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The Parsi Community in Karachi, Pakistan


Apr 7, 2013
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The Wedding of Tashan Mistree and Zane Byramji in 2011. (Photo courtesy of Tashan Mistree and Zane Byramji)

The Parsis are a community of Zoroastrians that settled in South Asia. They are followers of the religion of ancient Persia.

In Pakistan they are concentrated mostly in the port city of Karachi. They have made quite a remarkable impact on the metropolis, but the size of the always small Parsi community in Karachi is in decline.

That's just a drop in the ocean of a city that has a total population of over 14 million.

Zane Byramji and Tashan Mistree's are a twenty-something Parsi couple now living in Karachi. Five years ago, they met at an international Zoroastrian youth event in Australia.

"I didn't want to go at first," says Byramji. "I was pretty hesitant because I thought it was more focused on religion than anything else. I wanted to make a holiday out of it. That's where I met Tash."

"We don't have arranged marriages, but we have a lot of pressure coming from parents and friends," explains Byramji.

Mistree chimes in: "We always say the grandmas and the aunties all have a club.
and they are all kind of in cohort together and try to hook people up."

Byramji was born and raised in Karachi. He went to Canada for college and now works at his family's brokerage firm. Mistree was born in Washington DC and was living across the border in Mumbai, India before their marriage.

"I didn't realize it would really work out because a week after the congress we met in Melbourne," says Byramji. "And from there we started talking and we flew back to India and Pakistan, and then spoke on the plane for ten hours and decided to be in a relationship."

They got married in Mumbai last year. Mistree moved to Karachi to live with Byramji.

Her move comes at a time when the population of Parsis in Pakistan is dwindling. There are now fewer than 1,700, down from more than 7,000 several decades ago, mostly in Karachi.

The Parsi community is defined largely by their adherence to the Zoroastrian religion — the religion of ancient Persia.

Sometimes they are referred to as "fire-worshippers" because of the central role that fire plays in their rituals. Their temples each have a consecrated fire that burns continuously – some of the fires have been kept alive for centuries.

In a community center in Karachi, priests are gathered around a small fire, reciting a prayer in an ancient dialect of Persian.

The priests wear masks covering their mouths and noses so that the fire is not desecrated by their breath or saliva.

According to tradition, a group of Zoroastrians arrived in South Asia over a thousand years ago, fleeing the Muslim conquest of Persia. The community prospered, especially as merchants.

The Parsi community in Karachi has always been a small minority, but it's left an unmistakable legacy. One of the most celebrated mayors of Karachi was a Parsi, serving for twelve years. Local buildings and schools named after prominent Parsi businessmen dot the old city.

But this legacy is now at risk.

Parsis have a lower birthrate than the national average. And there's more and more intermarriage.

So Mistree and Byramji's families were relieved that they both got married to Parsis.

Another major reason for the dwindling population in Karachi is migration to Western countries. Byramji says the majority of his relatives, for example, now live in the West — mostly in the US, Canada, or the UK.

"Everyone has left the country," he says. "I wouldn't even say that 10% are here now, and I would say 50% left in my life time."

In recent years, the motivation to leave Pakistan has been compounded by the extremely volatile political and security conditions, a sentiment reflected among both the young and old in the community.

Alla Rustomji, a fifty-five year old home-maker, says she would be happy to stay in Pakistan for the rest of her life, except for her children.

"They are in their early 20s," says Rustomji. "I am not very happy at all. I would like the first opportunity to get them out of the country. I'm sorry to say, though I love Pakistan, and I would like them to be here, but I do not see a very good future for them."

More than half the Parsi population in Karachi now is over fifty years old. The local clergy is aging, without anyone to replace them.

"At our fire temple, we have three priests. Two of them are more than 80 years old," says Shahveer Byramji, Zane Byramji's uncle and a managing trustee of one of the two fire temples in the city.

He says the only trained Zoroastrian priests are in India, and that they tell him they won't move to Pakistan "for all the money in the world."

Given the rate at which the population is declining, Shahveer Byramji says it's entirely possible that there soon won't be a Parsi presence in Karachi.

"Let's face it, we are a declining population. There's not much we can do about it, except for openly converting, which we're all against. So, it's a fact of life that we're a dying breed and let's just try to do the best we can with what we have."

Even for Tashan Mistree and Zane Byramji, the prospect of leaving Karachi isn't ruled out.

Over the generations their families have moved from Iran, through India and Pakistan, to North America and Australia.

Making another move, they say, is something their stock is used to.

"We did it a thousand years ago, so its not so hard now," says Mistree.

The Parsi Community in Karachi, Pakistan | Public Radio International
For India’s Parsis, hope comes from Karachi

A recent decision by the Karachi’s apex Parsi trust to give children of women married to non-Zoroastrians the right to adopt their mother’s religion has generated interest in Mumbai where the community is still divided over the issue. The Karachi Parsi Anjuman Trust Fund, the counterpart of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP), passed a resolution saying if one marital partner is a practising Zoroastrian, children of such marriages can be initiated into the religion. The trust has also permitted funeral rituals on their premises for all Zoroastrians, even those who opt for cremation and burial. In Mumbai, the orthodox and reformist sections in the community have differences on the issues. A few years ago, the BPP banned two priests from the Towers of Silence and fire temples because they had been conducting Navjotes or religious initiation of children born to Parsi women married to non-Zoroastrians. The priests were also accused of breaking tradition by conducting the after-death ceremonies of Zoroastrians who opted for non-traditional funerals. The issue is being heard in court. In 2006, a 65-year-old Parsi woman, Dhun Baria caused a furore in her community when she began to circulate a video of corpses rotting at Doongerwadi, Malabar Hill’s Towers of Silence. She was shocked to be told that the body of her mother had lain untouched for nine months after she was laid to rest at the Towers of Silence. For centuries, the Zoroastrian dead have been wrapped in white muslin and left at a leafy, funeral ground in Mumbai’s Malabar Hill, where they are devoured by vultures. But with only a handful of the critically-endangered birds remaining in Mumbai, authorities installed solar panels three years ago to dry out the bodies and speed up decomposition. Anahita Desai of World Alliance of Parsi-Irani Zarthoshtis, a group representing orthodox views said, “While I cannot comment on the resolution, Parsis in India have traditional views on the issue. Even at the BPP polls, every candidate has to project orthodox views... This shows the community wants to go with the old rules. Reformist groups like the Association for Revival of Zoroastrianism (ARZ) welcomed the Karachi resolution. “It is a right step in the direction to achieve the Zoroastrian motto of equality,’ said Vispy Wadia of ARZ. Byram Avari, chairman of the KPATF was not available for comment. But in a reply to a letter published in Mumbai-based community magazine Parsiana, he said while Karachi’s Parsis were not consulted for their views, the resolution did not evoke any protests from community members or priests. According to Sunnu Golwalla, a Karachi resident, the community generally had a liberal attitude to the issue of rights to women married to non-Zoroastrians. “Personally, I am conservative and do not welcome the resolution. But, I think the average Parsi in Karachi is open-minded. They want Parsi women married outside the community to have the right to initiate their children to the religion,” said Golwalla. But Golwalla said she was doubtful priests in Karachi will agree to do Navjotes of children with a non-Zoroastrian father.

Parsi population is declining but they are still the richest and most luxurient religious group in Pakistan. I wish them all the success they desire and wish to honor them for the great work they have done throughout Pakistan. They own the avari towers and Mama Parsi schools. They are known to be very rich.

Minorities should be provided equal rights in all of Pakistan. I hope things improve for them.
survival dictates taking such steps unless they import parsis from Iran
Parsi population is declining but they are still the richest and most luxurient religious group in Pakistan. I wish them all the success they desire and wish to honor them for the great work they have done throughout Pakistan. They own the avari towers and Mama Parsi schools. They are known to be very rich.

Minorities should be provided equal rights in all of Pakistan. I hope things improve for them.

They are rich because they are hard working and mind their own business.
Parsi's made a huge contribution to Pakistan and in particular to Karachi. Show me any similar group of selfless and honest hardworking individuals who contributed so much to Pakistan without indulging in any destructive activities.

I wish the community all the luck and they will be an asset to any country they settle in.
They are rich because they are hard working and mind their own business.

Also they are very honest 
Parsi's made a huge contribution to Pakistan and in particular to Karachi. Show me any similar group of selfless and honest hardworking individuals who contributed so much to Pakistan without indulging in any destructive activities.

I wish the community all the luck and they will be an asset to any country they settle in.

Despite being an huge asset to the country they live in they are declining in numbers
Despite being an huge asset to the country they live in they are declining in numbers

The reasons for decline also include similar reasons that face Parsis in India.. cant really do much about it if the community itself places restrictions on itself; fewer children and lesser marriages. Some of these reasons also include marriages into Muslim communities and migration.
Parsee Company, Karachi Corps, Auxiliary Force (India), 1930
Photographer: J J Mehta, Karachi, 1930.

The Karachi Auxiliary Force was established in 1930 when a variety of auxiliary units were grouped together for administrative purposes and reasons of economy. This included the Parsee Company. Parsees were followers of the Zoroastrian religion. They had fled from Persia after its conquest by the Muslims and settled in India in the 8th century.

From a collection belonging to Lieutenant-Colonel F A Archdale, 130th Baluchis and Karachi Auxiliary Force.chen


parsee Coy.jpg
For India’s Parsis, hope comes from Karachi

A recent decision by the Karachi’s apex Parsi trust to give children of women married to non-Zoroastrians the right to adopt their mother’s religion has generated interest in Mumbai where the community is still divided over the issue. The Karachi Parsi Anjuman Trust Fund, the counterpart of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP), passed a resolution saying if one marital partner is a practising Zoroastrian, children of such marriages can be initiated into the religion. The trust has also permitted funeral rituals on their premises for all Zoroastrians, even those who opt for cremation and burial. In Mumbai, the orthodox and reformist sections in the community have differences on the issues. A few years ago, the BPP banned two priests from the Towers of Silence and fire temples because they had been conducting Navjotes or religious initiation of children born to Parsi women married to non-Zoroastrians. The priests were also accused of breaking tradition by conducting the after-death ceremonies of Zoroastrians who opted for non-traditional funerals. The issue is being heard in court. In 2006, a 65-year-old Parsi woman, Dhun Baria caused a furore in her community when she began to circulate a video of corpses rotting at Doongerwadi, Malabar Hill’s Towers of Silence. She was shocked to be told that the body of her mother had lain untouched for nine months after she was laid to rest at the Towers of Silence. For centuries, the Zoroastrian dead have been wrapped in white muslin and left at a leafy, funeral ground in Mumbai’s Malabar Hill, where they are devoured by vultures. But with only a handful of the critically-endangered birds remaining in Mumbai, authorities installed solar panels three years ago to dry out the bodies and speed up decomposition. Anahita Desai of World Alliance of Parsi-Irani Zarthoshtis, a group representing orthodox views said, “While I cannot comment on the resolution, Parsis in India have traditional views on the issue. Even at the BPP polls, every candidate has to project orthodox views... This shows the community wants to go with the old rules. Reformist groups like the Association for Revival of Zoroastrianism (ARZ) welcomed the Karachi resolution. “It is a right step in the direction to achieve the Zoroastrian motto of equality,’ said Vispy Wadia of ARZ. Byram Avari, chairman of the KPATF was not available for comment. But in a reply to a letter published in Mumbai-based community magazine Parsiana, he said while Karachi’s Parsis were not consulted for their views, the resolution did not evoke any protests from community members or priests. According to Sunnu Golwalla, a Karachi resident, the community generally had a liberal attitude to the issue of rights to women married to non-Zoroastrians. “Personally, I am conservative and do not welcome the resolution. But, I think the average Parsi in Karachi is open-minded. They want Parsi women married outside the community to have the right to initiate their children to the religion,” said Golwalla. But Golwalla said she was doubtful priests in Karachi will agree to do Navjotes of children with a non-Zoroastrian father.


Karachi Anjuman cannot do what it wants. Nor can their priests.

This was put forward and quickly knocked down.

There have always been maverick Priests who have been willing to do feel-good Navjotes for usually influential families where the girl marries out.

At the larger level of the community and global faith though it is not accepted and has no standing.

Cheers, Doc

Parsee Company, Karachi Corps, Auxiliary Force (India), 1930
Photographer: J J Mehta, Karachi, 1930.

The Karachi Auxiliary Force was established in 1930 when a variety of auxiliary units were grouped together for administrative purposes and reasons of economy. This included the Parsee Company. Parsees were followers of the Zoroastrian religion. They had fled from Persia after its conquest by the Muslims and settled in India in the 8th century.

From a collection belonging to Lieutenant-Colonel F A Archdale, 130th Baluchis and Karachi Auxiliary Force.chen


View attachment 654670

Nice find. Thanks for sharing.

I have my grand dad's sola topee and khakis!

Cheers, Doc
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