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I'm sorry, bro. Dogs are walking, living beings that show unconditional love to us. Their presence in our lives is an example , manifestation of God's love for their owners. As Ronny lived and loved you , as did my Pippa for me, we were able to enjoy that Love.

Tho they are no longer with us, that Love they shared with us with always remain part in our hearts --- for the rest of our lives.

Sending you positive vibes , buddy !

The correct nomenclature for a dog is to refer to as 'it.' But for a lot of dog owners they call their pets 'he' or 'she'.

When they die, you feel like you lost your family member.

thanks for the positivity :-)
Tracers light up the sky
I turn my gaze inwards and I cry
Smash in a new mag
Lock and load
I shoot the enemy in the throat
Blood splatters around like rain
And now I feel no pain
Kicking the enemy corpse aside I proceed
From worry and fear I am now freed
I am a warrior and you are in the way
Don't try to run...you are dead anyway
Tracers light up the sky
I turn my gaze inwards and I cry
Smash in a new mag
Lock and load
I shoot the enemy in the throat
Blood splatters around like rain
And now I feel no pain
Kicking the enemy corpse aside I proceed
From worry and fear I am now freed
I am a warrior and you are in the way
Don't try to run...you are dead anyway

Poem 'Bidrohi or Rebel' written by national poet of Bangladesh Kazi Nazrul Islam in 1922AD. For this poem he was jailed by the British colonial authority.

Poem 'Bidrohi or Rebel' written by national poet of Bangladesh Kazi Nazrul Islam in 1922AD. For this poem he was jailed by the British colonial authority.

An English Translation of this poem is following-
Kazi Nazrul Islam:Bidrohi(The Rebel) 1922

[This is a poem by the poet laureate of Bangladesh.
I can't get over how Rock & Roll his words are.
It's Like Sabbath meets T Rex meets The Clash.]

Proclaim Hero
Proclaim: My head is held towering
Bows down the Himalayan peak, that at looking.
Say Hero-
Say: Tearing the firmament of the universe
Outstripping the Moon, the Sun and the Stars
Piercing the Earth and the celestial spheres
Penetrating through the Almighty's sacred throne
Risen have I, the wonder eternal of the God's universe.
With the mark of majestic might
The angry God on my forehead blazing bright!
Say Hero-
Say: My head is held ever towering!

I am irrepressible, imperious and brutal
I am the dancing lord of the great upheaval.
I am the cyclone, the devastation tremendous
I am terrible fear and the curse of the universe
I am turbulent, I crash everything

Wild I am, I trample under my feet all rules and binding
I obey no law, but mine
I cause the loaded boats to capsize
I am torpedo, I am the dreadful floating mine.
I am the God Dhurjati-
The ill timed hair disheveled typhoon of disaster,
I am The Rebel the rebellious son of the global mother.

Say Hero-
Ever towering is my head!

I am the hurricane, I am the whirlwind
I smash everything on my path and leave behind.
I am the dance-insane rhythm
I dance on, with my own beat
I am the heart liberated wit.
I am the different musical modes
I rock, I roll, on move I startleI whistle and swing on sharp notes.

I do whatever this mind wants whenever
I embrace the enemy and fight the death as a warrior.
I am pestilence, the global terror
I am the death of the dictator
I am warm and restless forever.

Say Hero-
Ever high is my head!

I am wine intoxicating
The glass of my heart is ever filled
With the wine sparkling.
I am the flame of the sacrificial fire
I am the God of fire, who keeps it burning.
I am the sacrifice, I am the priest, I am the fire.
I am creation, I am devastation
I am habitation, I am the ground of cremation.

I am the son of Indrani - the queen of the heaven
The Moon on my arm and the Sun on my forehead have risen.
In one hand of mine is the flute tender
The war bugle I hold in the other.

I am the Black-throated
Having the poison churned up from the weeping sea
I am the lord Bomkesh
I hold the bridle of the Ganges-stream with me.

Say Hero-
Ever towering is my head!

I am a saint, a soldier of music
I am the prince in disguise
With the dress of a hermit-mystic.
I am a Bedouin, a Chengis the brute
It is none, but me, I salute.

I am thunder
From the God 'Iswan's pipe, I am the mystic 'Omker'
Alas! from the bugle of 'Israfil', I am the roar danger.
I am Bishyamitra's disciple, Durbasha the furious
I am the fury of forest fire
I will burn to ashes this universe.
I am the heart opening laughter
I am the great anti-creation terror
I am the Eclipse of the twelve Suns of the final disaster.

Seldom I am quiet
Seldom restless and wild, I am the blood-youth
I snatch the God's pride.
I am the breath of typhoon, the ocean's roaring rave
I am radiant and flashing
I am the murmur of stream, the swing of music of the wave.

I am the unbraided hair of a virgin
The flame of her arresting gaze
I am the tender heart's love of a lotus sixteen.
I am the unconcerned mind of the indifferent
I am the sigh in the widow's heart, rending constant.
I am the accumulated anguish of all the homeless sufferers
The agony of the humiliated hearts

I am the bitter sorrows of the estranged lovers.
I am the distressed cry of a heart rending
I am the first touch of a virgin trembling
I am the heart throb of a passionate kiss stolen
I am the secret lady-love's glance twinkle
Her bashful sidelong look

I am the love of a maiden fickle
Her bracelet's sweet jingle.
I am the eternal child, the everlasting youth
I am the scarf of a village maid, afraid of her budding youth.
I am the Northern breeze

From the Malabar range the mode 'Purabi' unconcern
I am the deep notes from a bamboo flute of a poet pedestrian.
I am the great summer thirst, I am the blazing Sun's furies
I am the murmuring desert spring-
I am the chiaroscuro of an oasis.
I rush forth as a crazy with bursting laughter
Oh! I know myself today, all the barriers are broken forever.

I am the rise, I am the fall, I am the consciousness in the soul unconscious
I am the triumphal flag of humanity, over the arch of the universe.
I rush like the clapping storm, holding the heaven and earth in hands
The flying horse and the horse of 'Indra'-the King God are my mounts
I am the volcano in the bosom of earth, the submarine fire
The fire of the universal annihilation

I am the under-earth drunk on tumultuous sea of fire.
Riding on the lightning, I fly with the joy profound
I instill panic and cause sudden earthquake in the world around.
I catch hold the hood of 'Basuki' the snake-king
I clasp the heavenly angel Gabriel's fiery wing.
I am a heavenly child, I am restless, I am impudent
I tear with my teeth the Mother-earth's garment.

I am the flute of Orpheus
I cause the heaving sea sleepy
With a kiss of sleep, I send the world in drowse.
I am in bondage of the tune of flute
I am the God Krishna's flute.
When I fly across the space with great anger
The trembling seventh hell, extinguishes in fear
I carry the revolt in the world all over.

I am the monsoon rain-flood of erosion
Sometime I fill the earth with adoration
Sometime I cause the awful destruction.
I will snatch the twin girls
From the bosom of God 'Vishnu' who sustains the creation.

I am injustice, I am meteor, I am the Saturn
I am the burning Comet, the venomous hood of annihilation.
I am the goddess 'Chandi' with the severed head
I am the war-loving cause of the dead.
Sitting in the hell of fire
I smile the smile of a flower.

I am earthly, I am spiritual
I am ageless, undecaying and immortal.
I am the terror of men, Gods and monsters
I am the invincible power of this universe.
I am the lord of the lords, 'Vishnu' the Supreme Being.
Frantically I move around the heaven the hades and the earth churning.

I am mad, I am mad !!!
I now know myself and all my shackles and constraints have evaporated !!

I am the battleaxe of God 'Parshuram'
I shall exterminate the warriors
And bring the noble peace to this universe.
I am the plough on the shoulders of 'Balaram'
I shall uproot the subject-world with ease
In the new creation of joy and peace.
I the Great Rebel, shall be quiet on that day
When the oppressed people's wail on the sky and air will not resound
The tyrant's dreadful sword will not flash on the battle ground
I, the Rebel, tired of battle, shall be quiet on that day.

I am a Rebel 'Vrigu'-
I mark my footprint on the chest of the creator God
I shall cut open the heart of the grief inflicting whimsical lord.
I am the Hero, Rebel – eternal -
Rose above the universe alone
My head is ever Monumental

Posted 14th June 2007 by Richard Bacchus
Last edited:
Japanese poem written in the 13th century ,
author: uknown


Gion shouja no kane no koe
shogyou mujou no hibiki ari.
Shara souju no hana no iro
jousha hissui no kotowari o arawasu.
Ogoreru hito mo hisashikarazu,
Tada haru no yo no yume no gotoshi.
Takeki mono mo tsui ni horobinu.
Hitoe ni kaze no mae no chiri ni onaji.

The knell of the bells at the Gion temple
Echoes the impermanence of all things.
The colour of the flowers on its double-trunked tree
Reveals the truth that to flourish is to fall.
He who is proud is not so for long,
Like a passing dream on a night in spring.
He who is brave is finally destroyed,
To be no more than dust before the wind.
Another lock
Another shot
Bodies hit the ground
I continue looking around
I see one final terrorist
And train my sights on this piece of shit
Using my JNG 90
I put this dog out of its misery
10 heads now belong to me
I feel nothing but free
No more time to waste
More sick brains are awaiting to be turned into paste
Poem by the Xiongnu, after their defeat by Han general Huo Qubing in 121 BC.

"Losing my Qilian Mountains,
made my cattle unthriving;
Losing my Yanzhi Mountains,
made my women lacking rouge."

Poem by the Xiongnu, after their defeat by Han general Huo Qubing in 121 BC.

"Losing my Qilian Mountains,
made my cattle unthriving;
Losing my Yanzhi Mountains,
made my women lacking rouge."


Eerily beautiful...!!
-Alfred Lord Tennyson

It little profits that an idle king,
By this still hearth, among these barren crags,
Match’d with an aged wife, I mete and dole
Unequal laws unto a savage race,
That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me.

I cannot rest from travel: I will drink
Life to the lees: All times I have enjoy’d
Greatly, have suffer’d greatly, both with those
That loved me, and alone, on shore, and when
Thro’ scudding drifts the rainy Hyades
Vext the dim sea: I am become a name;
For always roaming with a hungry heart
Much have I seen and known; cities of men
And manners, climates, councils, governments,
Myself not least, but honour’d of them all;
And drunk delight of battle with my peers,
Far on the ringing plains of windy Troy.
I am a part of all that I have met;
Yet all experience is an arch wherethro’
Gleams that untravell’d world whose margin fades
For ever and forever when I move.
How dull it is to pause, to make an end,
To rust unburnish’d, not to shine in use!
As tho’ to breathe were life! Life piled on life
Were all too little, and of one to me
Little remains: but every hour is saved
From that eternal silence, something more,
A bringer of new things; and vile it were
For some three suns to store and hoard myself,
And this gray spirit yearning in desire
To follow knowledge like a sinking star,
Beyond the utmost bound of human thought.

This is my son, mine own Telemachus,
To whom I leave the sceptre and the isle,—
Well-loved of me, discerning to fulfil
This labour, by slow prudence to make mild
A rugged people, and thro’ soft degrees
Subdue them to the useful and the good.
Most blameless is he, centred in the sphere
Of common duties, decent not to fail
In offices of tenderness, and pay
Meet adoration to my household gods,
When I am gone. He works his work, I mine.

There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail:
There gloom the dark, broad seas. My mariners,
Souls that have toil’d, and wrought, and thought with me—
That ever with a frolic welcome took
The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed
Free hearts, free foreheads—you and I are old;
Old age hath yet his honour and his toil;
Death closes all: but something ere the end,
Some work of noble note, may yet be done,
Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods.
The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks:
The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep
Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends,
’Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Tho’ much is taken, much abides; and tho’
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
Samples of the Poetic Edda

The Challenge of Thor

I AM the God Thor,
I am the War God,
I am the Thunderer!
Here in my Northland,
My fastness and fortress,
Reign I forever!
Here amid icebergs
Rule I the nations;
This is my hammer,
Miölner the mighty;
Giants and sorcerers
Cannot withstand it!

These are the gauntlets
Wherewith I wield it,
And hurl it afar off;
This is my girdle;
Whenever I brace it,
Strength is redoubled!

The light thou beholdest
Stream through the heavens,
In flashes of crimson,
Is but my red beard
Blown by the night-wind,
Affrighting the nations!
Jove is my brother;
Mine eyes are the lightning;
The wheels of my chariot
Roll in the thunder,
The blows of my hammer
Ring in the earthquake!

Force rules the world still,
Has ruled it, shall rule it;
Meekness is weakness,
Strength is triumphant,
Over the whole earth
Still is it Thor's-Day!

Thou art a God too,
O Galilean!
And thus singled-handed
Unto the combat,
Gauntlet or Gospel,
Here I defy thee!

Hjalmarr´s Death-Song

Sixteen wounds have I, slit is my byrnie,
all is dark before my eyes, I cannot see to tread.
Angantyr´s blade has struck against my heart,
the keen weapon, hardened with poison...

A raven flies from eastward, from the high gallows-tree,
after him flies the eagle.
This will be the last eagle I feed,
thus he shall drink my blood.

The Hardy Norseman

The hardy Norseman's house of yore
Was on the foaming wave!
And there he gathered bright renown,
The bravest of the brave.
Oh! ne'er should we forget our sires,
Wherever we may be;
They bravely won a gallant name,
And rul'd the stormy sea.

What tho our pow'r be weaker now
Than it was wont to be,
When boldly forth our fathers sail'd,
And conquer'd Normandie!
We still may sing their deeds of fame,
In thrilling harmony;
For they did win a gallant name
And rul'd the stormy sea.


It is so chilly in the mighty North !
Lower down, to habitable earth,
Thou wouldest go, from snow and ice,
Where the vine and orange bless the land ;
Where green-clad May and ripened summer stand,
Lingering over Paradise.

Ah ! how sweetly fly life's careless hours !
Whisperest thou, among yon leafy bowers,
Near the nightingale's soft song:
Could I drink of those clear silver streams,
Each fair vision of my fondest dreams
Would for once to truth belong !

Wherefore not ? for, what is truth, or seeming ?
What yon can and know, awake or dreaming,
That is life's reality :
Trust hut in Poesy to wing your flight ;
It may be boundless, as the heaven's own light,
And as ocean's waters free.

Behold ! Skidbladner hails you from the shore :
The golden ship of fancy can explore
Every sea and every land :
Always on her sail fair breezes blow ;
Earth more bright, the heavens more lofty show,
When upon her deck you stand.

Odin contrived her when the world he built ;
Envy, and selfishness, and coward guilt,
Dare not in the fair ship be :
A bard with golden harp the rudder guides ;
And, chased by favouring gales, the smooth keel glides
Round the earth and round the sea.

From the Spirit-world, like morning mist,
Falls the veil ; it is your own :
Climb the polished deck whene'er you list : J ]
Rock and wood with friendly smile invite you,
Boundless fields of blue expanse delight you,
Clearly from your top-mast shown.

Fearless sail on ! see where, 'mid golden clouds,
Yon western city stands ; where joyous crowds
Raise the song and lead the dance :
How gloriously its marble pillars shine ;
While from each turret, bathed in light divine,
Streams the purple-coloured glance.

There Braga's harp, as if in Idavall,
Is sounding yet to grace the festival,
Balder there is living still :
Fates of the future, memories of the past,
Riddles of life and death, in order placed,
You may study as you will.

Then pine not to forsake the chilly North !
The fleeting glories of the natural earth
To Art eternally belong ;
And, wheresoever fate hath set your home,
Fair Hellas and Hesperia will come,
New created by your song.
Two poems by Tang Dynasty poet, Wang Zhihuan,王之涣 (668-742)




Where the Yellow river climbs to the white clouds,
Near the city wall among ten-thousand-foot mountains,
A Tartar under the willows is lamenting on his flute,
That spring never blows to him through the Jade Gate Pass.



On the stork tower

The sun sets along the mountain ridge,
The Yellow river flows east towards the sea.
You will enjoy a grander sight,
By climbing to a greater height.
This poem was written by the Emperor Meiji,

Yomo no umi
Mina harakara to
Omou yo ni
Nado namikaze no
Tachi-sawagu ran?

It was our hope
That all the world's oceans
Be joined in peace
So why do the winds and waves
Now rise up in angry rage?
This poem was written by the Emperor Meiji,

Yomo no umi
Mina harakara to
Omou yo ni
Nado namikaze no
Tachi-sawagu ran?

It was our hope
That all the world's oceans
Be joined in peace
So why do the winds and waves
Now rise up in angry rage?

This is a beautiful poem! :tup:
This is a beautiful poem! :tup:

Its interesting because the words of His Imperial Majesty ushers some truth in this age.
I hope, and I pray, that the internal yearning for peace is realized, and maintained, however.
May both China and Japan find that calm stream--- that we so desire.

The sun sets along the mountain ridge,
The Yellow river flows east towards the sea.
You will enjoy a grander sight,
By climbing to a greater height.

Absolutely beautiful...
Ghonghat ohley na luk sajna
Main mushtaq dedar de haan

Hide not behind the veil, my love,
I long to have a glimpse of you.

Terey bajh dewani hoi
Tokaan kardey luk sbhoi
Jeker yaar karey diljoi
Taan faryaad pukaar de haan

Without my love, I feel like mad,
People around me laugh at me.
He should come and cheer me up,
This alone remains my plea,


Ghonghat ohley na luk sajna
Main mushtaq dedar de haan

Hide not behind the veil, my love,
I long to have a glimpse of you.

Muft dukandi jandi bandi
Mil mahi jind aweien jand
Eik dam hijr nahi main sahndi
Bulbul main gulzar de haan

Your slave is being auctioned free
Come my love and rescue me
No longer can I perch elsewhere
I am the Bulbul of your tree


Ghonghat ohley na luk sajna
Main mushtaq dedar de haan

Hide not behind the veil, my love,
I long to have a glimpse of you.

Bulleh Shah owh kon utam tera yaar
Ows dey hath Quraan hey owsey gul zanaar

Bulleh! Who is He?
A queer type friend!
He has the Quran in His hand and
And in the same the holy thread

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