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The Real Face of India Hidden from the World

half of population has no access to electricity in India?
The Real face of India... Yes I quite agree.. Well there is a question to think and ponder upon. If this is the fate of India, then how has India managed to have a 12th largest economy?(Dont give me "population" an answer) , How has India managed to have a great diplomatic hold on both developed and developing countries? Why does the world see India an Emerging power? Is it just because we are poor and its a global sympathy towards us?

India is a country with tremendous work-force and poor Political leadership, India has no chances of keeping any truth hidden nor does it expect to, India is a poor country where most of its population depends on Agriculture.

Yet India found no place in the failed nations list, in which most of our friends are ahead of us.
First look who is talking( I guess a country better than us, i mean they are not bankrup country, not totaly depend on foreign aid, not suffering from saparatist like BLA.sindhi sapartist and not suffering from TTP )

OK we are bankrupt country but come here and take a look we don't have half the population below the poverty line, wedon't have rampant hunger and disease in our country, you are a very rich country but what good is all that wealth?
Ever noticed how these kind of threads pop up more frequently when things like the F1 etc. happen in India?

thanks for your view

personally i think many Pakistanis feel insecure when something glossy massive event happens in India.
The rural areas are horrifying in terms of poverty, you as an indian know this.

well,India is a big subcontinent.In south india,rural places are awesome and there is hardly any poverty.

Poverty issues are there in the deccan plateau region,parts of UP/Bihar.But then the poverty defined by you ll be very different from what it actually is.
OK we are bankrupt country but come here and take a look we don't have half the population below the poverty line, wedon't have rampant hunger and disease in our country, you are a very rich country but what good is all that wealth?

Yes there is a sizable population of poor in India but we are growing at 7-8% and things are looking up, infrastructure is developing and there is plenty of opportunity for everybody to make their life a better one, yes it will take time but by 2020-2025 things will look different
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