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The Origins Of Shaolin Kung Fu

Himalayas actually should have protected India. Not China. China had no natural barriers to protect from the hordes of barbarians residing in the north of China. In fact no country has fought more barbarians than China. China had to deal with the Xiong Nu (The Huns), the Dong Hu, the Khitans, the Jurgens, the Mongols, the Manchus, the Xian Bei etc. There is a famous old saying Wu Hu Luan Hua meaning Five barbarians create havoc. :woot:

Its not easy to fight these barbarians. They have no cities, little belongings and they move from place to place in the vast grassland. The only way to fight them is the keep chasing them until the end of the world. Or build a long wall. :hitwall:

Europe only had to deal with the Huns. If there was no Himalayas South Asia would well be overrun by these barbarians.

All the Barbarians came from the West in India.
Götterdämmerung;3211625 said:
Nobody questions the origine of Damo and it's pretty sure that he taught his disciples yoga techniques to enhance their physics and mental, but until now none of the Indias can show me evidence that there is something practiced that is like Shaolin wushu in India, not one picture of artifacts and relic.

There also arises another question, if Shaolin wushu came to China with Buddhism, why doesn't other Buddhist countries like Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar have anything resembling Shaolin wushu? Japan and Korea are two other Buddhist countries but they got that via China where Buddhism was already heavily sinicised by Daoist and Confucianist teachings before they arrived in Korea and Japan and martial arts in these two countries have little to no links to Buddhism.

i don't what you meant by "something like Shaolin Wushu",but Indian warriors practiced martial arts for ages.

Indian martial arts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and if you want something alike Kung Fu,then you should try Varma Kalai..it has same type of Katas and same type of technique to disarm an armed opponent by touching certain points of his body..may be Shaolin Kungfu is upgraded version of this as this technique belongs to the same region and same dynasty(if Bodhidharma was a pallav prince) of bodhidharma and it evolved almost same time.though it is highly secret arts,but it was documented properly..read this..you may find your answer..

Varma Kalai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i don't what you meant by "something like Shaolin Wushu",but Indian warriors practiced martial arts for ages.

Indian martial arts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and if you want something alike Kung Fu,then you should try Varma Kalai..it has same type of Katas and same type of technique to disarm an armed opponent by touching certain points of his body..may be Shaolin Kungfu is upgraded version of this as this technique belongs to the same region and same dynasty(if Bodhidharma was a pallav prince) of bodhidharma and it evolved almost same time.though it is highly secret arts,but it was documented properly..read this..you may find your answer..

Varma Kalai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whereever there is human society there is war and hence fighting technique. Just because there is an indigenous fighting technique from Damo's country it doesn't mean that it's the same what the Chinese developed independently, because before the arrival of Buddhism China had a long violent period aka the Warring States. The best I could think of was that Damo brought yoga to China and the Chinese combined the yoga technique with Chinese martial art and thus created a unique style, while Buddhism and yoga also spread to other regions of SE Asia and S Asia, it never developed into anything that reminds us of Shaolin wushu or anything equivalent.
Himalayas actually should have protected India. Not China. China had no natural barriers to protect from the hordes of barbarians residing in the north of China. In fact no country has fought more barbarians than China. China had to deal with the Xiong Nu (The Huns), the Dong Hu, the Khitans, the Jurgens, the Mongols, the Manchus, the Xian Bei etc. There is a famous old saying Wu Hu Luan Hua meaning Five barbarians create havoc. :woot:

Yes, Himalayas protected us but there is small opening in North Pakistan known as Khyber Pass from where invaders entered India. India was invaded by white Huns who destroyed Gupta Empire ending classical era of India completely destroying Patliputra. Mongol also attacked India but failed. But major destruction came with invasion of Turks who were on rampage in North India destroying universities, libraries, temples and monasteries.
Civilisation started in Mesopotamia.....

Who told you...the Mesopotamians LOL...

....it is a scientific fact not a fable....

Prove it....

....so most of what those great people said about India is to flatter Indians, you should read "How to win friends and influence people" by dale Carneige.....

LOL...why would those great people want to flatter India, why not some other country like say CANADA....;)
Why would the Chinese Monks want to give credit to an Indian Monk instead of say Pakistanis....

Tell me if there's any such great men who wanted to 'flatter' the CANADIANS.....I'm sure there are none as CANADA was/is an obscure country with no History whatsoever.....and these great people were/are not fools to give credit where it's not due....
why would those great people want to flatter India

Tell me if there is any such observation made by any such great people about CANADA....

"The Indians are bastards," Mr Kissinger said. Also google Nixon and Churchill's comments on India.

Must be true. Since those great people did not make similar comments about Canada. It is your logic.
All the Barbarians came from the West in India.

actually central asian aren't true barbarian,most of them aren't even nomads,they aren't that strong and aggressive when compared with nothern asian worriors.They are the true nightmare.mongols,manchus,jorchens,xianbei,huns(mixed xiongnu)each one of them can conquere and destroy whole Central Asia pretty easy.even some lose dogs
like kithans and yuezhi who run from china to save their poor ***** can conquere a quite big area in central asia.
And those invaders come from central asia to conquere india are even weaker.most of them are losers that be kicked out from central asia and came india to try their luck .
You indian guys were actually pretty lucky.
And those invaders come from central asia to conquere india are even weaker.most of them are losers that be kicked out from central asia and came india to try their luck .

India was small kingdoms fighting each other at the time. China however was united and organized under the Han empire.
"The Indians are bastards," Mr Kissinger said. Also google Nixon and Churchill's comments on India.

Must be true. Since those great people did not make similar comments about Canada. It is your logic.

LOL....Kissinger, Churchill, Nixon were all politicians.....and we all know what politicians are for....they do/say things only for political gains.....so their observations would always be biased....

Moreover they didn't say anything against Indian's contribution to the whole world....because they were also learned persons....

Kissinger and Nixon's comments were clearly political....they criticized India for 1971 India-Pak war.....as America was pro-Pakistan in that war.......
Also, Kissinger regretted his comments later.....see link below....
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Kissinger regrets India comments

Churchill's comments were also political.....he commented on Indian political system......

BUT NO great person ever said anything against ancient Indian civilization and its contribution to the whole world.....they appreciated it instead.....

Secondly, You cannot equate famous Scientists, Historians, writers...to the politicians.....
Unlike politicians, all those learned men have nothing to gain apart from the satisfaction of sharing true knowledge.....therefore their observation is always neutral....
......You are quoting mostly Jews who flatter India up till today!

Will Durant, Hu Shih, Xinru Liu, Romain Rolland are NOT Jewish....among these Hu Shih and Xinru Liu are Chinese....

Read some of Xinru liu's books mentioned below....
Ancient India and Ancient China: Trade and Religious Exchanges, A.D. 1-600 (1988)
A Social History of Ancient India, Beijing: the Publisher of Chinese Social Sciences (1990)
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What this has to do

Shaolin Kung Fu (exploding the meat myth) - YouTube

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India Martial art - Kalaripayattu Part-01 - YouTube

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African Origin Of Martial Arts (with concrete proofs)


The Nuba of Sudan, Africa practiced a form of martial arts wrestling over 2,800 years before Christ. There are no other records in any corner of the world that can claim such a long, and unbroken martial arts tradition. This form of martial arts, which included weapons as well as fortification, and certainly empty hand self-defense blossomed in 12th Dynasty Egypt. NubaWrestling is the original martial art that all of Africa, Asia, and Europe later came to benefit from.
they are as clueless as usual and claiming others stuffs are theirs```they have '0' knowledge of what is 'gongfu' 'kongfu'(in cantonese) and yet mindlessly believe in any BS stuffs especially coming from their propaganda machine``

gongfu as a concept existed since Spring&Autum period of China which is thousand years before the even introduction of Buddism to China, let alone the late commer of Shanglin```

there is no deny that Buddism were coming from sub-continent, but if you say gongfu was origniated in India is like saying Jesus was a Chinese..
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