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The Plight of the Adivasis, Indian State Terrorism & the Moist Rebellion

As if blowing up schools and hospitals is going to do any good to the adivasi community. There is a big difference between blowing up things for change and trying actually change something. That was something Gandhi taught us. If we replace peaceful protests by the Indian People with violence and bombs, India would be no more than Iraq in a month's time. These people have a choice. Join the naxalites who pretend to help them by getting them rid of schools and hospitals or join the Indian govt.
I dont want to sound as a Maoist Apologist but there are places in Bengal,Jharkhand,Orrisa and Bihar where there is no road, no electricity , no school..No employment opportunity....Nothing.. And if in those villages some one comes and offers 8000 Rs. everymonth just to attend one meeting every month, Its a big thing for them..They take the offer with both hands..

Unless the Government really develops the region and provide employment opportunities, such uprisings will continue...Maoists are feeding on the failures of the Indian Government..
I dont want to sound as a Maoist Apologist but there are places in Bengal,Jharkhand,Orrisa and Bihar where there is no road, no electricity , no school..No employment opportunity....Nothing.. And if in those villages some one comes and offers 8000 Rs. everymonth just to attend one meeting every month, Its a big thing for them..They take the offer with both hands..

Unless the Government really develops the region and provide employment opportunities, such uprisings will continue...Maoists are feeding on the failures of the Indian Government..

These are not the only places that have the problem. Almost every region have some woes, if not for load shedding, its the bad roads or lack of opportunity for the educated etc etc.Imagine if all this people resorted to gun to solve their problems, what would be the state of our country.

In a democracy there is no place for violence and those who resort to that should be suppressed by any means necessary. The primary supporters of Maoists are the Tribals..a group of people who are illiterate but sitting on top of millions worth of natural resources. They say that they should be left alone. The Indian state has left them alone for far too long and they are poorer than before dragging down India on may indices. So frankly I don't care what GoI does, tribals should be catapulted to 21st century ASAP.
No employment opportunity....Nothing.. And if in those villages some one comes and offers 8000 Rs. everymonth just to attend one meeting every month, Its a big thing for them..They take the offer with both hands..
8000 Rs a month? You got to be kidding me. Thats a lot of money. I don't see any organization without serious money backing being able to pay so much.
8000 Rs a month? You got to be kidding me. Thats a lot of money. I don't see any organization without serious money backing being able to pay so much.

Maoist's main source of money is through extortion of mining companies, the very institution from which they claim to protect the tribals.
I dont want to sound as a Maoist Apologist but there are places in Bengal,Jharkhand,Orrisa and Bihar where there is no road, no electricity , no school..No employment opportunity....Nothing.. And if in those villages some one comes and offers 8000 Rs. everymonth just to attend one meeting every month, Its a big thing for them..They take the offer with both hands..

Unless the Government really develops the region and provide employment opportunities, such uprisings will continue...Maoists are feeding on the failures of the Indian Government..

i think you are seriously mistaken of the ground realities now see now the maoist seek the places with maximum economical stamina so that they can get money from the industries for eg the palamu sector see with the rise of stone and pig iron factories the maoist have increased . you check hte names of the new maoist figures almost all is a known criminal or a fugitive and joined maoism for protection from police you must hear stories how the maoist forcefully take the village girls to join the party
These are not the only places that have the problem. Almost every region have some woes, if not for load shedding, its the bad roads or lack of opportunity for the educated etc etc.Imagine if all this people resorted to gun to solve their problems, what would be the state of our country.

So frankly I don't care what GoI does, tribals should be catapulted to 21st century ASAP.

Did I say - Bad Roads or, Load Shedding or, Lack of opportunity ..?

I am talking about the hundreds of villages where No and i mean NO F*CK**G road has reached yet..Only way to get there is by travelling on foot for 5-10 Kms. Many of them die without seeing a light bulb.

And I am not just talking. I have been to those areas and have seen these conditions...

8000 Rs a month? You got to be kidding me. Thats a lot of money. I don't see any organization without serious money backing being able to pay so much.

I am not someone who will "kid" on such serious topics...If you are a foot soldier ( that does not mean you have to fight. They have got a separate squad for that and their remuneration is higher ) then you are paid anywhere between 3000-9000. If you are area commander then your salary starts from 12000 ... And I am not lying.

i think you are seriously mistaken of the ground realities now see now the maoist seek the places with maximum economical stamina so that they can get money from the industries for eg the palamu sector see with the rise of stone and pig iron factories the maoist have increased . you check hte names of the new maoist figures almost all is a known criminal or a fugitive and joined maoism for protection from police you must hear stories how the maoist forcefully take the village girls to join the party

I am not mistaken of Ground Realities because I am from those areas.. I come from a district in Bihar which is considered as one of the most Naxalised in the state. You read the names of those places because those things attract media. Have you ever read of Tribal people getting killed ..? You dont because this kind of news do not sell .

On the other hand talk to someone who is from those areas and you will get the real picture..I do not support any violent means on the parts of Maoists but certainly do not appreciate the kind of neglect those areas have got from Indian Government... India is just not in the Tall Glass houses and Walled societies... It is much bigger than that and the Big Part is screaming for attention....
622 policemen & paramilitary personnel died in one year:

New Delhi, Oct 21 (PTI) Over 600 police and para-military personnel sacrificed their lives in the past one year during operations or attacks on them with CRPF and Uttar Pradesh topping the list of casualties.

A total of 622 personnel from state police and para- military forces like BSF, CRPF and NSG were killed during a period from September 1, 2010 and August 31 this year. CRPF, which is in the forefront of anti-Naxal operations, topped the list of casualities with 114 followed by Uttar Pradesh (112) and and BSF (72).

During September 1, 2009 and August 31 last year, 797 police and para-military personnel lost their lives during operations or attacks on them with CRPF topping the list 191 such cases. Similarly, during 2008 September and August 2009, the police forces lost 841 lives with UP topping the list with 107 cases followed by CRPF (81) and BSF (72).

West Bengal Police lost 24 policemen during the past one year while naxal-affected states of Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh had 36 and 47 casualties respectively.

The figures for other states: Delhi (15), Manipur (14), Maharashtra, Jammu and Kashmir and Tamil Nadu (13 each), Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand (12 each), Orissa (11), Assam and Karnataka (9 each), Andhra Pradesh (6), Gujarat, Kerala, Meghalaya and Rajasthan (5 each) and Arunachal (4).

Bihar and Nagaland had three each casualties while Sikkim had one. Among the paramilitary forces, the RPF lost 27 personnel during the period followed by ITBP (18), CISF (10), NSG(3) and SSB (2).

A Commemoration day was observed by various police organisations in the national capital. Delhi Police Commissioner B K Gupta took the salute on the occasion. PTI

622 policemen died on duty in one year - Hindustan Times
India has it's own pace of development. Fair wealth distribution, an acceptable living standard for all will not happen overnight. This maoist agitation is 20% due to genuine reasons and 80% due to external influences/politics/dangerous or destructive ideologies/misguided and brain washed young men.

While the GOI should take appropriate steps for the welfare of its downtrodden , they are not magicians and will take time to live up to the expectations of the poor.

The way of dealing with these elements of our society ( people's war group type organizations ) is just one ---treat them with an iron fist , crush their offensive power and use the Indian military for this purpose.
why aren't these areas being developed? is it because of caste based issues or just because gov't apathy?
why aren't these areas being developed? is it because of caste based issues or just because gov't apathy?

my friend.. it's not just caste based biasness.. more to do with lack of comprehensive policies by the govt. initially i was under the impression that this was just due to lack of govt's attention towards underprivileged castes & tribes.. but when i heard the rumours that the village i was born along with few others are going to be acquired by the govt for new nuclear power plants.. that's the time i realised... this is not just black & white as it sounds. there is much more to it than just meets the eyes!! how can you just displace people for peanuts without even giving them a hearing?
A sad, sad situation. However I do truly have faith that all Indians have a bright future. It is just a question of time but no doubt the wheels are being put in motion right one and will have a significant pay off for all.

Yes we all know the issues India faces but that doesn't mean we throw in the towel and give up. All must help and contribute and get rid of the "Why?" culture and move to a "Why not?".
No Caste based issues..Just Apathy and corruption...

How can you blame GoI for everything when many of the tribal villages are located deep inside jungles and these places was not under any rule of any ruler for a long time.

Eventhough I was not born then, according to the information received from my elders my family home in Kerala didn't had electricity or running water till the late 1970s. Here we are talking about a place in a state which is considered the most developed in India.Even now we depend on wells for water, but drawing water from wells was made easy by pumps. So it will take time until the development reaches this tribal places.. considered one of the most backward in the world.
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