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The Official Apology By Indians to MBI Munshi Thread


Dec 28, 2011
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I think the large number of Indians downloading the book from PDF links is recognition enough. We wouldn't want to strain them too much but thanks for the thought ....
It is time for the Indians to give a public apology...
RAW agents raced ahead of ISI to nab IM’s Pak operative Waqas in Dhaka - The Times of India

Since Indians have been calling this man a conspiracy theorist and various other names. This operation by RAW has proved all his doubters wrong.

Indians should one by one apologize to this man and admit their mistake and give him the due recignition he deserves. I recommend it is time the Indians start reading his book The India Doctrine and start spreading the message around.

@MBI Munshi

Are these agents part of the crusader 100?
RAW trained Crusader 100 in action in Bangladesh
:enjoy:i see no apology

I need confirmation from the barrister. :P

Do it Indians , Apologize to Brother @MBI Munshi, now.

Or else I will.... never mind I will do something. :azn:

I am not sure what I will do right now , but I will do something and it will not be pleasant.... and you will not like it.

In fact I am pretty sure you will detest it. :P

A clear sign that you might need some digestive medication. :lol:
If you dont want to see RAW in your country you must ask your countrymens to stay away from Anti-India activities .
BD a neighbourhood of India where their cititzens can visit our country without visa.If you get that privilege ,the it is our privilege to ensure national security by interefering in your country.Lot of terrorists elements from Pakistan and other countries including one in OP's article uses BD for Anti -India activites.
If you dont want to see RAW in your country you must ask your countrymens to stay away from Anti-India activities .
BD a neighbourhood of India where their cititzens can visit our country without visa.If you get that privilege ,the it is our privilege to ensure national security by interefering in your country.Lot of terrorists elements from Pakistan and other countries including one in OP's article uses BD for Anti -India activites.
:enjoy:apology or gtfo Indian
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