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The murder of history in Pakistan

Brain Surgery was already happened ..few decades will be required to make it look like natural .. In two or three decades pakistan will be completely arabised leaving no trace of original culture .. The critical resistance period is already over and there is no returning .. One only can wish them best of luck

Why does that bother you people so much?
I am genuinely asking.
I have never heard another Pakistani ever say "we are becoming arabized"
But I constantly hear that from the Indians.
Why do you care what we become?

If Pakistanis was to become "arabized" then that's their choice and right is it not?
There are little mistakes which i agree but there are many false allegations on them also.
non sense
just a pseudo [intellectual] trying to gain some popularity and money
----without muslims there would be no justification of pakistan ---- muslim means islam ---- QED
shiekh mujib and agartala conspiracy are real and facts----just as bengali muslim grievances are real
islamic concept of nationhood is on basis of faith -islam- geneology ancestry have no role in it---
This is called as brainwashing.Infact,every country do it but pakistan have crossed all limits and when it happens,it backfires to those who created it.
To hide one lie,you will speak 10 more.This is wat going on in pakistan.
I have never heard another Pakistani ever say "we are becoming arabized"

hear it from me. Pakisan was systemically induced with Wahabi Ideology so that Zia can establish a iron hand rule and secure his throne plus this benefited the American designs at time as well. Pakistanis today have a love hate relationship with their sub continental roots and end up linking themselves with Arabs

Have you studied F.A history of pakistan and sociology?
& point is?
Lib Pakistanis are just bharti apologists.

Talking about the past again and again to make some quick $$$$.

Look at the state of your country now. It's time for a revolution, but all Lib Pakis just want a pat on their back from bhartis and whites.

It's sad to see they have such a complex.
@ DaRk WaVe

Appropos your post#9, thank you for the same.

Re: Point 1- "The 1857 War of Independence was in fact a mutiny".
It is absolutely true that what happened in 1857, was purely and simply a "Military Mutiny". It started as a small spontaneous local uprising which snow-balled. But its protagonists never ever intended it to be a 'War of Independence'; assuming that they even had any understanding of such a concept. Unfortunately it has been invested with the same romantic appellation on the eastern side of the border in India also. But its simply a travesty of truth to consider it so.

Re: Point 2- "Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was the Pioneer of two nation theory".
There is merit to K.K. Aziz's assertion. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan; notwithstanding his pioneering role in setting up Institutions for the education and upliftment of the Muslim Community in India, was primarily an 'inclusivist'. He saw a vision of a larger community within which the Muslims should not be allowed to lag behind. Which was pretty much a sociological concept of space for the Muslim community, rather than a political one.Was that an expression of subscribing to the idea of Muslim nationhood?

Re: Point 3; "Pakistan was made in the name of Islam".
I heard an opinion from Mohammed Currim Chagla (a junior lawyer with M.A. Jinnah; then subsequently an acolyte of Jinnah, till they parted ways) that at least Jinnah was clear that he viewed Pakistan as a space for the Muslims of India which was not assured (in Jinnah's mind). Even that POV was an evolved one in Jinnah's thinking, not one that he came into public life and politics with. That was a distinctly different idea from the establishment of an Islamic State. While the views of Islamists such as Maulana Maududi et al to the creation of Pakistan is well known to all.
Lib Pakistanis are just bharti apologists.

Talking about the past again and again to make some quick $$$$.

Look at the state of your country now. It's time for a revolution, but all Lib Pakis just want a pat on their back from bhartis and whites.

It's sad to see they have such a complex.

I don't get why simply pointing out the way history has been distorted in Pakistan and the way public has been lied to, makes 'libs' self haters. Pakistani identity crisis is a reality and it exists
This is what we have been listening from every pakistani not only on pdf but on other platforms like FB.
This shows how pakistanis are deeply brainwashed.

Oh Hindi you lost that war very very badly. Shut & sit down, the only people who are totally brainwashed are Hindis. There are many bravery records set by Pakistan in war against India.
hear it from me. Pakisan was systemically induced with Wahabi Ideology so that Zia can establish a iron hand rule and secure his throne plus this benefited the American designs at time as well. Pakistanis today have a love hate relationship with their sub continental roots and end up linking themselves with Arabs
Reminds me of the Khuda Hafiz to Allah Hafiz article of NFP. An excerpt
This was done because these crusading men and women believed that once they had convinced numerous Pakistanis to follow the faith by adorning a long beard and hijab, the words Khuda Hafiz would not seem appropriate coming out from the mouths of such Islamic-looking folks. They believed that Khuda can mean any God, whereas the Muslims` God was Allah. Some observers suggest that since many non-Muslims residing in Pakistan too had started to use Khuda Hafiz, this incensed the crusaders who thought that non-Muslim Pakistanis were trying to adopt Islamic gestures only to pollute them. The first time Allah Hafiz was used in public was in 1985 when a famous TV host, a frequent sight on PTV during the Zia era, signed off her otherwise secular show with a firm `Allah Hafiz.` However, even though some Islamic preachers continued the trend in the 1990s, it did not trickle down to the mainstream until the early 2000s. As society continued to collapse inwards — especially the urban middle class — the term Allah Hafiz started being used as if Pakistanis had always said Allah Hafiz.
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