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The most honest cities in the world


Mar 3, 2013
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The most honest cities in the world

Would you pass the wallet test? World's most honest cities revealed after researchers dropped purse containing £30 to see if it would be returned

Test by Reader's Digest dropped wallets in 16 cities worldwide and counted how many were given back
Helsinki in Finland topped the survey, handing back 11 of 12 wallets, while only one was returned in Lisbon, Portugal

Mumbai, India was second with 9 out of 12 returning the wallet.

It is a classic conundrum and a yardstick of morality - if you found an abandoned wallet, would you give it back?
But while everyone would have their own reasons for keeping or returning a lost item, a new study has revealed which cities worldwide have the best record for acts of honesty.
A total of 16 cities - including New York, London and Mumbai - were put to the test when 12 wallets were dropped in prominent places containing family photographs, contact details and the equivalent of £30 in cash.

Of the 192 wallets, just under half were returned, but the results varied strikingly from city to city in the study, commissioned by Reader's Digest.
Finnish capital city Helsinki returned 11 of its wallets, while in Lisbon, Portugal, only one of the wallets was returned - by a couple on holiday from Holland.

Interestingly, the study, which will feature in the October issue of the magazine, showed that whether a place was rich or poor had no effect on whether people kept the money or not.
Mumbai in India scored second-best in the study by returning nine of the 12 wallets, despite the fact that the 3000 rupees they each contained would go a lot further than 43 francs in wealthy Zurich, Switzerland, where only four were returned.

Closer to home, London came joint ninth of the 16 cities tested, returning only five of 12 wallets - the same result as Warsaw in Poland and one worse than Berlin in Germany.

The people carrying out the study also found that age and gender were no predictors of honesty, as men, women, children and pensioners kept and returned wallets in equal measure.
Lasse Luomakoski, a 27-year-old student who returned a wallet in Helsinki, thought that her people were naturally disposed to be honest. He said: 'Finns are naturally honest, it’s typical for us. We are a small, quiet, closely-knit community.We have little corruption and we don’t even run red lights.'

Vaishali Mhaskar, a mother of two, returned a wallet left in the Mumbai general post office and said: 'I teach my children to be honest, just like my parents taught me.'
Occasionally people made attempts to return the wallets then gave up - a woman in Bucharest asked two passers-by whether they owned it before taking it for her own.
A emergency worker in Moscow described it as his professional duty to give it back, and handed the wallet to a security guard.

He said: 'I am an officer and I am bound by an officer's ethical code.
'My parents raised me as an honest and decent man.'
However, being in uniform did not guarantee a sense of duty - in Zurich one wallet was taken and kept by a tram driver - despite the fact that Zurich's tram system runs a city-wide lost and found service.
However, there were many instances of outright dishonesty reported. One man picked up a wallet, looked inside and immediately climbed into a flash Mazda and drove off.
A male New Yorker found the money and marched straight into a convenience store to emerge with a stash of cigarettes.
But in a heart-warming exception, reporters followed a elderly man in Amsterdam into a liquor store after he picked up the wallet - only to find he had asked the shop attendant to phone the number inside to have the wallet returned.
Catherine Haughney, editor of Reader’s Digest, said: 'It is truly inspiring to see that there are so many honest people in the world.
'And most of all, that honesty is valued among young and old, men and women, poor and rich in very different cultures.'

Read more: Helsinki is the world's most honest city while Lisbon is the least in lost wallet test | Mail Online

The most honest cities in the world:

1. Helsinki, Finland - 11 out of 12 wallets

2. Mumbai, India - 9 out of 12

=3. Budapest, Hungary - 8 out of 12

=3. New York City, USA - 8 out of 12

=5. Moscow, Russia - 7 out of 12

=5. Amsterdam, Netherlands - 7 out of 12

=7. Berlin, Germany - 6 out of 12

=7. Ljubljana, Slovenia - 6 out of 12

=9. London, UK - 5 out of 12

=9. Warsaw, Poland - 5 out of 12

=11. Bucharest, Romania - 4 out of 12

=11. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 4 out of 12

=11. Zurich, Switzerland - 4 out of 12

14. Prague, Czech Republic - 3 out of 12

15. Madrid, Spain - 2 out of 12

16. Lisbon, Portugal - 1 out of 12
Only 16 big cities are tested in this study, well done Indian, this says that EU or USA are not always at moral peak as they declared, Shocked that Germany, UK, Poland, Switzerland,Spain and Portugal were very low, even lower than Russia, while they always point at Russia and India on moral
The most honest cities in the world - World - News - The Independent
Would you hand in a lost wallet or would you keep it? According to the results of a new experiment, more people are likely to hand in a wallet in Helsinki, Finland than in any other city in the world. Eleven out of 12 wallets were returned to their owners in the Scandinavian city.

Click here or on 'view gallery' to see more images

As part of a project carried out by Reader's Digest, wallets were dropped in 16 cities around the world in an attempt to find out how many would be handed in. Each wallet contained a contact number, a family photo, business cards, coupons and the equivalent of $50 or £31.

Mumbai, India was the second most honest city in the world with nine out of 12 wallets getting handed in, while Lisbon, Portugal was the most dishonest with only one wallet being returned to its owner.

The magazine selected the cities and then asked its reporters to 'lose' the wallets in public places, such as shopping centres, car parks and on pavements. A total of 192 wallets were dropped with 12 'lost' in each city.
The most honest cities in the world:

1. Helsinki, Finland - 11 out of 12 wallets

2. Mumbai, India - 9 out of 12

=3. Budapest, Hungary - 8 out of 12

=3. New York City, USA - 8 out of 12

=5. Moscow, Russia - 7 out of 12

=5. Amsterdam, Netherlands - 7 out of 12

=7. Berlin, Germany - 6 out of 12

=7. Ljubljana, Slovenia - 6 out of 12

=9. London, UK - 5 out of 12

=9. Warsaw, Poland - 5 out of 12

=11. Bucharest, Romania - 4 out of 12

=11. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 4 out of 12

=11. Zurich, Switzerland - 4 out of 12

14. Prague, Czech Republic - 3 out of 12

15. Madrid, Spain - 2 out of 12

16. Lisbon, Portugal - 1 out of 12
This news was posted earlier
One need to see it in proper context.

Per Capita income of Mumbai is $ 2,845 i.e. a monthly income of $ 237.

Per Capita income of Helsinki is ~ $ 35,500 i.e. a monthly income of $ 3000.

The amount in the purse was ~ 50$.

If they really wanted the test to be Fair they should have left ~ 630$ in the purse in Helsinki :disagree: and then waited to see how many would have returned it.

Per capita income of New York is ~ 55,000 $ so technically they should have left ~ 4000 $ in the wallet to test the honesty of New yorkers.

....you guys can do the rest of the maths and extrapolate their relative honesty.
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