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The Origins Of Shaolin Kung Fu

You are deliberately twisting facts.....NO-ONE said, there were no form of martial arts in China before Buddhism arrived.....we're talking about only Kung Fu here....and there are several other forms of martial arts.......

There's enough evidence that one of the most famous form of martial arts, the Shaolin Kung Fu did originate from India.....it doesn't matter whether it in Still Practiced in India or not.....
Buddhism as a Religion also 'declined' in India....does that mean it didn't originate in India.....
The credit goes to the Chinese for developing and protecting the art like it did for Buddhism.......BUT one should not forget the origin.....

You are talking about what the whole world thinks, I don't know about you BUT any well educated man from anywhere in the world will tell you that I'm correct........

How come there are tons of evidence of Buddhism originating from the sub-continent, e.g. temples, scriptures, relics, etc. pp in India and Nepal but nothing written down or chiseled into stone that resembles Shaolin wushu?
^^^^There was nothing in China before the Buddhists monks arrived there.....it was a barren land.....we civilized you......

That must be the post of the century. I have to remind myself to photo copy this quote and frame it up the wall so that I can pray and thank India's gift to us twice a day.
Götterdämmerung;3210153 said:
How come there are tons of evidence of Buddhism originating from the sub-continent, e.g. temples, scriptures, relics, etc. pp in India and Nepal but nothing written down or chiseled into stone that resembles Shaolin wushu?

Shaolin Kung Fu is actually Yoga techniques little bit modified by the Chinese....the basic techniques and philosophies are the same.......
^^^^There was nothing in China before the Buddhists monks arrived there.....it was a barren land.....we civilized you......

Lol, grain cultivation is a symbol of the origin of a civilization. And rice was first cultivated in China. So on the contrary, China civilized your guys :smitten:.
Götterdämmerung;3209911 said:
And yet all the world sees Shaolin as Chinese and they are master of that art. Nobody talks about or have any respect for Indian martial art....

Don't speak for the whole world buddy, speak for yourself, there are people more educated than you in this world....and they don't think the way you do....there are renowned Historians who along with the Shaolin monks themselves agree than Kung Fu did originate in India....

Götterdämmerung;3209911 said:
If I google for martial art schools, all you can find here in Europe are either the hundreds of different Chinese wushu styles and the rest are either from Japan or Korea with the exotic ones from Brazil or Thailand.

If google is the only source of your knowledge....I feel pity for you....this explains the way you think....
Even if you search google properly you can find authentic information....BUT it seems that you didn't even learn how to surf the net properly.......and you're talking about what the WORLD thinks...:lol:
Shaolin Kung Fu is actually Yoga techniques little bit modified by the Chinese....the basic techniques and philosophies are the same.......

I have done yoga and also tried some other Chinese martial arts besides taijiquan and one has to search with a magnifyer to find similarities.

Unless you have evidence of similarities, so please show them!

Don't speak for the whole world buddy, speak for yourself, there are people more educated than you in this world....and they don't think the way you do....there are renowned Historians who along with the Shaolin monks themselves agree than Kung Fu did originate in India....

If google is the only source of your knowledge....I feel pity for you....this explains the way you think....
Even if you search google properly you can find authentic information....BUT it seems that you didn't even learn how to surf the net properly.......and you're talking about what the WORLD thinks...:lol:

Show me evidence and artefacts from India, don't just talk!
Götterdämmerung;3210177 said:
I have done yoga and also tried some other Chinese martial arts besides taijiquan and one has to search with a magnifyer to find similarities.

Unless you have evidence of similarities, so please show them!....

This proves that you know nothing about YOGA....just trying few postures won't make you an expert in YOGA.....you need to understand the inbuilt phylosophies.....

Götterdämmerung;3210177 said:
Show me evidence and artefacts from India, don't just talk!

LOL...how can I show you artifacts over the net.....I can give you names of books written by famous Historians including Chinese.....If you want.....
This proves that you know nothing about YOGA....just trying few postures won't make you an expert in YOGA.....you need to understand the inbuilt phylosophies.....

LOL...how can I show you artifacts over the net.....I can give you names of books written by famous Historians including Chinese.....If you want.....

Show me the similarities of yoga and Shaolin wushu!

There are thousands of pictures of Buddhist presence in India and Nepal in the internet. I want physical evidence from the past. Photos would suffice.
Indians absolutely like to take credit whenever they have a chance.

Even there is nothing related to KongFu left in their country. No any trace, no any record, absolutely nothing, even in the remote corners of India. How strange !!!

To me the most likely scenario is: an India monk was teaching those Shaolin monks Yoga kind of things, which were incorporated into original Shaolin KungFu.

KongFu existed in China long before the Shaolin temple. There are so called DaoJia KongFu, WuDang Kungfu, ErMei KungFu, Qingcheng, Kongtong KungFu etc, I hope nobody claims their origins.

An Indian founded the Shaolin Temple, but I don't think he created the martial art. At best it blends some small elements of India, but it's mostly Chinese. So I agree with you.

China has more than 15 000 years of existence, there are proves that the Native Americans -North and South- have Chinese origins, pointing to the fact that Chinese discovered America about 10 000 years ago.

Beyond wrong.
I have seen your posts where you are trying to prove Indian inventions and discoveries as Arab inventions and discoveries.

Not trying , I came up with proofs, the same here Tat Moh doesn't sound Indian, and where is the link or evidence of any sort of the resemblance of Kung Fu with anything Indian?
You can claim what you want, but we are trying to have logical discussions not based on movies and fables.
Götterdämmerung;3210198 said:
Show me the similarities of yoga and Shaolin wushu!

There are thousands of pictures of Buddhist presence in India and Nepal in the internet. I want physical evidence from the past. Photos would suffice.

Mayurasana-YOGA pose...

Related Kung Fu pose....

Vrksasana-tree pose.....YOGA

Related Wushu pose....

When these poses are adapted for fighting they became Kung Fu...
YOGA is the backbone of martial arts.....BUT not martial arts itself......
Infact Bodhidharma himself invented the basic Kung Fu techniques....which he combined with YOGA for flexibility and strength......
By the way Indians (in this thread as most other threads) are trying too hard to prove something belonging to others as theirs, reminds people of thieves caught with evidence of the stolen objects and trying to prove otherwise, it makes every one concerned -including the judge- laugh.
If you want to feel good about yourselves, just be yourselves, without too much coercion and by trying to boost of your egos for nothing; every one supports and likes genuine people.
Resorting to personal attacks will make you suffer more, as I can see throughout the forum, most responses are very harsh on you when you start personal attacks instead of sane and constructive discussions as some very rare Indians can do.
Not trying , I came up with proofs, the same here Tat Moh doesn't sound Indian, and where is the link or evidence of any sort of the resemblance of Kung Fu with anything Indian?
You can claim what you want, but we are trying to have logical discussions not based on movies and fables.
Tat Moh was his chinese name his indian name was Bodhidharma
^^^^Ha Ha.....the poster above yours is quoting his own post.....proves that he ran out of arguments....

Tat Moh is indeed a Chinese name given to the Indian monk Bodhidharma....

The Origins of Shaolin Kung Fu (this is a Chinese source provided many times in this thread....BUT people are just ignoring it LOL)
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