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The most well fed nation of the region is?


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
Bangladesh at 212 kg rice production per Bangladeshi per year.

Pakistan at 163 kg wheat+rice per Pakistani per year.

India at 156 kg wheat+rice per Indian per year.

Chinese wheat+rice production per Chinese per year is 235 kg , but their dietary habits are very different from ours as they eat anything and everything, so I didn't include them.
Bangladesh at 212 kg rice production per Bangladeshi per year.

Pakistan at 163 kg wheat+rice per Pakistani per year.

India at 156 kg wheat+rice per Indian per year.

Chinese wheat+rice production per Chinese per year is 235 kg , but their dietary habits are very different from ours as they eat anything and everything, so I didn't include them.

production is not consumption.
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production of food can be increased many folds by investing in new technology,this will help in lowering food inflation due to increase in supply and will help in more availability of food to poor people of society
production of food can be increased many folds by investing in new technology,this will help in lowering food inflation due to increase in supply and will help in more availability of food to poor people of society
Do you know that the Netherlands, a country so small that it's population is smaller then Karachi, and has has very little land mass, is one of the largest exporter of food in the world?

They connected farms and agriculture with universities who do the latest research on agriculture.

There is a direct line between the university and their farms, so the farms use the latest research to produce more food.

If Pakistan can adopt something similar, we could be a food super power.
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Pakistan need to control population explosion. Contrary to popular belief by stupid mullahs theory of more the better, average Pakistani is only getting poorer and Pakistan with it.

More population doesn't translate in to more resources, no shit sherlock. If this continues then day isn't far when even wheat will have to be imported.
Pakistan need to control population explosion. Contrary to popular belief by stupid mullahs theory of more the better, average Pakistani is only getting poorer and Pakistan with it.

More population doesn't translate in to more resources, no shit sherlock. If this continues then day isn't far when even wheat will have to be imported.
exactily complain to your parents of your existance.. these things you cant control so stop crying. Allah has plan too.
most of people who support more kids and provide justification from Islamic teaching not understand the fact that in early days of Islam Muslim population is very less as compared to other religions so more kids are need of that time to save Islam from extinction as those were early days of Islam but situation is very different nowadays and Islam is widely spread and has no risk of extinction so less no of kids is justified in country like Pakistan which is facing several administrative and economic problems but this decrease should be maintained at a specific level and not allowed to become much decrease that we face aging population and lack of younger population
Pakistan need to control population explosion. Contrary to popular belief by stupid mullahs theory of more the better, average Pakistani is only getting poorer and Pakistan with it.

More population doesn't translate in to more resources, no shit sherlock. If this continues then day isn't far when even wheat will have to be imported.
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Bangladesh at 212 kg rice production per Bangladeshi per year.

Pakistan at 163 kg wheat+rice per Pakistani per year.

India at 156 kg wheat+rice per Indian per year.

Chinese wheat+rice production per Chinese per year is 235 kg , but their dietary habits are very different from ours as they eat anything and everything, so I didn't include them.

Which world do you live in!!

For example UK, probably have no rice production. But I can buy rice from around the world from my local shops.
Similarly, it doesn't produce "Wheat" in great quantity, but have flour of every kind available freely.
UK, USA waste so much food, I mean good food that it can probably feed the whole of Bangladesh.
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exactily complain to your parents of your existance.. these things you cant control so stop crying. Allah has plan too.
Why don't you come up with a cogent argument instead of laying everything at God's door and resorting to personal abuse.
How does every other country control it?
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Pakistan produces enough food to feed every Pakistani. But we still have a large part of our society that goes hungry.
Bazars are full, but people don't have money to do buy. Welcome to modern world.

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