protected.after german colapse in africa.then only allies went for DDay else there was no chance.it was a blunder to go for kursk after stalingrad debacle
Many people think that Hitler had a choice - to attack the Soviet Union or not.
Hitler and his party have been created for this purpose. While the West thought that he will keep the plan - he has not had any problems. He entrusted to hold BOTH THE WINTER AND SUMMER OLYMPICS - an unprecedented event in history. He was the man of the year by the magazine Times. They gave him without a single shot the Ruhr, Austria, Czech Republic.
the actual reason of loosing war by Germany was that most of their wonder weapons came too late to change the course of the war.

if you see various tanks and tank destroyers and other equipment which came later part of the war,Elefant tank destroyer and King Tiger are almost invincible.same goes for V-1 and V-2 rockets,ME-262,new generations of submarines,anti aircraft shells etc.

some might think that invasion in USSR was the biggest mistake.its not.its inevitable.if Germany didn't invade USSR,USSR would invade Germany.it was inevitable.but loosing in USSR wasn't an option.its what changed the tide of war.the massive loss of manpower and weapons is hard to replace.another reason was,they expanded too much and fought so many wars at a time that they couldn't redirect troops which was much needed and even could save them from defeats.
I see Goebbels worked very well. His tales about aggressive Soviet Union and evil Stalin so popular and many believe in them even in our times.
they should not have invaded france and russia - these were true crimes. they should not have let anything stop them from finishing the jews - these were true criminals who would later steal and convert russian victory into cruel jew vendetta.
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