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The Origins Of Shaolin Kung Fu

Shao Lin Kongfu is only one type of Kongfu, Shaolin is one of the Kongfu Martial arts of China, there are many type Kongfu Martial all over the country at that time, Shaolin, Wudang, Emei, the whole truth, kongtong, dragon and tiger, freemason, Wing Chun, Taishan, Huashan, Songshan, Hengshan ,Hengshan, Yingzao men, Spring, even Tibet monk Tantric. Tai Chi is one Kongfu of Wudang ...............
Whatever the case with Origin was Its Completely Chinese now . Lets leave it to that .
Buddha was the one who formed Buddhism to revolt against Hinduism (Brahmanism) caste, because he saw the unfaireness of caste system.

Read this:

Of course, there were also other, but minor, reasons for Buddhism decline in India.

I'm not sure if you are in your PDF mode, but Budhhism flourished in India when it received royal patronage and declined when it didn’t.

Buddhism was the official religion of Pala empire which lasted till 12th century. A Pala monk was responsible for Mahayana Buddhism in Tibet and Myanamar.

There were some Hindu kings who were gave more preference towards Vedic Hinduism instead of Budhhism, but that’s about it. Budhhists never have been persecuted, rather they were absorbed gradually in Hinduism by declaring Budhha an Avatar of Vishnu, slowly it has become another branch of Hinduism.
Origin of Kung Fu being India is false and incorrect.

There might have been some contribution from Indian monks though.

Buddha was the one who formed Buddhism to revolt against Hinduism (Brahmanism) caste, because he saw the unfaireness of caste system.

Read this:

Of course, there were also other, but minor, reasons for Buddhism decline in India.

What a brilliant source: reocities.com/pak_history/buddhists.html :lol:

Not surpsing it has appleaed to a fellow Hinduphobe :taz:
And don't quote dubious sources.


Nalanda Destroyed by Hindu Zealots

Even after the Islamic invasions of India, Brahmanist bigotry and hatred for
Buddhists was not subdued. According to Sharmasvamin, a Tibetan pilgrim who
visited Bihar three decaes after the invasion of Bakhtiaruddin Khilji in the
12th century, the biggest library at Nalanda was destroyed by Hindu mendicants
who took advantage of the chaos produced by the invasion.

Coming straight out of Zaid Hamid cabal.
Kung fu is a Chinesse art simply stop posting fake stories about it i mean really lolz.

Just go to China a see yourself what the Chinese monks have to say.....

I'm surprised that the Chinese thanked the above post.....are they ashamed of their own culture(like the Pakistanis)....

To those Chinese denying it......I must say that you're a disgrace to your own country and culture.......you simply can't deny Indian Philosophical influence on your culture...By denying your cultural root you're insulting your own culture....your forefathers....

Like the Pakistanis, the Chinese too are now denying their cultural root.....great going....hope one day China and Pakistan will become ONE......
Yeah i know about him.... actually im big fan of kungfu and my brother in first place...
The Pakistani Identity crisis is slowly seeping into the PDF Chinese.....

In order to show 'true' love towards their Pakistani 'brothers', they too are starting to deny their own History......

I think only the Indians and Europeans don't have Identity crisis....
Of course, there were also other, but minor, reasons for Buddhism decline in India.

Minhaj-i-siraj in his Tabaqat-i-Nasri would ofcourse disagree...

No one would like his "achievements" taken credit for by others..:lol:
Kung Fu(whose literal and exact translation is "art of fist") is a genetic term for martial art; it means martial art.

There are thousands of different martial arts in China, and they are all called Kung Fu.

Shaolin Kung Fu is the style of martial art practiced by monks at the Shaolin Tample.
Strange. Shao Lin Kungfu created by Indians? But none of the indian in the world understand the philosophy of shaolin kung fu and there is no single Indian A san practices kungfu. Strange.............

Not strange you just need to educate yourself more. The British banned the practice of any marital arts. The punishment was severe, not only being locked up for life in the Andanams Islands but tied up to cannons to be blown to bits. Sad but true. That's why India shakes its head at China when China flexes its muscles coz it is flexing against countries that have suffered considerably at colonists hands.
Doesn't matter who created it.

At the end of the day, the Chinese adapted and perfected the art of Kung Fu. Now through-out the world, Kung-Fu is known as part of Chinese culture.

Thanks the Brits for that......read history from viable sources. At the end of the day.....India enlightened you such an extent and changed your civilization forever. Thank Indians everyday you meet one.

First thing is that "Tat Moh" is not an Indian name (it just doesn't have the connotation), it is most probably Tibetan or from around that area.

Yoga and Kung Fu have no similarities apart a slight resemblance in the art of respiration found in all the forms of Kung Fu (Mostly resperational Katas) and mostly in its meditation.

Kung Fu is the use of the body parts as combat weapons, while Indian Martial art(The only one I heard of ) uses swords and other weapons, that might have been the Indian contribution based on my own constatations and a little bit of logic.

China has more than 15 000 years of existence, there are proves that the Native Americans -North and South- have Chinese origins, pointing to the fact that Chinese discovered America about 10 000 years ago.

Fables were very widespread in south Asia in ancient times, and history based on fables is no history to objective analytical minds, Fables do not pass the test!

First thing is that "Tat Moh" is not an Indian name (it just doesn't have the connotation), it is most probably Tibetan or from around that area.

Yoga and Kung Fu have no similarities apart a slight resemblance in the art of respiration found in all the forms of Kung Fu (Mostly resperational Katas) and mostly in its meditation.

Kung Fu is the use of the body parts as combat weapons, while Indian Martial art(The only one I heard of ) uses swords and other weapons, that might have been the Indian contribution based on my own constatations and a little bit of logic.

China has more than 15 000 years of existence, there are proves that the Native Americans -North and South- have Chinese origins, pointing to the fact that Chinese discovered America about 10 000 years ago.

Fables were very widespread in south Asia in ancient times, and history based on fables is no history to objective analytical minds, Fables do not pass the test!

did he told you in your last birth..... except you... every tell's bodhidharma is an Indian..... lolz..... anywayz why you didn't have one china flag atleast???
Bodhidharma the Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th/6th century CE is the founder of Shaolin Kung Fu and also he was an expert in Hypnotism through which he could control other persons to perform his order, Bodhidharma to be the third son of a Tamil Pallava king from Kanchipuram in India


Bodhidharma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also recently a Tamil movie came - inspired by the Bodhidharma's martial arts ability, and in below video they have shown how the great Shaolin Temple master could control the aggressors with his hypnotism...

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