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The Myth of Motorways, Atom Bum and other Schemes Busted


Jun 28, 2009
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Busting PMLN claims about Motorway, Nuclear Bomb, Telecom, Economy, Metro, Laptops and Danish Schools Programs

If you ever happen to talk to a PMLN supporter about politics & developing Pakistan into a modern prosperous & forward-looking state; 110% chances are that he / she will start and end the argument by saying:
Look, at least we are better than the PPP and 'our' Mian Saheb has delivered many things e.g.

- Mian Saheb ne Atom Bum ka dhamaka kiya. (Bum is what they say, frankly :P)
- Mian Saheb ne Motorway banai.
- Mian Saheb Telecommunication / Information Technology revolution laaye.
- Mian Saheb ne Economy me Pakistan ko Asian Tiger banaya.

For 2 decades, this was the sole 'assets pack' of PMLN. Lately, however, the rhetoric has found three more one-liners;

- Mian Saheb ne Metro Bus banayee.
- Mian Saheb ne Laptop diye.
- Mian Saheb ne Danish Schools banaye.

Once a PMLN supporter is done with these one-liners, he / she gives you this contented look of a revolutionary - Hum se bach ke kahan jaoge Ustad? Vote Mian Saheb ka pakka?
Many a times, the average non-Nooner gets bluffed & discussion is over. PMLN has been making the nation April Fool over these 'achievements' for decades now.

Not any more.

Lets deconstruct this 'We delivered' myth - yes myth - of PMLN (largely created through a 'sympathetic' media campaign). Each point, one by one.

Atom Bum :-)P)
Pakistan's nuclear program, by the way of credit, can be divided among 4 different regimes.
Nuclear Weapons program in Pakistan was founded under Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in 1970s. The initial difficult work was done in his era. (30% credit)
The program matured under General Zia's rule in 1970s-1980s and cold tests were done as early as 1983. Also F-16 Aircraft, capable of delivering the nukes were obtained. (50% credit)
Missile delivery systems for nukes were initiated in 1989-1990 under Benazir Bhutto. Also the program took its final shape. (15% credit)
Nuclear bomb was finally tested during Nawaz Sharif's tenure in 1998, in the wake of Indian explosions remember. Dr. A. Q Khan and PMLN leader (again) Gohar Ayub Khan are on record having said that Nawaz didn't actually want to test the bomb and it took a serious push & letters on part of the revered scientist and severe public pressure to force Nawaz into going for it. (5% credit)
So basically Mian Saheb's credit in the nuclear bum dhamaka is a meagre 5%.


Motorway is not a single project but a series of projects (M-1 to M-4) that were started & commissioned in different governments. Details are as follows:

- M-2 (Lahore - Islamabad Section): It was started in late 1992 by Nawaz Sharif, however, just 7-8 months later his govt was dismissed on charges of corruption. The project was continued by Benazir govt and was almost complete by 1996 (when BB's govt was dismissed). In 1997, Nawaz Sharif commissioned the project. So basically 80% of M-2 was built during BB's tenure.
- M-1 (Islamabad - Peshawar Section): It was started during General Musharraf's tenure and also commissioned in same period. (100% Musharraf credit. No credit to Nawaz)
- M-3 (Pindi Bhattian - Faisalabad Section): The project started & commissioned during General Musharraf's tenure. (100% Musharraf credit. No credit to Nawaz)
- M-4 Motorway (Faisalabad - Multan Section): Started during current Zardari tenure. Under progress. (100% Zardari credit. No credit to Nawaz).

So basically, out of the whole Motorway system, Mian Saheb can claim only 20% credit for just one section i.e. M-2 (that also with $140 million corruption, as pointed out in Raymond Baker's famous book on dirty money). He has no contribution to other sections.

Telecommunications / Information Technology Revolution:

The first serious step towards telecom sector reforms was taken by BB Govt (and not PMLN, as claimed). This was in the form of Telecom Ordnance (1994) creating PTA, Pakistan's first independent telecom regulator. Even after that the monopoly of PTCL continued and telecom density at the end of PMLN govt in 1999 was 1.9 %.
It was not until 2000-2001 (Musharraf era) when Telecom / ICT industry actually gained a boom due to the liberalized policies of the then govt. There was no looking back after that and Pakistan has reached a staggering 71 % telecom density as of Jan 2013.
None of this is on credit of Mr Nawaz Sharif, sorry for Nooners. (0% credit)

Economic Asian Tiger:

Lets not bicker much on the nitty gritties and see this simple benchmark of GDP growth (from Pakistan Bureau of Statistics) depicting economic growth from 1951 to 2009.
As can be seen, the highest the GDP growth went during any year of PMLN's two tenures is 4.37% with the classic dip of 1.7% in 1999-2000 (Asian Tiger peak :P). This bad economic performance is second only to the current Zardari Govt's tenure (what a competition to have BTW).


Coupled to this, the investor-killer episode of freezing foregn currency accounts in 1998 (after laundering own & cronies' dollars first), is the shining milestone of PMLN economic performance.
Now coming to the current PMLN Punjab Govt's economic disaster (can't be called performance). Punjab's annual average growth rate of 2.5% between 2007 and 2011 was even less than the 3.4% of Federal Govt, according to a report by Beacon House University's Institute of Public Policy (foreword written by PMLN's supposed economy genie Sartaj Aziz).

Metro Bus:
A project concieved & implemented in a hurry (11 months period) in response to PTI's massive 30 Oct 2011 Jalsa, Metro Bus System is a classic example of throwing away taxpayer money for political gains. A heavily subsidized system - with a reported nearly Rs 1 million per day subsidy from the national exchequer - this project is nothing but another public sector white elephant like the ailing PIA, Railway or WAPDA. (One blogger even called it Matru ki Bijli ka Mann Dola Part 2 :P).
The system has many hidden facts that will only be known with time (e.g. the promise of 100 buses supposedly to be gifted by Turkish Govt, that never materialized).
Now some may say, well the PMLN have at least built something visible on the ground. My friends that is what the Sharifs wanted from the project - something visible on the ground (feasibility, need, implementation, practicability are not points of concern). The only thing that matters is 'something should be visible' (to make the public fools). Thats all.


The free laptops initiative is yet another political showpiece in response to 30 Oct PTI Jalsa to lure the youth voters (why no laptops before 30 Oct?). It is simply criminal for a govt to spend nearly Rs 5 Billion on this political gimmick when, according to reputed NGO 'Save The Children', the same govt spent 15 paisas per child on education in 2011-12. The criminal part is that since funds for laptops were not catered for in 2011-12 budget so funds were diverted from schools education head for the political gimmickery.
The sorry state of affairs drew the ire of highest judicial offices with CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry remarking "Punjab govt spending billions on laptops but girls are compelled to study in graveyards" and LHC Chief Justice Sheikh Azmat Saeed expressing his displeasure over not providing free education to kids when billions were being spent on laptops.
Couple to this the millions spent on lavish laptop distribution ceremonies where Sharif family members like Maryam Nawaz and Nawaz Sharif (with no official position) distributed govt funded laptops. Where are ethics?

Danish Schools:

Danish schools are yet another politically motivated showpiece step diverting funds meant for millions of kids to a few thousand students in the fully subsidized schools. Whats the point of throwing away so much money when 5700 govt schools have been closed due to lack of funding?
Coming to performance in education sector Punjab's state of education actually went down. As pointed out by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, literacy rate & school enrollment actually declined in Punjab since 2008.
According to Planning Commission's Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2011:

- 3.8 million Children from the age group 5-9 years are out of school in Punjab.
- 22% of children in Punjab at age 5 are not registered in any school facility.
- 3-5 age group 49% were un-enrolled. Girls were 55%.
- 6-10yrs: 11% are out of school in Punjab (Of this the dropout rate is 2% while 9% have never joined school).
- 6-16yrs: 16% (9% never enrolled and 7% dropped out). Among the Out of School Children (OOSC), (6-16yrs) 55% are girls.
- Rajanpur and Lodhran have the maximum number of Put of School Children (6-16yrs), 38% and 30% respectively.


The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2011, further provides the status of schools in Punjab:

- 30% are without useable toilets
- 20% are without useable water.
- 24% are without a boundary wall
- D.G. Khan, Rawalpindi, RahimYar Khan and Bahawalnagar have at least 300 schools in their districts without drinking water
- In 30/36 districts, at least 100 schools are without a toilet. Worst examples: D.G.Khan with 674 schools, Bahawalnagar with 592 and Rawalpindi with 506 without toilets

With this shameful state of education, can spending billions on political gimmicks for media hype be justified?
Apart from the above core 'we delivered lines', some Nooners also lay claim to few other projects. Chief among them are

- Gwadar Port: Started by Musharraf in 2002 and commissioned in 2007.
- Ghazi Bharotha Power Project: Feasibility study during BB's tenure (1996) and completed & commissioned in Musharraf tenure (2002).
- Coastal Highway: Started and completed in Musharraf tenure.

With this article I hope, we can see how PMLN's myth of 'We Delivered' (on media) is only a myth - More talk, Less substance. So Insafians, next time a Nooner comes up with the crammed one-liners, do give him / her a good run :).
The Bhola (N) league will not agree to this because they do not understand this.

I blame IK here too; he knew where the major population centers were, and he knew those people require persuasion of a different kind.

Today the educated class / the face book class can agree with IK; but his party failed at gathering the masses and getting them to vote for a change.
What an amazingly researched and thought out post.
You provided evidence for your claims and didn't resort to personal attacks.

Unfortunately Nourla league supporters are incapable or replying in kind.
They know that these facts are true, and instead of even trying to be on the same level, they will come back with personal attacks and counter accusations, just like children. Like party like followers ;)
Coupled to this, the investor-killer episode of freezing foregn currency accounts in 1998 (after laundering own & cronies' dollars first), is the shining milestone of PMLN economic performance.

This was the worst part. Still haunts Pakistan even today.
And do remember that the last PPP gov's first FM was also from PMLN (ishaq dar) and the very first press briefing he held he potrayed a really bad image of economy and there onwards there was no stopping of decline in FDI after that. These idiots don't even know that sometimes you have to be diplomatic to urge people to invest but as their last tenure (freezing of accounts) this time also they did everything to crash the economy and clear way for IMF. and we are still suffering because of that IMF arrangment and we might have to ask IMF again for another arrangement.
This was the worst part. Still haunts Pakistan even today.

over all the period of 97-99 was the worst economic period in Pakistan's history.

and this duffer haram khor wants to take us back to those days.... Allah bachay asay pagalo say...
Ptians finally surrendered and aceepted pmlns contributions:yahoo:

The whole article based on the accepted fact that PMLN supporter on the street have a more lot to say when it comes to good governance and progress by Sharifs despites continuous PTI propaganda for years that PMLN did &#8220;Nothing&#8221; in their tenures.......Now they too accepting all these things gradually by names however conditioned:yahoo:

Issay Kehtay hain.......Jado woh jo sar charh kar bolay:lol:
@AstanoshKhan @Rusty @Leader







In the first year of PML-N government the GDP growth rate increased to 3.5 percent and in the second year it further increased to 4.2 percent despite the adverse impact of nuclear sanctions.

Gwadar Port

The development work started on March 23, 1998 and its first phase was completed on May 1999. Phase I covered building of three multipurpose berths and related port infrastructure and port handling equipment. The Gwadar Port project was initiated by Nawaz Sharif.

Point to Note: Musharraf couped on October 12 1999 Therefore no credit.


A joint development and production agreement was signed in June 1999, with China Aviation Import and Export Corporation (CATIC) and Pakistan each contributing 50% of the estimated $150 million in development costs

Point to Note: Musharraf coup on October 12 1999. Therefore no credit.

Information Technology:

PML-N government had set up a modern digital and Fiber Optic based Telecommunication infrastructure, and developed country's first National IT Policy in consultation with the private sector, on 16th August 1999, in a National IT Summit. As a result, mobile phone services of Paktel, Instaphone and Mobilink were launched in that era.

Muree Chair Lift and Cable Car :

inaugurating in 1990 to provide recreation for tourists.

Jinnah International Airport (Karachi):

The present day infrastructure of Jinnah International Complex is a result of an expansion programme carried out in 1994. Today, the new Jinnah Terminal handles both domestic and international flights, whereas Terminal 2 is now dedicated to Hajj operations. Terminal 1 (the original airport) is now the HQ of Pakistan's Civil Aviation Authority, and Terminal 3 is dedicated to commercial offices.

Air Services industry :

Private airlines (Bhoja, Aero Asia) were established in Pakistan for the 1st time as a consequence of open skies policy of PML-N. , Shahid Khaqan Abbasi of PML-N was CEO of PIA in 1997-1999 and continued its profitability. After Musharraf's coup, he was forced to resign and eventually sent to jail. Today he owns AirBlue and within few years it has become a success story.

Deregulation of Banking

10 new banks (Soneri bank, Bank Al Habib, Askari etc) were launched in 1991-92 and for the first time private sector was allowed banking licenses.

Nuclear Explosion:

Thanks for mentioning. Everyone knows who Ghor Ayub is. Let alone opportunists, he was a corrupt from every angle. Who cares if NS didn't want to. The fact will always remain he DID IT.


Thanks for mentioning

Metro Bus:

Thanks for mentioning. You forgot to about it being built in just 11 months and 1122 Emergency Services allowed to use the lanes. PTI, PPP and PML-Q had been asked to provide proof for allegations on corruption and costs. Still there is no word.


Thanks for mentioning. No proof of corruption. TI says its clean.

Daanish Schools

Thanks for mentioning. Well look at the graphs i posted.

There is too much stuff. Here this will help you to find out what more happened in Punjab this tenure:

You will see

Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, Improvement of Police, LWMC, Dengue, Public Transportation Systems, Yellow Cabs, Tractor Schemes, Solar Lamps, IT Industry, Rural Villages, Parks, Sports Complex, Sewage Systems, Water Treatment Plants, Preservation of Sites, Roads/Ring Roads/Flyovers/Underpasses, etc...

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^^ and 11 million kids are out of school, basic health facilities are rare, mortality rate increased, people are more unemployed !!

like someone from NA96 said, mere gher khanay ko nahi hai, inki sarko ka mien kiya karo?
over all the period of 97-99 was the worst economic period in Pakistan's history.

and this duffer haram khor wants to take us back to those days.... Allah bachay asay pagalo say...

Asian Financial crisis have any impact on Pakistan's Economy, according to this source

Facts are evident that Pakistan was moving towards economic and financial prosperity with incredible pace and was
not much affected by financial crises but huge political, constitutional and other internal and external issues awe-
inspiringly wrecked the nation. Pakistan was among non-defaulter nations till late 1990s but joined the list during
Asian crisis
(Reinhart & Rogoff, 2004).

If you look at the economic graph, it show that Pakistan's economy only "boomed" when international AID poured in by the billions.
Hence none of those figures are actually indicative of progress for any single ruler apart from Ayub Khan and his 20 something families.
Ptians finally surrendered and aceepted pmlns contributions:yahoo:

The whole article based on the accepted fact that PMLN supporter on the street have a more lot to say when it comes to good governance and progress by Sharifs despites continuous PTI propaganda for years that PMLN did &#8220;Nothing&#8221; in their tenures.......Now they too accepting all these things gradually by names however conditioned:yahoo:

Issay Kehtay hain.......Jado woh jo sar charh kar bolay:lol:

Just another mirror of Mian Sab's popularity.. in the entire forum, there are 3 PMLN supporters.. go on the streets of any city and find yourself how much appreciation would PMLN get for what they did. In Sialkot (which is in Punjab), Shahbaz Shareef visited ONCE and that was for the condolences of killing of two Butt Brothers - No Development Projects, no initiations, no improvements what-so-ever. There people has been facing and still witness 18 - YES that is 1 and 8 together - 18 hours of load-shedding in not so energy demanded period of the year. There is no gas (even in summer), no law-and-order (its hard to find a Mohalla which hasn't been robbed), people are job-less, economic situation is worse, economic activity has dropped and this SHOBAZ wants credit of Cherries (Danish School, Laptop, Jangla Buss) and whole province is badly f*(ED. My brother himself has layed few workers off because he could not pay their wages because of reduced business. Seriously, either you need to be paid or mentally paranoid not to see the troubled part of Punjab and only celebrate some developments in one city only.

and look at this user who is clapping as if his beloved political character has made a fraction of his life better. :disagree:
I did not know that Pakistan also had laptop kaun laya "Rajiv Gandhi" type politicians
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